How Does a Straight White Male Democrat Run for President?

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'Still, the straight white men—including Biden and Sanders—are not being irrational by hesitating. Yes, they are risking a loss of media buzz, A-list staff and access to donor networks by allowing others get a head start. But they have good reason to tread carefully. Issues pertaining to race and gender are bound to be prominent in the campaign, and white men do not exactly have the best track record of dealing with them.
One question that will be particularly tough for any male candidate: Why shouldn’t the next president be a woman? After all, just among the five female members of Congress already in the field, Democratic voters can choose among different ideologies, geographic and demographic backgrounds, and types of experience. With so many qualified choices, shouldn’t the male candidates just get out of the way?'

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Cal State slams the brakes on Title IX proceedings after courts repeatedly rule against universities

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'California appellate courts have repeatedly affirmed the rights of accused students in campus sexual misconduct proceedings in recent years.

Three of the rulings came against the University of Southern California, including two less than a month apart.

As it becomes increasingly clear that their procedures won’t survive judicial scrutiny, California’s largest university system has slammed the brakes on Title IX proceedings and others are rushing to comply with the growing body of law, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The most recent ruling bans a common system for Title IX investigations, where a “single investigator” also serves as “prosecutor, factfinder [sic] and sentencer,” and requires cross-examination of both parties and witnesses in live hearings.'

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PTA president: Why we shut down a public elementary school’s 'father-daughter’ dance

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'It is that time of year, apparently, when “father-daughter” dances are staged, like one that took place at a Phoenix school a few days ago and was spotlighted in a cheerful Fox 10 newscast.

But not everybody likes such celebrations, it turns out. In New Hampshire, the Valley News reported on a mother named Jennifer Meade who attended a father-daughter dance at a community association that has held such an event for about two decades. She went with her boyfriend, 7-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter, but she and her son were asked to leave.

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Will 2019 be the year that colleges and universities stop openly discriminating against men, 47 years after Title IX?

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'And yet despite the significant and impressive gains women have achieved academically in higher education since Title IX, and despite the significant and growing under-representation of men as the minority gender in higher education, it’s almost as if we haven’t yet advanced in our thinking from the 1970s when Title IX was passed. That landmark civil rights legislation guarantees that all genders, but especially women as an under-represented minority at that time, were treated equally in higher education in an environment free from any gender discrimination or gender favoritism.

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'I am not a racist': Student who wrote op-ed titled 'Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?' speaks out

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'A college student who asked “Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?” in an opinion article for her college newspaper and was characterized online by some as racist wants to set the record straight, telling Yahoo Lifestyle, “I do not hate white people.”

Leda Fisher, a senior at Dickinson Collegein Carlisle, Pa., published the piece Thursday in the student-run newspaper theDickinsonian criticizing white male students for taking up space in underserved areas to validate narrow-minded opinions.
Fisher said she gets annoyed sitting in class listening to “a white boy explain his take on the Black experience in the Obama-era. Hey Brian, I’m an actual Black woman alive right now with a brain. In what world would your understanding of my life carry more weight than my understanding?”'

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Australia: "Women outshine men in uni engineering offers"

But still not ready to relinquish victim status. Link here. Excerpt:

'Young women not only have a higher offer rate (70.4%) into university engineering courses than men (64.8%), they also have a higher Tertiary Admissions Ranking (over 90) than their male counterparts (less than 40).
The higher offer rate being made by universities to young women has seen the proportion of women enrolled in university engineering courses reach its highest point ever at 17 percent. What’s also accentuated the heightened intake of women is a corresponding (17.9%) decline in male school-leavers wanting to enter engineering since the mining boom peaked in 2012.
Survey results found that female engineers reported average earnings 89 percent of their male counterparts, due largely to having roles with lower levels of responsibility.

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Why the war on masculinity is a crying shame

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'I baulk at the idea of encouraging half the population to walk around thinking that they’re intrinsically ‘bad’, which is one of the potential effects of this report. We certainly wouldn’t dream of suggesting that girls are the architects of their own mental health issues in such an uncompromising way.

So what makes it OK if boys receive this message?

That’s not to say our boys aren’t struggling. You only have to compare them statistically to their high-achieving female counterparts to see that they are. Boys trail behind girls at primary and secondary school, where their exam results are relatively poor.'

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Jordan Peterson weighs in on New Zealand gender topics, Julie-Anne Genter's 'old white men' comments

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'Controversial Canadian professor Jordan Peterson has weighed in on several hot New Zealand topics in an exclusive interview with Magic Talk's Sean Plunket.

The professor, whose comments on gender relations have polarised people around the globe, was asked by Plunket for his views on gender quotas for the Government's cabinet and company boards, which Minister for Women Julie-Anne Genter said has too many "old white men".

"I think there is absolutely no excuse for it," he said. "To pick your cabinet by genitalia is not an acceptable technical move."

There are currently no plans to introduce gender quotas in New Zealand workplaces.'

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Esquire writer says cover for her "white, male" feature was "misleading"

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'Esquire magazine dropped the cover story for its March issue on Tuesday, and many people expressed their frustration with the 17-year-old boy profiled in the article. The author of the cover story, Jennifer Percy, says the presentation for her feature story was "misleading."

"The Life of an American Boy at 17" follows Ryan Morgan and, according to the cover, "what it's like to grow up white, middle class, and male in the era of social media, school shootings, toxic masculinity, #MeToo, and a divided country." 

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The Life of an American Boy at 17

Article here. Excerpt:

'But there’s this thing that still bothers him. It has to do with an incident last year in the computer lab. It was a Friday, near the end of the period, and Ryan waited by the exit. He began absentmindedly opening and shutting the door. This girl he didn’t really know told him to stop. When he did it again, she smacked him in the face. He smacked her back. She clawed at him, and he fell into a row of computers. The bell rang, and the girl ran off. “The teacher asked me to report it right away,” he tells me, “but I had a bus to catch.”

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‘This Is My Space’: Kirsten Gillibrand’s Unabashedly Feminist Campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'The morning after the election of Donald J. Trump, Kirsten Gillibrand woke up and began crying. “Bawling,” she corrected herself.

After spending the next two months “deeply depressed,” the junior senator from New York experienced what she called the most inspiring day of her political life: the women’s march. And almost two years to the day after that, Ms. Gillibrand sat in a Manhattan wine bar, holding a glass of pinot noir, and described why she believes the country and the Democratic Party need an unabashedly feminist campaign for president — and why she thinks she’s the candidate to run it.

“You understand, this is my space,” Ms. Gillibrand said, in an interview. “I don’t know if my party will get as far as I will go on a lot of these issues. But I believe in them so strongly.”

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Professor lodges Title IX complaint against WSU

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'A University of Michigan-Flint professor has filed a formal complaint against Wayne State for sex discrimination.

Mark Perry, an economics professor at U-M Flint, submitted a Title IX complaint against WSU because the university hosted a summer workshop for Black Girls CODE — a non-profit that “introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities (and is) devoted to showing the world that black girls can code and do so much more.”

Perry says WSU was acting as a venue sponsor for Black Girls CODE from July 30, 2018 to Aug. 10, 2018. Because the Black Girls CODE program only allowed girls ages 13 to 17 to participate, it was discriminatory to boys and therefore a breach of Title IX.'

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The Men Behind GPS Just Won a Prestigious Engineering Prize. Not on the Prize List: a Woman

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'It’s an innovation that allows you to pinpoint your earthly location with just the phone in your pocket; it helps drivers navigate tricky routes, and it can even direct rescuers to stricken people in disaster zones. But Dr. Bradford Parkinson wasn’t able to use his brainchild, GPS, to stop himself getting lost in London, he quipped on Tuesday, as he and three others were named winners of the £1 million ($1.29m) Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering.
The judges did consider West for the award, the chairman of the judging panel, Christopher Snowden, told TIME. But they eventually decided against it because she didn’t make a “fundamental” contribution to GPS technology, he said. “She made immense contributions in some of the algorithmic work, but it wasn’t related to the actual fundamentals,” Snowden said. “You can’t give everybody a prize. So you have to look for those who really were the leaders and the key contributors to this. And that’s what we did in this particular case.”

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'We may have to fight our generation of men': Read Jameela Jamil's powerful speech on ending toxic masculinity

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'As the voice behind the body-positivity movement @I_Weigh, as well as the creator of a viral petition to stop celebrities from hocking toxic diet teas, actress Jameela Jamil has firmly established herself as a force in the fight for healthy body image. But at the 2019 MAKERS conference Thursday, she unveiled a new mission for 2019: dismantle the toxic masculinity that indoctrinates men.

“Women have the power to infiltrate misogyny in their own homes. It starts by never taking for granted how poisonous society can be to the male psyche, and protecting boys from the onslaught of misinformation everywhere,” she said. “It’s as if men are recruited young and brainwashed, in order to be indoctrinated and manipulated into an oppressive patriarchal institution.”

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Booker: I will be 'looking to women first' for potential running mate

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'Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), who announced this month he is running for president, said Tuesday he would prioritize finding a female running mate if he is the Democratic nominee.

Booker told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that while he does not want to box himself in, he would be “looking to women first” as his pick for vice president.

The New Jersey Democrat is running in a primary field with unprecedented diversity, with six women already running for president, as well as multiple people of color.

“You will rarely see a Democratic ticket anymore without gender diversity, race diversity,” Booker told Maddow, noting that he wished there was a female president right now, referring to Hillary Clinton.'

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