Australia: Sexual assault allegations being 'hijacked' by quota push, says Liberal Party VP

Article here. Excerpt:

'Federal Liberal Party vice president Karina Okotel has accused fellow party members of trying to "hijack" sexual assault allegations by female staffers to push for gender quotas within the party.

Ms Okotel, who describes the allegations as "horrendous", said the call from some within the Liberal Party to introduce quotas in the days since the former staffers came forward was "hugely disappointing" and argued that men were not inherently abusive.

Her comments, in an opinion piece for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, come ahead of a meeting of the party's federal executive on Friday, where it is expected to discuss a highly anticipated review of bullying and harassment within the party.'

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How to close the massive gender gap in Congress

Article here. Excerpt:

'The quickest way to get to gender parity is to require it.

“If you could do anything ... and be really transformative, the thing to do would be to adopt a quota policy,” says Diana O’Brien, a political science professor at Texas A&M University who focuses on the intersection of gender and politics.

Quotas are now used in some capacity by half the countries in the world — including in many of those that currently rank above the US when it comes to gender parity. In places that have imposed a quota, like Tanzania and Rwanda, anywhere from 20 to 50 percent of representatives in the country’s federal legislature are legally required to be women. It’s a mandate that works.

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How Hundreds of Campus #MeToo Punishments Could Get Tossed

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Michigan State undergrad accused of sexual assault. A Cal grad student who says he was denied due process. The Maryland baseball players accused of rape.

And as of Friday, a Baylor professor who says he was falsely accused of raping a student.

They’re all suing to clear their names—and, in some cases, get monetary damages—and turn back what had been a wave of Title IX complaints that swept U.S. college campuses during the peak of the #MeToo and “believe all women” movements.

On Friday, John Doe, a pseudonym for an assistant professor in Baylor’s Department of Economics, filed a 35-page federal lawsuit in Waco, Texas, that alleges he engaged in a consensual relationship with a female student who, in July 2018, accused him of rape, sexual exploitation, intimate-partner violence, and more.'

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In Historic Win for Due Process, ABA Defeats Controversial ‘Affirmative Consent’ Measure

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, the American Bar Association House of Delegates defeated an “affirmative consent” resolution that could have fundamentally reshaped the sexual practices of many millions of Americans. Following a contentious debate, delegates voted 256-165 to defeat the measure.

Relying on ungainly prose, revised ABA Resolution 114 stated, “RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges legislatures and courts to define consent in sexual assault cases as the consent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact, to provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances, provided that nothing herein changes the Constitutionally-guaranteed presumption of innocence, or the burden of proof, which at all times remains on the prosecution to prove every element of an offense, including without limitation lack of consent, beyond a reasonable doubt.” (1)

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Green Party leader Caroline Lucas calls for 'all-women emergency cabinet' to stop no-deal Brexit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Caroline Lucas has written to 10 female politicians opposed to no-deal inviting them to form an "emergency cabinet" that would "press the pause button" on Brexit and offer a new EU referendum.

She said the aim would be to secure a Commons vote of no-confidence in Boris Johnson followed by the formation of a government of national unity.

Labour's shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry, Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson and Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon are among the women that Ms Lucas has contacted.

Writing in The Guardian, Ms Lucas said: "We need an 'emergency cabinet' - not to fight a Brexit war but to work for reconciliation. And I believe this should be a cabinet of women.'

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Australia: Stop the feminists control of domestic violence funding

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are you constantly shuddering over the latest madness from gender warriors to control our society? Here’s your chance for you to actually do something to try to rein them in.

The feminists are up in arms at the move by the federal government to provide some counselling for couples dealing with domestic violence; a tiny $10 million out of a budget of $328 million, which is the latest raft of funding adding to the huge cash cow which supports the domestic violence industry. This includes ongoing funding for the male-bashing Stop It At The Start television campaign, which has already cost $30 million.

See this Guardian article showing all the lobby groups lining up to try to put a stop to the couple counselling? They all promote the usual feminist propaganda, claiming domestic violence invariably involves dangerous men controlling their partners and suggesting couples counselling puts women at risk.'

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UMass violated due process by punishing accused student with no hearing, appeals court rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'Public colleges in New England were put on notice this week: They are not allowed to severely punish students based solely on unvetted allegations.

The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the University of Massachusetts-Amherst for immediately suspending a student accused of assaulting his girlfriend.

James Haidak remained suspended for five months without a formal hearing, violating his constitutional right to due process, according to the three-judge panel.

The opinion by Judge William Kayatta concluded that public colleges must formally grant accused students the opportunity to be heard before punishment, absent some documented “exigency.”

But the 1st Circuit stopped far short of the due-process requirements set over the past two years by the 6th Circuit, which has jurisdiction over Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.

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Title IX update: OCR opens investigations against UC-Berkeley and Rice University

Article here. Excerpt:

'In response to my requests for federal civil rights compliance reviews, the San Francisco and Dallas Offices for Civil Rights (OCR) recently opened investigations against two more universities for offering, promoting, sponsoring, and hosting single-gender, female-only programs that potentially violate Title IX‘s prohibition of sex discrimination:

1. The University of California-Berkeley is being investigated by the San Francisco OCR for the following single-gender, girl-only programs:

The Girls in Engineering (GiE) Camps is a series of four summer camps at UC-Berkeley that have historically openly discriminated based on gender, openly excluded some students from participation in those programs based on gender, and openly denied some students from the benefits of those programs based on gender, in violation of Title IX. Eligibility for GiE Camps is restricted to “Girls entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade and living in the San Francisco Bay Area.”

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Binary Victimhood

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Many systems in the world are, for the most part, binary. Off/On. Positive/Negative. Yes/No. Day/Night. Right/Left. Alive/Dead. ...

Victimhood is also binary. Women can be victims. Men can’t.

In reality, men are victims just as much as women, if not more. But, the rules of society do not allow for this reality. If you will forgive a little exaggeration, men are not allowed to be victims or to be seen as victims. (For the sake of clarity and conciseness, I will exaggerate, but I believe my exaggerations are close to the truth—concise, but not quite precise.) Women are encouraged to be victims and to be considered as victims. Women are encouraged to complain. More than this, victimhood for women is well-nigh demanded.

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Single men are choosing cats to take the stress off finding a partner and offer emotional support

Article here. Excerpt:

'A study into the rise of moggie-owning male singletons revealed one in four thinks their pet has taken the pressure off being single, as they are good company in lieu of a partner.

Another 29 per cent like having their cat around as they are "good to talk to", and half believe their pet helps "keep them calm."

One in 10 even went as far to say their cat offered "counsel" through an emotional break-up.

Jonny Gould, CEO for pet wellbeing firm which commissioned the study, said: “The news comes as a blow for man’s best friend, with a quarter of single men going as far as to say cats are on their way to usurping dogs from their throne.

“Our feline friends can often come up against a bit of stick for being independent and aloof, so it’s great to shine a compassionate light on how the nation’s cats are taking care of us.

“Cats can offer great emotional support, so it’s only fair that we take care of them in return."'

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Boy Scout scandal could be bigger than Catholic Church crisis

Article here. And seriously, girls want to join? Excerpt:

'The Boy Scouts of America are continuing to cover-up a "pedophilia epidemic within their organization," a group of lawyers alleged Tuesday in a new lawsuit.

The Abused in Scouting lawyers said they've identified 350 previously unknown scoutmasters and volunteers who allegedly preyed on boys — and whose names were not known to law enforcement or in the BSA's internal database, which critics have called "perversion files."

"You can't look at these files and not come to the conclusion that this was a massive problem that was hidden," attorney Tim Kosnoff said at a press conference.
The revelation that the lawyers had identified a small army who they claim are previously unknown scout sex abusers was contained in the lawsuit filed Monday in Philadelphia by a Pennsylvania man identified only as "J.D." who claims he was assaulted "hundreds" of times over a span of four years in the 1970s.'

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Students file class-action lawsuits against Cal State, UC for depriving them due process under Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'When a federal appeals court ruling opened the floodgates to class-action litigation against universities in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee for depriving accused students of due process, a pioneering lawyer took advantage of it.

California state courts have also proven friendly to the victims of Title IX kangaroo courts, leading another lawyer to file class-action suits against the 10-campus University of California and 23-campus California State University systems in the past month.

And yet again, the Title IX coordinator for the UC system is pledging to ignore judicial orders until forced to comply.'

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ABA Resolves You’re Guilty of Rape

Article here. Please see first comment for contact info. Excerpt:

'It was only a few years ago when the woke at the American Law institute tried their darndest to change the model penal code to make every defendant a rapist if someone said so. Sure, it’s ironic as the cognitive-dissonance-impaired scholars railed against mass incarceration, for decriminalization of drugs and rended their hair suits over the disproportionate convictions of minorities, while simultaneously doing the opposite when it came to sex offenses.

After all, anything that negatively impacted the feelings of women trumped every other concept for which they were ready to man the barricades. A rationalization was that sexual assault had become an “epidemic.” Of course, it became an “epidemic” because the woke eliminated any definition and turned it into “rape is whatever a woman feels it is, whenever she feels it, for good reason, bad reason or no reason.”

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CPI Calls on Attorney General Barr to Cease Promotion of ‘Trauma-Informed’ and ‘Start By Believing’ Methods

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Today the Center for Prosecutor Integrity is sending a letter to Attorney General Barr regarding the Department of Justice’s support of investigative methods that openly bias the investigative process. The letter was occasioned by the recent complaint of former Virginia governor Douglas Wilder, who claimed a sexual misconduct investigation launched by Virginia Commonwealth University against him was “unsound, biased and violates due process.”

The CPI letter charges the DOJ has “aggressively” promoted such “victim-centered” investigative methods in recent years.

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Kevin Williamson: Jeffrey Goldberg Said Atlantic Will Not Hire Another ‘White Man’ as Editor

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a new book by Kevin Williamson, — who was fired from The Atlantic shortly after his hiring was announced — the conservative writer claims Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg once predicted the end of white men running the famed mag.

“Goldberg himself remarked that it would be impossible to hire a white man as editor of The Atlantic if the position were to come open,” Williamson writes in his new book, The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics.

Williamson, who returned to the National Review after the Atlantic affair, adds that Goldberg said “that he does not expect to see such a job offered to a man such as himself in his lifetime.”'

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