Schick Hydro ad: The Man I Am

Schick Hydro has some male positive shaver commercials for men with the slogan "The Man I Am".

See this video:



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Activists File Title IX Complaint Against Harvard Alleging Discrimination Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Ph.D. student and two former lawyers — all unaffiliated with Harvard — filed a Title IX complaint with the United States Department of Education, alleging the University had created “a hostile environment against men.”

The complaint — which, if opened for investigation, would join three ongoing probes into Harvard’s Title IX compliance — was filed with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, according to its authors. The complainants contend that, by maintaining ties with the American Psychological Association, Harvard is endorsing the APA’s new guidelines on the potential harm of “traditional masculinity,” and therefore discriminating against men.

The complaint suggests that the APA revise its guidelines or that Harvard eliminate its relationship with the APA.'

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India: Guru commits suicide after false rape allegation

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a sensational disclosure on Saturday, Indore police said spiritual guru Bhaiyyu Maharaj had committed suicide last year because he was being blackmailed by a woman disciple with a rape complaint. 

The police have arrested three people - Palak, who joined the ashram as a disciple and Maharaj’s right hand man Vinayak Dhule and his driver Sharad Deshmukh – for abetment to suicide. A local court has remanded them to 15 days in police custody.

According to police, Palak was pressurising the 50-year-old spiritual leader, who was married twice, to marry her. Maharaj had tied the knot with Dr Ayushi Sharma in June 2017 after the death of his first wife and announced soon after that he would take sanyas.'

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HuffPo editorial doubles down on anti-male, anti-white, and false narrative in Covington incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'The group of high school boys from Kentucky’s Covington Catholic High School, seen on tape wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and ridiculing some of the marchers, including U.S. veteran Nathan Phillips, should be accountable for their actions. Phillips says he approached the boys because they were already exchanging racial taunts with another group of protesters and he was was trying to calm things down. However, the subsequent debates over the exact sequence of events and the question of whether the students should be identified don’t place responsibility for the ugly scene on the people who should really assume it: the adults.
Combine that with the common belief of teen boys in their absolute right of freedom of speech and expression, their ignorance of how they appear to others, and the emboldening effect of a large group, and the whole thing was entirely foreseeable.'

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Neonatal circumcision could increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in babies – new research

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or cot death remains the leading cause of infant death in many developed countries. There are around 2,700 babies who die from cot death every year in the US – and around 300 in the UK.

Cot death occurs when a seemingly healthy infant – under 12 months of age – dies in their sleep with no cause of death established in a post-mortem investigation. Although many risk factors are known to increase the risk of cot death – such as maternal smoking and bed sharing – nobody is exactly sure why it happens.

Research, for example, indicates that cot death is more common in boys than girls – at a ratio of 3:2. Studies also show it is 39% lower among US Hispanic communities compared to non-Hispanic people. There is also a seasonal variation – most cases occurring in winter. And 50% of cases occur between seven and 17 weeks after birth – with only 10% of cot deaths occurring after 24 weeks.'

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SNL writer offers oral sex to anyone who punches Covington student in the face

Article here. Excerpt:

'We’ve already heard plenty about how the student at the center of the Covington Catholic High School video has a punchable face, but the D.C. Chronicle reports that “Saturday Night Live” writer Sarah Beattie offered oral sex to anyone who would punch that face.

guess that would be shocking, but we’re old enough to remember when Nina Burleigh offered President Bill Clinton oral sex as a reward for keeping abortion legal, and that was a while ago.'

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Toxic indeed - Covington School incident is telling

Story here. Posting comment is in story's first comment. Excerpt:

'A video that shows white high school students in Make America Great Again hats and shirts mocking a Native American elder shocked the country, leading to widespread denunciations of the teens' behavior.

It was a moment in a bigger story that is still unfolding.

new video that surfaced Sunday shows what happened before and after the encounter Friday in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

In the new video, another group taunts the students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky with disparaging and vulgar language. The group of black men, who identify as members of the Hebrew Israelites, also shout racist slurs at participants of the Indigenous Peoples Rally and other passersby.

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Ireland: ‘Positive discrimination’ fears surround women-only academic posts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Concerns were raised that 45 new academic women-only posts could be seen as “positive discrimination” in correspondence between government departments.

The Department of Education had been seeking advice about the legality of creating professorship posts that would be open just to women.

In emails, a senior official in the department explained that to bridge the gender gap, they wanted to create posts that would “be filled exclusively by females”.

“This model draws on international experience,” wrote William Beausang, “in particular from the Netherlands – where the approach has been notably successful.”

However, officials in the Department of Public Expenditure raised concerns last April, warning that such moves could run into legal trouble.

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Marriage doesn't correlate to increased male earnings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Their analysis, however, is missing an important factor that might change the conclusions derived from these previous studies. They do not address the issue of whether self-selection could be a factor affecting the relationship between marriage and quality of life. In other words, it could be that happy and healthy individuals with more earning power are more likely to marry, painting a different picture of the effects of marriage. There is evidence to suggest that people select into marriage based on personal income, parents’ income, education, and whether or not are they are depressed. As such, research on the benefits of married life would not be complete without a discussion on selection mechanisms into marriage.

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Egard Watches: What is a man? A response to Gillette

Video here.

A short film - Dedicated to all those who sacrifice everything to make the world safer and better for all of us.

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We Need To Retoxify Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Much as I advocate global warming, I am a strong proponent of toxic masculinity. It’s also known as “masculinity.”




These are the qualities the SJWs want to wring out of us. Why? Because these are the qualities they cannot overcome. They want us weak, passive and obedient. That’s how they get power. Some bloated Trigglypuff screaming about the male gaze can’t force us to do anything. Sure, a lot of them have weight on us, but if we laugh at them and simply say “No” to their demands, they’re stuck. Are they going to go get a rifle and make us? 

Nope. They have to talk us into surrendering, or really, pester us into surrendering. Which means talking us out of the uppity, aggressive, no-damns-given masculinity that is the last obstacle to their fussy, naggy domination.

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I know all about toxic masculinity; toxic feminism isn't the answer

Article here. Excerpt:

'After surviving a drunken, violent father who victimised my mother, I know first-hand about the evils of domestic violence and the dangers of toxic masculinity. And I especially don’t need women like Jane Caro and Clementine Ford, in their defence of the misandrous Gillette advertisement, manshaming boys and men.
The Australian feminist Bettina Arndt, in her recent book #MenToo, also argues that radical feminism, where men are presented as violent and sexist, is guilty of manshaming and destroying what should be a bond of mutual acceptance and respect between the sexes.

In her essay titled "The demonisation of men – our anti-male society", Arndt makes the point that in society, media and the law there is a pervasive “anti-male bias” – a bias that in areas such as divorce, cancer research and domestic violence prioritises women while denying men’s rights.'

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Mayor of Dallas: Men who don't like Gillette ad are prob OK with hitting women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, who led a campaign in recent years to end domestic violence, said he was not surprised by the reaction, even though he finds it troubling.

“This is why domestic violence continues to be a major scourge in America,” he said. “Because some men feel like they have permission to hit women. And maybe those are the people who don’t like the ad.”

Rawlings, a Gillette razor customer and former advertising executive, lauded the ad for depicting men standing up for the rights of women and children. He said his only critique is that the ad didn’t put more of an emphasis on preventing family violence.'

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Coordinated serial killer gang suspected of targeting young men

Article here. If these were women it'd have been national news long ago. The police seem utterly disinterested in solving these cases. You can be sure had the vics been college girls there'd be 24/7 effort. Excerpt:

'James fits the profile of the other suspected victims: smart, athletic, popular, college-age white men who went out drinking and never came home, they say. More recently, some alleged victims have been openly gay, like Dakota. Like him, weeks later, their bodies were discovered in lakes or rivers with smiley-face or other graffiti specifically connected to the group spray-painted nearby. So far they’ve connected about 70 deaths with similar graffiti nearby. About 30 of the men, including Dakota James, had the date-rape drug GHB in their system, according to the autopsy reports.

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Bogus stats of the violence-against-women industry

Article here. Excerpt:

'The “statistical myths” that pervade the rape-is-rampant claims, states libertarian feminist Wendy McElroy, start with “deeply biased researchers,” who proceed invariably from a “false premise or assumption,” who then use biased and small samples whose selection, in turn, is further slanted by paying participants.
Indeed, lifetime rates inflate outcomes considerably and make for good copy. One wonders, however, what existential meaning can be attached to a report that once in an entire lifetime someone a woman knew touched her knee without consent? There must be, on the other hand, some existential significance to the fact that women continue to live longer than men, that many more young men commit suicide, are more likely to be unemployed and less likely to get another job, and that men are infinitely more likely to suffer potentially life-destroying industrial accidents.

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