India: Deepika Bhardwaj: The woman who fights for men's rights

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'In a climate like that, 31-year-old Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj knows she sticks out like a sore thumb, but she has some questions that are reasonable enough: "Are men not vulnerable? Do they not face discrimination? Can they not be victims?"

And she goes on to add: "Just as you don't have to be a woman to fight for women, similarly, you don't have to be a man to fight for men. I don't talk about atrocities against women because there are millions who are talking about it."

Her fight at the moment is against the misuse of Section 498A of the Indian penal code which is a tough anti-dowry law. Ms Bhardwaj is travelling across India, screening Martyrs of Marriage, her first feature-length documentary, in an attempt to persuade the authorities to re-write the law.'


The film can be watched on YouTube at

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SU is under federal investigation for alleged sex discrimination against men

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'The U.S. Department of Education is investigating Syracuse University for alleged sex discrimination against men.

The federal agency’s Office for Civil Rights opened the inquiry on March 4 after receiving a Title IX complaint during the fall semester.

Mark Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan-Flint, in an interview said he filed the complaint. Perry said he has brought more than 120 similar Title IX and Title VI complaints against colleges around the country, prompting 60 OCR investigations.

The Daily Orange obtained his SU complaint under the Freedom of Information Act.

In a two-page letter to OCR, the professor accused SU of discriminating against boys and men by running three girls- and women-only STEM programs: the It Girls Overnight Retreat, the Women in Science and Engineering Future Professionals Program and the WiSE Postdocs program.'

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UK: No male teachers at 11 Birmingham schools

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'Figures released by Birmingham City Council show 68 per cent of teachers at schools subscribing to the council’s human resources services are female – compared to 32 per cent who are male.

The vast majority of the schools covered are primary schools, according to a Freedom of Information request.

The split is roughly the same at headteacher level, where 69 per cent of heads are women compared to 31 per cent who are male.

The council stated the data from the Freedom of Information request is based solely on schools who purchase the council’s HR Services for Schools services, and it does not hold data for schools who do not purchase these services.'

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Would You Care if a White Man Cured Covid-19? Heather Mac Donald

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'Scientists at Oxford University and King’s College London are racing to develop an inexpensive ventilator that can be quickly built with off-the-shelf components. Should it matter that all the lead researchers on the project are men? If you believe university diversity bureaucrats and many academic deans, the initiative will be handicapped by the absence of women among the project heads. If there is a silver lining to the Covid-19 pandemic, it may be to expose as dangerous nonsense the practice of hiring researchers by sex and race rather than scientific accomplishments.

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Former UNC rowing coach still employed at UNC after resignation, Title IX investigation

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'The former head coach of the North Carolina rowing team, who resigned in December amid a Title IX investigation into the program, has since worked in the athletic department as a "special assistant to the athletic director," according to personnel files.

Records show that Sarah Haney, who announced her resignation on Dec. 2, transferred into her new role the same day. In the announcement, Haney's new role was not mentioned. Her salary in the new role is $120,000, the same amount she has earned since being given a raise in July of 2018.
Cunningham declined to answer questions that involved Title IX or the investigation, including what the conclusion to the investigation into the rowing program was, whether Title IX violations were found and whether Haney's resignation as head coach was a result of the investigation.'

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Prosecutor who filed false rape case against student faces new challenger

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'A University of Kansas law professor whose student was charged last year with making a false rape report has filed to run for the office of the prosecutor who eventually dropped the charge amid intense pressure.

Suzanne Valdez said she believes Douglas County District Attorney, Charles Branson has been “asleep at the wheel,” The Kansas City Star reports.

Valdez, the former president of University Senate at KU and special prosecutor in Wyandotte County, said she hopes to address “systemic and cultural” issues, placing a focus on victim needs.

She told The Star last year that law enforcement in Lawrence failed to protect women.'


Two More False Reporting Cases Dropped in Kansas College Town

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Flattened by Feminism

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'“Wouldn’t classes be better if girls always had to speak in class before boys were allowed to participate?” A professor asked me this last term in an attempt to build rapport. The question was rhetorical and my opinion was taken for granted. Surely I, a young woman, wouldn’t disagree.

What bothered me about the question wasn’t so much the fact that I disagreed with its suggestion — though I did. It was that I felt cornered by it. Disagreeing wasn’t an option; my assent was presumed. I could either pretend to agree or be forced to contradict my professor’s assumption.

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UK: MP Accused of ‘Racism’ over Inquiry Into White Working Class-Boys Falling Behind in Schools

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'Robert Halfon MP says he has been accused of “racism” after announcing a parliamentary inquiry into white working-class pupils, especially boys, falling behind in schools.

“The whole premise of the committee is to look at left behind cohorts, those who are falling way behind,” said Halfon, who chairs the influential Commons Select Committee for Education.

“One of those groups sadly is white working-class pupils from poor background, and within that group, boys do worse than girls,” he explained in comments to The Telegraph.

“I have been accused of racism, which I find really hard to fathom. Other ethnic groups are outperforming white, so I can’t see why this is racist.”'

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The pandemic recasts gender inequality

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'Amid a life-and-death health emergency and an economic crisis, the culture-war issues that dominated America’s national conversation a short time ago have receded — but not completely. Some argue, for instance, that gender inequality is a more pressing issue than ever. “Feminism isn’t canceled,” proclaimed a recent tweet from the account of UN Women, the United Nations agency for women’s empowerment. Probably not; but maybe it’s finally time for a feminism based on mutual partnership and compassion, not gender warfare and female victimhood.

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Covid-19 is a disaster for everyone… except straight white men?

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'Even a global catastrophe like Covid-19 has not discouraged identity-entrepreneurs from continuing to draw attention to their cause. Instead of coming together in a common struggle, they seek to exploit Covid-19 for their own end.
There was a time when a deathly disaster like the current pandemic would lead competing interests and parties to leave their differences to one side in order to support one another against a common enemy. That’s not how things work today. Many identity-mongers simply cannot resist the temptation of turning the pandemic into a platform for their politics.

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Police: Woman filed false report on drug-spiked drink at UNH frat

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'A Manchester woman has been arrested for filing a false report to law enforcement after she claimed she was drugged during an off-campus fraternity event at the University of New Hampshire.

Olivia LeClerc, 20, was arrested at the Durham Police Department on Thursday. She is scheduled to be arraigned on May 13, according to an arrest log.

LeClerc is accused of presenting police with a drug test which showed she had benzodiazepines (Xanax) in her system after a social at Kappa Sigma the last week of February. Later, she recanted her story, police said, admitting that she had forged the document.'

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Marvel Studios’ She-Hulk Writer Dana Schwartz Compares Men to Oscar The Grouch As She Continues Her Man-Hating Twitter Tirades

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'Marvel Studios’ She-Hulk writer continues to flood Twitter with her idiotic ideas and opinions that involve hating men.

Her latest tweet depicts men in straight relationships as Oscar the Grouch living in his iconic trashcan.

Schwartz simply wrote, “Every straight relationship.” She then retweeted a photo shared by Entertainment Weekly writer Marc Snetiker of Oscar the Grouch and Nicole Kidman.

As of writing, the tweet has been retweeted over 18,000 times and has been liked by over 164,000 people.

Now, some people may think this is a joke, but Schwartz’s past tweets regarding her hatred of men provide context that it’s more than likely not a joke, and she truly thinks men are like Oscar the Grouch with the comparison being they are garbage.

Dana Schwartz’s History Of Hating Men

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Joe Biden’s Double Standard

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'Biden’s rhetoric has also employed a de facto presumption of guilt. On a 2017 conference call with campus accusers’-rights activists, Biden offered a simple message to those who alleged that they had been sexually assaulted: “I believe you.” Proof for their claims, it seems, wasn’t necessary. The following year, during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination hearings, Biden suggested that women making high-profile allegations deserve an even greater presumption of truthfulness: “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”

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SAVE: Rep. Jackie Speier Plays on COVID Fears to Block Reform of Kangaroo Courts

A 49-member Democratic posse lead by survivor-focused Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA), jumped onto the already-crowded legislative coronavirus excuse train, sending a letter to Secretary Betsy DeVos claiming finalizing Title IX regulations would “gut protections for survivors”. [1]

Speier’s letter reinforces her efforts which began in 2017 [2], when she introduced a bill to codify Title IX protections for survivors of sexual assault.

Both attempts undermine Secretary DeVos’s responsibility to restore constitutional due process protections for all students and faculty.

Speier's recent plea states “It is inappropriate to engage in Title IX rulemaking--and indeed, any non-emergency rule making--during this unprecedented time of crisis and it demonstrates a disregard for the crisis taking place.”

SAVE posits there are at least two crises taking place. The first began with the infamous 2011 Dear Colleague letter [3], and the second began this year with the novel coronavirus. Secretary DeVos is appropriately handling both. [4]

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UK cases of domestic abuse by female family members double

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'Cases of “Cinderella” abuse involving attacks by women and girls on family members have risen twice as fast as those by men, new figures show.

The figures from the Metropolitan police, who are investigating a rise in the number of domestic abuse offences committed by female family members, show that domestic abuse offences committed by sisters have doubled from 641 in 2010 to 1,325 in 2018. The numbers have quadrupled for stepsisters and half-sisters from 33 to 142.

Female perpetrators now account for 28% of cases; up from 19% a decade ago.

The figures were uncovered by the London assembly as part of an investigation into abuse that found a 300% increase in half-sisters, grandmothers and stepsisters as offenders.

Despite the rise in the number of domestic abuse offences committed by female family members, ex-boyfriends, boyfriends and husbands are the predominant perpetrators of domestic abuse.'

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