Enough a Dangerous Movie for Men

By now I'm sure many of you have heard of (or maybe even seen) the new movie Enough, starring Jennifer Lopez. The more I think about this movie, the more concerned I become. In case you don't know about it, the plot goes like this: Lopez plays a waitress who marries a wealthy husband (Mitch), who quickly becomes abusive to her. She flees with their daughter and is stalked and harassed by him, finds that the police won't help her, so she turns to vigilante justice. She trains to fight Mitch and throughout the movie runs the theme/slogan, "self defense is not murder," which should have a chilling effect to those of us who know how effective the battered woman's defense is in court. As reviewer Glenn Whip puts it, "Enough" is...offensive in the way it exploits the hot-button issue of domestic abuse for cheap thrills." And it's also dangerous in how it perpetuates a one-sided and antagonistic view of domestic violence and men. The question I put to you is, what can be done to effectively counter this kind of propaganda, which has now even been embraced by the multi-million dollar movie industry?

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