Alice Coffin: ‘man-hater’ splits French feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The French feminist movement is split over the rise of an activist who advocates lesbianism and warns that all men are potential predators.

Alice Coffin, 42, is under police protection, having become the target of online insults and death and rape threats after her election in June as a councillor for the Europe Ecology Green Party in Paris.

She is facing anger from other feminists. Some accuse her of importing a man-hating form of feminism that has long been eschewed in France.'

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"If Ellen DeGeneres leaves her show, Hollywood shouldn't replace her with a white man"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since then, crew members, celebrities, and media personalities have publicly spoken out about DeGeneres' character and accused her of problematic behavior. Corden himself has also faced criticism following the news that he might be DeGeneres' successor, leading to backlash on Twitter from people accusing the "Late Late Show" host of trying to lower young writers' salaries or saying he acted in a similarly entitled way as DeGeneres has been accused of.

But regardless of your feelings about Corden or DeGeneres, the news that Corden could replace the longtime host points to a larger, more disturbing trend of talented women (especially queer women and women of color) consistently being sidestepped to pave the way for male comedians.'

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"Boys enjoy educational advantages despite being less engaged in school than girls"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls are more engaged in school than boys, and that is a big reason girls (and women) tend to do better educationally. But rather than thinking of engagement as an educational advantage, we might better consider it as protective to girls, who confront many other disadvantages in school and life.

This is the takeaway of a research brief I recently published in the journal Educational Researcher. Nationally, girls do better than boys on reading tests but trail boys on math tests. I analyzed nationally representative data on boys’ and girls’ fifth-grade reading and math test scores and reports of their classroom behavioral engagement throughout elementary school. I found that if there were no gender differences in behavioral engagement patterns through elementary school, fifth-grade reading test score gaps could reverse and math test score gaps could triple in size.'

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ASU male graduate can use Title IX in sexual misconduct case against him

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sex discrimination is a possible explanation for the University's approach to a sexual misconduct case from late 2014, according to an opinion from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals posted Wednesday.

David Schwake, the plaintiff in the case and ASU alumnus with a master's degree in microbiology, was accused by a classmate for inappropriately touching her without her consent. Three weeks after Schwake received notice of the initial complaint, the University ruled that Schwake was "responsible for disciplinary charges," court documents said.

Schwake later took the case to a federal court in Arizona on the claim that he was discriminated against based on sex because of the University's handling of the case against him. A judge at the lower court immediately dismissed the case, saying that Schwake did not have a plausible claim for violation of his rights under Title IX.

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Johnny Depp's anger based on 'deep misogyny', court told

Article here. Excerpt:

'A “deep misogyny” lay at the root of the anger that Johnny Depp translated into violence – fuelled by an addiction to alcohol and drugs – against his then wife, Amber Heard, the high court has heard.

The actor’s recollection of “his own disgraceful conduct” was so severely impaired though drink and drugs he may not have been aware of “the extent of his violent and terrifying behaviour”, it was claimed.'

Amber Heard admits to ‘hitting’ Johnny Depp in recording

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Offensive lineman's girlfriend arrested for DV

Article here. If it can happen to an OL, it can happen to any man. Excerpt:

'The longtime girlfriend of Baltimore Ravens’ D.J. Fluker was arrested earlier this month for an alleged incident of domestic violence, something the veteran offensive lineman claims has happened in the past.

Police were called to the couple’s home in Reisterstown, Maryland on July 13 after Fluker claimed that his girlfriend Kimberly Davis, with whom he shares a child with, punched him in the nose during an argument over social media, FOX 45 reported, citing police documents.
Davis reportedly told police that she poked Fluker in the nose after he called her a bad mother, adding that she didn’t intend to hurt him and that her fingernails could have scratched him causing him to bleed.

She was taken into custody and was charged with second-degree assault and destruction of property.

But Fluker told police that night that it wasn’t the first time he’s been a victim of domestic abuse.'

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Enough Leaning In. Let’s Tell Men to Lean Out.

Article here. Excerpt:

'For women in this cultural moment, assertiveness is perhaps the ultimate in aspirational personal qualities. At the nexus of feminism and self-help lies the promise that if we can only learn to state our needs more forcefully — to “lean in” and stop apologizing and demand a raise and power pose in the bathroom before meetings and generally act like a ladyboss (though not a regular boss of course; that would be unladylike) — everything from the pay gap to mansplaining to the glass ceiling would all but disappear. Women! Be more like men. Men, as you were.

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Sexual assault survivors are naming their assailants with #UtahRapists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many of the women now are publicly naming the people who allegedly assaulted them. The idea behind the social media movement, they say, is to make public the names of the accused so others will know who to avoid.
But some Utah attorneys feel this is a more malicious version that ignores due process rights for the accused.
Some have called for Twitter to ban the hashtag and take down lists that have been created of the accused attackers.

The accounts have no real way of vetting the individuals whose names have been published under #UtahRapists. Individuals could be posting them, too, to falsely accuse someone of assault. Additionally, someone may have committed assault or harassment, but not rape, and still be labeled a rapist.'

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Australia: Prior false complaints cannot be admitted in NSW rape trial, court rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'A jury in a NSW rape trial cannot be told about a complainant's alleged history of making false complaints and any change to the law would need to be made by Parliament, the Court of Criminal Appeal has said.

In a decision on Friday, a five-judge bench of the court said NSW laws protecting sexual assault complainants from being cross-examined about their sexual history also stopped evidence of prior false complaints being admitted in court.
His defence team sought to have admitted in court evidence of 12 prior false sexual assault complaints said to have been made by the complainant, most of which were made more than a decade earlier in 2001 and 2002 when the complainant was about 14.'

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Murder of men's rights activist linked to suspected shooter of federal judge's family, FBI confirms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Authorities have evidence linking Roy Den Hollander, the men's rights attorney suspected of shooting a federal judge's family on Sunday, to the murder of another men's rights activist in California last week, FBI Newark spokeswoman Doreen Holder confirmed.

"As the FBI continues the investigation into the attack at the home of US District Court Judge Esther Salas (District of New Jersey), we are now engaged with the San Bernardino California Sheriff's Office and have evidence linking the murder of Marc Angelucci to FBI Newark subject Roy Den Hollander," she said in an email to CNN.

Altogether, the FBI connection suggests that Den Hollander allegedly killed his perceived rival, attacked the family of a perceived judicial enemy and then killed himself.'

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Attorney who murdered judge's son suspected in Marc Angelucci murder

Article here. If true it will sure be a really sad day for the MRM. But history teaches us we are more likely to be victimized by someone we know or who is "on our team" vs. any other kind of person. Still, this is a suspicion at the moment. Nothing conclusive yet. Excerpt:

'The men’s rights lawyer suspected of gunning down the son of a federal judge may have been hunting down enemies after being diagnosed with cancer — and may be linked to the July 11 California slaying of another attorney.

Roy Den Hollander — who allegedly stormed the North Brunswick, NJ, home of federal Judge Esther Salas — was found dead from an apparent suicide early Monday in Sullivan County, about a two-hour drive from the judge’s home.

After his death, the FBI contacted New York Chief Judge Janet DiFiore to report that her name and photo were found in Hollander’s car, the New York Times reported Monday. The agents did not specify if they believed DiFiore was a possible target.

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Who killed Red Pill lawyer Marc Angelucci – and why?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Homicide detectives are investigating, the investigation is ongoing, and the motive for the shooting is recorded in official documents as being “unknown” at this time.

Except, it’s not “unknown” is it?

This bears all the marks of a hit.

The question that must be answered now is – if it was a hit, who was behind the killing?
Never, ever again may anyone attempt to assert that there is no war on men and boys in the US or around the world.

Do not ever attempt to assert that feminism has any interest, regard or ambition to pursue “equality”.

And do not for one second think that the growing, passionate movement which is fighting back against female supremacy, warped discrimination and seeking true equal rights for all, is going to let Marc Angelucci’s death disappear from headlines.

This murder, this hit, this utterly foul destruction of a valuable and cherished life speaks volumes about the walls of power.

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Marc Angelucci's murder suspected by friends of being a hit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Co-workers and friends of the men's rights attorney who was shot dead in front of his California home this weekend say his killing could be related to his court cases.

Marc Angelucci, 52, a board member of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM), was killed at his front door in Crestline on Saturday around 4pm.
'It maybe related to our cases, I am sure the cowards that murdered my friend in cold blood won’t be stupid enough to come after a pro #2A Congressional candidate,' she added.

Kennedy said she and Angelucci gave 'a devastating blow to our opposition' on Friday.

'We talked laughed hugged each other and planned to meet this week to go over next steps. We wee such a good legal team,' she said.

His friend and former Congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine tweeted claiming his death was a 'hit', noting he was about to win a 'huge case' in Mariposa County.'

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Male student sues uni after expulsion over double-standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) is suing after the school expelled him for sexual misconduct even after evidence was presented that showed he was the victim.

The student, referred to as John Doe in court documents reviewed by The Daily Wire, says in his lawsuit that he informed ERAU that he was too intoxicated to engage in sexual activity and witness statements back him up, yet the school relied on antiquated gender stereotypes about male sexuality to say his claim wasn’t credible.

The lawsuit stems from an encounter between John and a student referred to only as Jane Roe that took place on October 26, 2019 following a Halloween party at John’s home. John and Jane, according to the lawsuit, had been exchanging text messages for weeks prior to the party and had gone on several dates, though John no longer has the messages.

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Top feminist organizations are plagued by racism, 20 former staffers say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women of color have struggled to find that same sense of belonging at NOW. In the 54 years since the organization was founded, few women of color have risen to its highest ranks. The organization’s leadership has always been dominated by white women, said Katherine Turk, a professor of history and gender at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who writes about NOW in her forthcoming book, “A Dangerous Sisterhood.” Ten of NOW’s 11 presidents have been white women. Twelve of its current 17 board members are white.

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