Why "Islam Is Right About Women" is Causing "Confusion & Anger" on YouTube

Video here. Great explanation of what happens when an ideological system is challenged directly by a statement that generates irreconcilable conflict in a person's mind.

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Macomb County dad acquitted of threatening judge online

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Chesterfield Township man was acquitted Thursday of charges in connection with perceived online threats against a Macomb County Circuit Court judge.

Grieving dad Jonathan Vanderhagen, 35, was acquitted following a trial before 41-B District Judge Sebastian Lucido in connection with social media posts that Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Rachel Rancilio found threatening.

Vanderhagen's lawyer said client was merely lashing out at the court system regarding a custody case involving his young son, who died two years ago in the custody of the boy's mother.

Vanderhagen had sought sole custody of his 2-year-old son, Killian.'

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Judge apparently violates orders from appeals court as Title IX due process trial begins

Article here. Excerpt:

'I didn’t see this one coming: A campus newspaper has called out a federal judge for apparently stacking the deck against a student accused of sexual assault.

The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled U.S. District Judge Denise Casper a year ago when she threw out a lawsuit against Boston College for railroading a male student. It ordered her to reconsider whether the college breached its contract with “John Doe” and deprived him basic fairness.

Senior college officials had warned adjudicators against the “no finding” option for Doe, and told them to give special treatment to a “prime alternative culprit” – the student whom Doe said confessed to groping the female student. Instead, that alternative culprit testified against Doe.

Even though Casper approved a jury trial nearly a year ago, the judge has been steadily whittling down what the jury actually gets to decide in the trial, which just started.'

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Feminists think stereotypes are only bad when other people use them

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned two adverts for ‘promoting gender stereotypes’. Ironically, while the ASA was railing against gender stereotypes, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas was reviving them when calling for an emergency female-only cabinet ‘to work for reconciliation’ – because only women, so the stereotype goes, are ‘able to reach out to those they disagree with and cooperate to find solutions’.

These two examples highlight feminists’ hypocrisy around the use of gender stereotypes. They usually criticise them when the stereotypes are associated with male success, but celebrate them when they’re deployed in pursuit of female opportunity, such as accessing the levers of state power. That is, feminists are happy to use gender stereotypes to further the interests of a few top women.'

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'Exasperated and outraged': Government to review Family Court after pressure from Hanson

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prime Minister Scott Morrison has angered domestic violence campaigners with a surprise decision to hold an inquiry into the Family Court after years of pressure from One Nation leader Pauline Hanson to overhaul the system.

The government launched the inquiry to look into concerns including the onus of proof required to gain an apprehended violence order, the cost of the court process and claims of false evidence being used against former partners.
Campaigners against family violence greeted the decision with dismay just as they arrived in Parliament House to lobby MPs to change the family law system to protect women and children.

"Yet again we have another inquiry set up with people who are not experts in domestic violence," said Queensland Women's Legal Service chief executive Angela Lynch.

"I'm exasperated and outraged. This is just kicking the issue down the road again.'

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Ignorance of the nature of boys is real and widespread

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new book, For the Love of Men: A New Vision of Mindful Masculinity, begins like this: "There is no greater threat to humankind than our current definitions of masculinity." Touted in the media by Thrive Global, Glamour, and other predictable places, it's authored by self-proclaimed feminist Liz Plank.

Note use of the word "humankind," rather than "mankind." That's the first indication you're about to read something steeped in a silly ideology rather than in fact.

The book is marketed to "women looking to guide the men in their lives and men who want to do better and just don't know how." Imagine if the sexes in that sentence were reversed: for "men looking to guide the women in their lives and for women who want to do better and just don't know how."
Perhaps Plank imagines herself a maverick, but she's making the same tired argument feminists have been making for decades: gender is a social construct. That too has been widely debunked, such as here, here, and a thousand other places.

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Male circumcision opposition supported by poor evidence, paper finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'The first systematic review of claims made by male circumcision opponents has found that counter-arguments tended to be supported by low-quality evidence and opinion.

The study led by University of Sydney Emeritus Professor Brian Morris has been published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine

In Australia, the circumcision of boys in early infancy was once common. However, over the years rates have declined to about 10 percent, says lead author, University of Sydney Emeritus Professor Brian Morris.

The researchers, from the University of Sydney's School of Medical Sciences and the University of Washington, as well as a scientist in Manchester, found modern media exacerbated misinformation: “in large part… spread by circumcision opponents, much of it via social media and the internet”, says Emeritus Professor Morris.

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Student accused of sexual misconduct sues UMaine System, claims gender bias

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male student at the University of Maine at Farmington who was accused of sexual misconduct by several women is suing the university system, saying he was also the victim of sexual assault and that the school discriminated against him because of his gender.

The lawsuit, filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Bangor, claims “gender inequities in the university’s implementation of Title IX and the creation of a hostile environment.” Title IX is a federal law preventing gender discrimination and harassment, including sexual violence, in education.

The lawsuit also says the student was denied due process when he was suspended without a hearing in response to a new allegation that surfaced after he had been cleared by the university in an earlier case.'

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Mandatory USC sex training tells students ‘consent is never a blanket statement’

Article here. Excerpt:

'As students returned to campus for the fall semester, the University of Southern California rolled out a program set on instilling the concept of “affirmative consent,” in hopes of making a “yes means yes” attitude the “standard in every sexual encounter at USC.”

Brenda Ingram, director of Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services at USC Student Health, launched the initiative called “Trojans Respect Consent,” in which all incoming freshmen, were required, beginning Monday, to undergo 90 minutes of training on her concept of “affirmative consent,” according to a school news release.
The director emphasizes that it is “critical” to “check in with your partner or partners every step of the way and continually assess whether they are able to provide rational, genuine consent.”

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Women's prison opens nursery for mothers, babies behind bars

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the first year of her life, 2-year-old Amia Kamer lived behind a chain-link fence at the Ohio Reformatory for Women, where her mother was serving 17 months on theft of drugs charge.

The all-women prison is the only one in the state with a nursery, where mothers who are pregnant at the time of incarceration and serving less than three years on minor charges can raise their newborn children to promote family bonding. The prison recently unveiled its newly built, $2 million nursery at a ceremony.'

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NYT levels new allegations vs. Brett K

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of Brett Kavanaugh's male classmates at Yale has alleged he saw friends of the Supreme Court Justice push his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken party in the 1980s.

A New York Times article details an account by classmate Max Stier who says he saw Kavanaugh, who was a freshman, at a party with his pants down.

Friends allegedly pushed his penis in to a female student's hand at the dorm party. Stier told senators and the FBI about this, but the bureau did not investigate, according to the NYT.'

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Ladies, it’s not you -- there just aren’t enough ‘economically attractive’ men to marry, study says

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are you an unmarried straight woman with disposable income, wondering what the heck went so wrong in your life to leave you untethered to a man?

Well, ladies, as with most things, it isn’t your fault. It’s men, and also The Man.

According to a new study from Cornell University, reported on by KOIN, marriage rates in the United States are at a 150-year low.
The study says that to be “economically attractive,” a male marriage partner for a woman must have a bachelor’s degree or make at least $40,000 a year.'

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UK: Fireman Sam cancelled for toxic masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'If representation matters, doesn’t it matter for little boys, too? Not according to the Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, which has determined that talking fire extinguishers will do more to recruit women to the force than the character of Fireman Sam, and isn’t particularly concerned about making the career choice attractive to little boys. At events and parades and things, fire fighters will no longer be permitted to dress as popular animated firefighter. Why can’t the firemen dress up as Fireman Sam? The answer is inclusion, of course. If firemen dress up as firemen it’s off putting to little girls who might otherwise want to be firemen.

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New DCCC Chief Wants to Cancel Male Candidates

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's newly appointed executive director wants to cancel male political candidates.

Lucinda Guinn, a former executive at pro-abortion fundraising giant EMILY's List, was named executive director of the embattled Democratic elections organization. The news comes as a blow to male Democrats, as Guinn has indicated on social media that she does not want men to run for office.

In a February tweet, Guinn appeared to agree with another user's proposal that "we shouldn't let boys run for office anymore."

The idea was initially raised by liberal think tank Third Way's senior vice president, Lanae Erickson, who asked, "Anyone else having the feeling that maybe we shouldn't let boys run for office anymore?"

"Sure do," Guinn said.

The DCCC did not return request for comment.'

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‘There’s no such thing as anonymity’: With consumer DNA tests, sperm banks reconsider long-held promises to donors

Article here. Hate to say "I told you so," but... Excerpt:

'For generations, it was a basic tenet of donating sperm: Clinics could forever protect their clients’ identities.

But, increasingly, donor anonymity is dead.

The rise of consumer genetic tests — which allow people to connect with relatives they never knew they had, including some who never intended to be found in the first place — is forcing sperm donation clinics to confront the fact that it is now virtually impossible to guarantee anonymity to their clients. Instead, sites like 23andMe and Ancestry.com are giving customers the genetic clues they need to identify biological parents on their own.

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