All-Female Crew Sets Off for Historic 'Mars' Mission

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'This is only the first Sensoria mission and, while the crews will not all consist solely of women, women will always be the majority and the crews will be put together with a concerted effort for diversity and inclusion.

Going forward, "All of our missions will be female-led and female-majority. We, of course, will welcome with open arms our male colleagues, but we believe that women need to be placed at the center of our shared vision for space exploration, that women need to be given a platform for professional development, opportunities for research and training," Hastings said.'

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Canada: Professor says it’s ‘absolutely correct’ that he’ll fail students who cite Jordan Peterson

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'Ted McCoy has some advice for his students: Don’t cite Jordan Peterson if you want to pass my class.

The University of Calgary sociologist, whose specialty is the history of prisons and punishment, tweeted that it’s “absolutely correct” that students will fail his class if they cite Peterson, a popular Canadian psychologist and self-help author who is vilified by some progressives.

The Tuesday tweet responding to alleged rumors about his grading practices, since deleted, was promoted by The Post Millennial. McCoy’s Twitter profile is also now marked private, so it’s not clear whether he has elaborated on whether the Peterson tweet was serious, joking or something in between.'

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Dartmouth refused to let an accused professor defend himself publicly. He committed suicide.

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'What happens when a college cares so much about its own reputation that it silences a professor from even defending himself against horrific allegations?

For Dartmouth, it contributed to his death at 50.

David Bucci killed himself after the college refused to let him clear his name against allegations that he looked the other way when female students brought sexual harassment allegations to him as department chair.

When the college settled the students’ $70 million class action suit in August for $14.4 million, it declined to issue “the one thing Dr. Bucci had hoped for: a statement proclaiming his innocence,” The New York Times reports in a troubling feature on the human cost of unfounded allegations.'

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Title IX lawsuits have skyrocketed in recent years, analysis shows

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'For the last several years, backlash has intensified over guidance the Obama-era Education Department released in 2011 dictating how colleges and universities should adjudicate sexual assault and harassment cases.

Critics of the rules claimed they were too slanted against students accused of sexual violence, depriving them of constitutional due process rights. They also argued administrators were pressured to find accused students responsible for sexual misconduct under the threat that not acting to mitigate sexual violence would lead to the federal government pulling institutions' funding.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos revoked the Obama-era guidance in 2017, eventually replacing it with draft regulations that would carry the force of law and would provide more protections for accused students. The regulations also potentially lessen the number of cases colleges would need to investigate and force officials in campus Title IX hearings to allow cross-examination between the parties.'

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Britain's most prolific rapist spent 12 years drugging and assaulting young men -- until one woke up

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'The most prolific rapist ever caught in Britain, who spent more than a decade luring dozens of intoxicated young men to his apartment before drugging and sexually assaulting them, has been sentenced to life imprisonment after being found guilty in four separate trials.

Reynhard Sinaga was found guilty of 159 counts of sexual offenses against 48 different men, and must serve 30 years before he is considered for release. Police said the true number of his victims is likely to have been higher, having found evidence linking him to assaults on as many as 190 different people.

Details of his campaign of assault were suppressed while trials were ongoing, but can now be published.
Sinaga, 36, approached men in the early hours of the morning outside nightclubs in Manchester, striking up a conversation and offering them somewhere to sleep or promising them more alcohol.'

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Australia: Putting a blowtorch to ‘toxic masculinity’

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'With Australia’s catastrophic bushfires making headlines around the world, newspapers featured a photo of an iconic kangaroo illuminated by an apocalyptic scene of a burning house.

But worse than the hundreds of houses lost or the millions of hectares of land burnt are the fatalities. So far at least 19 people have died, with dozens missing. Amongst them were three young volunteer fire-fighters.

Geoffrey Keaton, a 32-year-old with one son, and Andrew O’Dwyer, a 36-year-old with one daughter, were killed when a tree fell in front of their truck, causing it to veer off the road and roll.

Samuel McPaul, a 28-year-old whose wife is expecting their first child in May, died when his truck was flipped by a fire tornado.

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Terry Gilliam faces backlash after labeling #MeToo a 'witch-hunt'

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'The director Terry Gilliam has invited renewed backlash after repeating his claim that he is a “black lesbian in transition”, assailing the #MeToo movement as a “witch-hunt” and asserting that some of Harvey Weinstein’s alleged victims are “adults who made choices”.

The website PinkNews offered swift condemnation, calling the 79-year-old’s comments “a feeble attempt to prove that white men are the real victims”.

The Time Bandits director and Monty Python cast member, who first described himself as a black lesbian in interviews last year, made his latest comments to the Independent while promoting his film The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, released later this month.

Gilliam said he was “tired, as a white male, of being blamed for everything that is wrong with the world”.

On the #MeToo movement, he said: “I want people to take responsibility and not just constantly point a finger at somebody else, saying, ‘You’ve ruined my life.’”'

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Ireland: Women-only professorships 'not discriminating against men', says Mitchell O'Connor

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'THE CREATION OF female-only professorships in Irish third-level institutions is “not discriminating against men”, the Minister of State for Higher Education has said.

45 female-only additional professor positions were announced by Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor in November 2018.

Research by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) showed that in 2017, 51% of lecturers were female, while only 24% of professor posts were filled by women.

20 female-only professorships are expected to be in place by September this year.'

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Ireland: 20 women-only professor positions approved to close academic gender gap

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'Minister of State for higher education Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD, announced today (3 January) the approval of 20 women-only professorship roles as part of the Senior Academic Leadership Initiative (SALI). Launched last year, its goal is to accelerate progress in achieving gender balance within academia.

The roles were approved by an international assessment panel chaired by Prof Lesley Yellowlees of the University of Edinburgh. Having received approval, 12 institutions will be tasked with filling the positions.

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) 2018 Report on Higher Education Institutional Staff Profiles by Gender showed that only 24pc of professors in Ireland were women, despite making up 51pc of lecturers at university level.'

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The Pope Slapped A Woman Who Grabbed Him. He Did Nothing Wrong.

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'Pope Francis has been the focus of outrage this week after slapping a woman who grabbed him — thereby, if my interpretation of Canon Law is correct, infallibly granting all Catholics the moral right to smack whomever we please. As a Catholic and a longtime critic of Pope Francis, I’m thrilled that he finally did something I can support. Though he issued an unfortunate apology, thus losing most of the goodwill he’d accrued in my eyes, the Slap Heard Round The World was nonetheless justified.

The media has of course given the most sensationalist framing it could to the incident. The New York Times may win the prize this time, declaring that Francis had “slapped away a clinging pilgrim.” This brings to mind images of a dusty traveler in tattered clothing getting chucked into the street as she tries to greet the Pope after a long journey on a holy pilgrimage. CNN implied that Francis had committed “violence against women,” which makes it sound like he flew into a blind rage and pummeled an innocent onlooker.'

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Ex-equalities chief condemns private schools for refusing £1m for poor white boys

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'A former equalities chief has hit out at two leading private schools for refusing a millionaire’s offer to pay for £1m in scholarships for poor white pupils.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Trevor Phillips, the former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, accused Dulwich College and Winchester College of “self-righteous guilt-tripping”.

The schools reportedly turned down the gift from philanthropist Sir Bryan Thwaites, who attended both and intended to leave the money in his will.

He wanted to help white boys from disadvantaged backgrounds because they perform worse at school than their counterparts from other ethnic groups, according to the newspaper.'

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Washington bill would further empower Title IX kangaroo courts against professors

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'One of the subjects of the 2019 novel Campusland is the weaponization of campus bureaucratic processes against faculty. One character in particular finds himself mired in discrimination and Title IX investigations provoked by woke student activists and a romantically rebuffed student.

It’s not a surprise that faculty would see the deck stacked against them in these investigations. They may conclude that the only course of action that won’t leave them drowning in legal fees – and even more publicity – is simply to leave the college and make a fresh start elsewhere.

Activists and politicians have branded such efforts as “passing the harasser,” assuming that any employee who leaves a college while under investigation must be guilty. The latest effort to remove the presumption of innocence from accused faculty is taking place in Washington state.

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British teen who accused 12 men of gang rape in Cyprus found guilty of lying

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'A Cyprus court on Monday found a British teenager guilty of the charge of public mischief for lying about being gang-raped by a group of Israeli tourists at a hotel resort.

The 19-year-old, who has not been identified for legal reasons, accused the 12 Israelis — ages 15 to 18 — of raping her on July 17 at a hotel in Ayia Napa in a case that made headlines in the UK and Israel.

The Israelis were released without charge the same month after the woman was arrested on suspicion of “making a false statement about an imaginary crime.”

“The statements you have given were false,” Famagusta District Court Judge Michalis Papathanasiou told the woman in remarks translated by an interpreter in the town of Paralimni.'

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UK: Top schools defend rejecting bursary for white boys

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'Winchester and Dulwich colleges have declined the offer - reported to be worth over £1m - by a former pupil from both, Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites.

The schools say they do not want to put ethnic restrictions on who can benefit from financial help.

Sir Bryan says he is now looking for state schools to accept his offer.

The philanthropist, who is 96 and plans to leave the funds in his will, attended Dulwich until the start of the Second World War, and then went on to Winchester.

His parents could not have afforded the fees for him and his brother without the aid of scholarships.

Sir Bryan says he wants to help white boys from disadvantaged backgrounds because they perform worse at school than their counterparts from other ethnic groups.'

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ASU wrongfully expelled student accused of sexual misconduct, court rules

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'Arizona State University relied on flawed findings to wrongfully expel a male student who was accused of sexual misconduct, the Arizona Court of Appeals has ruled.

The former student, named John Doe in lawsuits against the university, sued the Arizona Board of Regents, which oversees the universities, and several ASU staffers last year in local and federal courts.

He alleged he was denied due process when he was kicked out of the university after a female student he had sex with at a party said that she was too impaired to consent, that he had provided her with alcohol, and that he had used force during the act.

Last week, the appellate court ruled partly in Doe's favor and a federal court allowed part of Doe's lawsuit to proceed.'

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