Morally Bankrupt Family Law Court Responsible for Father's Suicide

Mike LaSalle writes "I received the following email from Lowell Jaks of ANCPR, who has perfectly summarized the ugly unspoken truth behind this "Family Law" abomination: "I'm sure there are many on this list who know exactly how this man felt...The combination of factors: 1) destruction of your family, 2) the forced separation from your children, and 3) being forced to pay the other party for the "privilege" of not having to raise your children anymore, is devastating to anyone who has had this happen. It was too much for Derrick K. Miller. He is now dead."" Thanks also to ronn and Luek for submitting the article.

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Girl Drivers Catching Up With Boys in Car Wrecks

Steve Jones writes "Girls are having nearly as many wrecks as boys now and insurance companies are acknowledging the trend. Shirley Muldowney, female drag racer, says in the article that she thinks girls now are just as bad drivers as boys when it comes to being overly aggressive and wreckless. The article is here" Thanks also to Neil Steyskal for sending in this USA Today article on the same story.

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Wife Who Identified Husband as Terrorist Indicted

Anonymous User writes "A Houston woman was indicted recently on charges of making false statements to the FBI after she told agents that her husband was a terrorist who received an e-mail before the New York attacks that included macabre images of a skull, an airplane, and the World Trade Center. Go to this page to read the details." Steven Jones also sent in this article - thanks!

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Dateline, Katie Couric Solicit Opinion from IWF

Steven Jones writes "Tuesday, January 8th, NBC Dateline did a story on Post Partum depression and the Andrea Yates case. Katie "the castrator" Couric was the commentator. When it came time to interview a feminist for the official women's view something shocking happened. Katie did not interview Kim Gandy of NOW or anyone from NOW. Katic interviewed Nancy Pftonhauer, the president of the Independent Women's Forum. I was blown away. NBC's summary of their story is here. I e-mailed Dateline and congratulated them on their decision to interview the IWF instead of NOW. I hope they do that more often." I wonder how much this has to do with the publication of the book Bias?

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Roanoke Man Demands New Trial After Girl Recants Accusations

While looking for letters in response to Harriet Hodges' recent male bashing editiorial, I came across a story about a man who has spent two years in jail and is asking for a new trial after a 13-year-old girl has recanted her accusation that the man molested her while he was living with her and her mother. This story in the Roanoke Times gives the full details. Aleck J. Carpitcher was convicted solely on the testimony of his girlfriend's 11-year-old daughter, who later said she fabricated a story about Carpitcher's abusing her because she wanted him out of the house they all shared. ... "I did not know that he would get in so much trouble or that he would have to spend the rest of his life in prison. ... I felt like everything backfired, and now I am trying to make things right." Scott's note: Thanks also to Neil Steyskal for sending in the story as well.

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The Founder Of Masculism?

A while ago, I was doing a search on masculism over at Google out of boredom, when I found this e-mail from Terry Daly, a man who claims to be the "sole founder of masculism and leader of the masculist movement." and also says "I want to clear up the confusion which exists in America about the genesis of the men's movement terms 'masculist' and 'masculism', and about the precise nature of what constitutes (and does not constitute) the masculist manifesto."
What a big claim, huh? Have a read anyway and see what you think.

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Abortions Hard to Come By for Women Soldiers Abroad

Hawth writes "In this recent commentary found at SF Gate, Joan Ryan expresses concern for U.S. women soldiers wanting abortions. The procedure may be banned in certain countries, or performed in poor conditions, thus necessitating women soldiers to be sent home for the procedure - at their own expense. Ryan seems to have trouble with the idea that women soldiers may lack certain freedoms they enjoy as civilians."

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Afghan Men Devastated

Neil Steyskal submitted this New York Times article (free registration required) and writes "The NY Times has a feature article on the mental and physical devastation of Afghan men after decades of war." From the article: " Afghanistan is a nation with 24 million people but only three psychiatric hospitals and eight psychiatrists to serve them. It has virtually no ability to treat its enormous population of mentally ill war victims, according to the World Health Organization, which estimates the mentally ill population at two million."

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New DesertLight Journal Released

The first 2002 issue of the DesertLight Journal is out, and is sure to enjoy the same success that it had in 2001. Click here for the latest edition, which covers news including an Australian community radio program run for fathers by fathers, more domestic violence services in Canada for men, the formation of an international coalition to restore family rights, and much more.

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Using Sexual Harassment as a Weapon

Remo writes "This article is from a Japanese newspaper, and it deals with the abuse of Japan's new laws on harassment in the workplace. I wonder why they didn't look at the U.S. first, and see an example of how NOT to write these laws?"

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Murderous Mom Avoids Jail

jaxom submitted this story from the UK Independent and writes ""A young mother suffering from depression avoided jail yesterday despite killing her baby daughter in a jealous rage by tossing her from the window of a second-floor flat." Can anyone imagine a similar judgment for a father who killed a baby?"

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Michael Jordan's Wife Files For Divorce

This story from reports that famed basketball player Michael Jordan's wife has filed for divorce. Citing "irreconcilable differences," she wants the house, the children, and half of everything else (the vast majority of which were built from Jordan's basketball career, no doubt). ...Jordan cited a desire to spend more time with his family when he retired from the Bulls the first time in October 1994 and again in January 1999. Perhaps now he is being punished for returning to the game?

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Sex Offenders to be Tracked by Satellite

donaldcameron1 sent in this very disturbing article from Canada's National Post and writes "I contend that this is the another step on the path to controlling the movement and lives in general of most men." The article states that a system is being tested whereby sex offenders, when released from prison, will be forced to wear an electronic ankle bracelet which can report their physical position using the Global Positioning System. Click Read More to view Donald's letter to the editor, and consider writing in about this as well.

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Women Fined for Returning After Getting Protective Orders

DaveW writes "This story, about a judge fining women who get protective orders, but later return to their alleged abusers, may indicate the beginning of a trend to curb the misuse of protective orders." I'm definitely in favor of policies which encourage people to stop and think before filing a protective order, considering how often they get carelessly used these days.

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ERA Making a Comeback?

Neil Steyskal sent in a link to an article in the Fairfax Journal, which reports that a couple of Northern Virginia legislators are proposing to revive the Equal Rights Amendment. Many men's activists have mixed views on the ERA, but from my understanding, if it passed, the ERA would put an end to allowing women to have rights without the corresponding responsibilities. Nightmist's Update: The story has moved here

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