Yale Wellness center for women opens

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women of the Elm City can now enjoy their own wellness sanctuary that offers massage therapy, wellness classes and a sense of community.

The Well for Women celebrated its official ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday afternoon at the Blake Street Center. Owner Julie Robbins and her staff were joined by Mayor Toni Harp and other city officials to celebrate the sanctuary’s grand opening.

“The Well’s welcoming, accepting approach fits hand in glove with what New Haven stands for,” Harp said during her opening remarks. “I want to thank [The Well] for enhancing New Haven’s reputation for inclusion.”
Some of the work done ahead of the grand opening was funded through the city’s Main Street leasehold program, a community-focused renewal effort that the city is using to improve life in neighborhoods outside of downtown. Robbins was able to complete renovations of the space in two months with the help of a $9,500 matching grant from the program.

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Isabel O'shaughnessy expulsion petition

Petition here. She still attends classes on campus and still works there. This is obviously showing us that there are two sets of standards. Sign the petition to expel Isabel O'shaughnessy for sexual assault.

Ed. note: Background here.

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Girls-only Scouts BSA troops established

Article here. To be fair, starting out single-sex is probably best. Mixing boys and girls especially heading into adolescence is looking for trouble.

'Boys are now excluded from the Boy Scouts:

"The Boy Scouts of America welcomed the establishment of Troop 86 in Vulcan and Troop 219 in Helena on February 1st. But these two troops are different -- no boys, all girls. The first two of their kind in Central Alabama. With the formation of these two troops, a debate has taken hold. Some think this compromises the central mission of the Boy Scouts, whereas other believe it gives girls new opportunities that they never had before."

It won't be long before men are excluded from the pulpits of Fake Christian "churches" too. This is why our ancestors didn't allow women to join men's groups in the first place.'

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#MeToo silent as Lt. Gov. Fairfax gets second accusation from woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'A second woman has come forward accusing Democratic Lieutenant Governor of Virginia Justin Fairfax of rape. 

Meredith Watson released a letter through her lawyer on Friday calling for Fairfax's resignation claiming he sexually assaulted her in 2000 when they were both students at Duke University.  

'Mr. Fairfax's attack was premeditated and aggressive. The two were friends but never dated or had any romantic relationship,' the letter states.  

Watson's attorney does not provide specific details of the attack but states the assault was 'similar' to that of Vanessa Tyson, who on Wednesday, publicly accused Fairfax of raping her in 2004.'

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The ACLU Moves to Embrace Due Process on Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'After Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos proposed a new rule on the obligations of colleges under Title IX, focusing on the due-process rights owed to students accused of sexual misconduct, members of the public submitted more than 96,000 comments. The ACLU’s contribution is of particular interest.
So I was pleasantly surprised last week to read the more formal, official comment that the ACLU submitted to the Department of Education. As the Brooklyn College professor K. C. Johnson observed, the ACLU’s lengthier, more considered statement is strikingly different from its earlier social-media reaction. It encompasses significant criticisms of the new rule, many of which warrant attention.

But on matters of due process, it aligns more closely with the Trump approach than the Obama approach, bolstering rather than weakening vital procedural protections.'

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Jordan Peterson, dozens of academics attack Ivy League anti-male bias

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychology professor signed onto a Title IX legal complaint against Ivy League school Cornell University claiming anti-male bias.

University of Southern California Ph.D. student Kursat Christoff Pekgoz filed the complaint and more than 185 professors, scholars, and activists signed onto it. The complaint alleges instances of anti-male bias by Cornell, according to documents obtained by Campus Reform.

The 28-page-long document, which was sent to the Department of Justice and the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, includes a “List of Exclusionary Programs” at Cornell. Pekgoz claims these programs discriminate against men. The complaint is predicated mainly on the fact that there are no male-only programs at Cornell, compared to a significant number of university-sponsored female-only programs.'

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City commissioner resigns following face-licking, groping allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'City Commissioner Nancy Oakley is off the job for good.

Oakley resigned from her position after being fined by the state ethics commission for supposedly sexually harassing former city manager Shane Crawford.

Crawford claims Oakley licked his face and groped him during a public event in 2012.

The state ethics commission fined Oakley $5,000 and called on the governor to issue her a public reprimand.

City leaders, during a special meeting Wednesday evening, accepted Oakley’s resignation and approved a resolution that publicly censures her for her behavior.

"We believe that this is the right thing for the organization to do and shows that we are committed to moving the organization forward," said city manager Jonathan Evans.'

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Savior of porn appears in form of a lesbian

Article here. Feminists love to say porn is an invention of men meant to commodify women. And yet... seems these days the movers and shakers in adult entertainment are likely to be lesbians. Mannish ones, but lesbians nonetheless. Excerpt:

'But one speaker stood out. On the left side of the stage sat 37-year-old Bree Mills, a porn director, an actual outsider in the adult world, and the lone panelist to refrain from corporate-porn Newspeak. She is, in her words, a “shit disturber.”

Mills, a compact blonde with Clark Kent glasses and boy-band bangs, had come to talk about her latest polarizing project: Adult Time, a subscription service for high-budget, well-produced adult videos, series, and movies, and an archive of some 50,000 high-quality scenes. She’s calling it the “Netflix of Porn.”

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UK: Why so many young women don't call themselves feminist

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fewer than one in five young women would call themselves a feminist, polling in the UK and US suggests.

That might come as a surprise as feminism - the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of equality of the sexes - has been in the spotlight lately.
So it is perhaps unexpected that the identity "feminist" has not gained more popularity among young women in the Western world.

In the UK there has been a small increase in the number of women who identify as such.

A 2018 YouGov poll found that 34% of women in the UK said "yes" when asked whether they were a feminist, up from 27% in 2013.

It's a similar picture in Europe, with fewer than half of men and women polled in five countries agreeing they were a feminist. This ranged from 8% of respondents in Germany, to 40% in Sweden.

However, people do not appear to reject the term feminism because they are against gender equality or believe it has been achieved.

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On the issue of circumcision, I wonder If Men’s Rights Activists have a point

Article here. Excerpt:

'But the main argument of the “intactivists” – the most vocal pro-foreskin group in the US – is that Big Circumcision is peddling the lie that the procedure is in any way necessary. A historian notes that, in the 19th century, circumcisions were carried out to prevent the “disease” of masturbation. By the time of AIDS crisis, circumcision was purported to help prevent HIV. These studies, which were carried out “in Africa” – the doc doesn’t go into which specific countries; perhaps another red flag – seem not only to have manipulated the figures in favour of circumcision, but also led to the spread dangerous misinformation which suggests circumcision making condoms redundant.

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Uni hosts toxic masculinity summit on Super Bowl weekend

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mere hours before New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady got his hands on his sixth Lombardi Trophy and Adam Levine took his shirt off at the Super Bowl halftime show, attendees at University of Pennsylvania’s “Men and Masculinities” summit discussed the “performative” nature of today's mainstream masculinity.

"[T]he masculine gender in itself is very performative in certain instances, so creating dialogue and conversation as to what not to do and what’s toxic about that performance is impactful to the kind of interactions you have on campus with other people, Wyatt Perez, a student organizer for the event, said,  according to the Daily Pennsylvanian.
Lastinger often interacts “with undergrads of various genders” and said that graduate associates “often see students who have a lot of internalized toxic masculinity,” according to the Daily Pennsylvanian. The graduate associate previously hosted “A Conversation on Racism” for a freshman dorm to commemorate Thanksgiving.'

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Australia: 'Traditional masculinity' and mental health: Experts call for gendered approach to treatment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Australia's peak body for psychologists says it will consider developing new practice guidelines for psychologists working with boys and men after the American Psychological Association announced its own set of guidelines for the group last month.

The APA guidelines, which say that "traditional masculine ideology has been shown to limit males' psychological development … and negatively influence mental health", were designed to provide psychologists with an "evidence-based approach" for responding to the particular needs of boys and men.

"The guidelines support encouraging positive aspects of 'traditional masculinity', such as courage and leadership, and discarding traits such as violence and sexism, while noting that the vast majority of men are not violent," the APA wrote on Twitter.

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Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax says he had consensual sex with woman who accuses him of assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax on Monday said he had a consensual one-night stand with a woman in 2004 who now accuses him of sexual assault, saying that he is the victim of a political “smear.”

“Everything was 100 percent consensual. Not only that, the same person called me sometime later and wanted to meet with me, wanted to come visit me … wanted me to meet her mother,” Mr. Fairfax told reporters in Richmond.

Attributing sinister motivations to his accusers, Mr. Fairfax said he took Biblical advice and donned “armor of God” that “allows us to deal with the devil’s schemes and tricks.”

The sexual assault allegation swamped Mr. Fairfax as he stood poised to become governor if Gov. Ralph Northam heeds unrelenting calls to resign over a racist yearbook photo.'

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French women put on defense in post-#MeToo defamation trial

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former French lawmaker's defamation lawsuit against six women who accused him of sexual misconduct and four journalists who reported the allegations goes to trial Monday in what some fear illustrates a backlash against the #MeToo movement.

Nearly 1½ years before allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein became a reckoning event for powerful men in entertainment and media, France's Mediapart website and radio station France Inter published accounts from 14 women who alleged Denis Baupin had groped, sexted and otherwise harassed them.

Baupin, a prominent Green Party member and former Paris city official, resigned as vice president of the lower house of parliament when the reports came out in May 2016. He denied wrongdoing and the next month, sued the journalists, the six accusers who agreed to be named in the news reports and two men who were quoted corroborating some of the alleged misbehavior.

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S. Korea: Bill proposes reservation of half of parliament seats for women

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of South Korean lawmakers’ proposed bill for half of elected seats in parliament to be reserved for women has prompted backlash from younger men alleging “reverse sexism”.

Less than 20 per cent of the country’s 300 parliamentary seats are occupied by women while no woman is serving as a provincial governor or a major city mayor, according to Park Young-sun, the female lawmaker representing the group.

About 30 men in their 20s and 30s attended a debate on the bill in parliament on Wednesday, with one announcing: “We are victims of reverse sexism, after the older generation discriminated against women in the past.”

Online news websites and Facebook pages were inundated with angry posts echoing that sentiment.

“Good. We must also fill half of the military ranks with women,” one wrote on a local TV Facebook page.

Another asked: “Who would [be] responsible if unqualified candidates are elected just because they are women?”'

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