Banning a Father's Right to Equal Paternity Knowledge

warble writes "In today’s hostile environment [toward men], it is not surprising that governments would seek to ban home DNA testing. They are trying to claim that the father should have no right to privately check his child’s DNA. I checked and found that a home DNA test costs $250-$500. DNA testing is the only means that a father can use to determine paternity. It removes the requirement to rely only the word of a potentially unfaithful wife. Only the mother can know if she has been unfaithful and have knowledge of any doubt. For the male, there is only belief in the mother’s word in the absence of a DNA test. All males have the right to an equal knowledge of paternity, and DNA testing provides the only mechanism whereby a man can enjoy that absolute right. If ever there was a time for men to organize and protect their rights, this is it. The article can be found at the following link: Banning DNA Testing By Father. I would suggest sending emails to the Human Genetics Commission at"

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