AOC claims Trump is so popular among Republicans because he reaffirms 'insecure men's idea of masculinity'

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'Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reasoned that Donald Trump is so popular among Republicans because he reaffirms 'insecure' men and white people and their ideas on gender and race.
'Donald Trump is what you actually get when you want a politician to embody all of your hopes and dreams and caricature of yourselves. Donald Trump affirms insecure men’s idea of masculinity. They affirm insecure people’s idea of wealth,' she said on the 'I've Had It' podcast with hosts Jennifer Welch and Angie "Pumps" Sullivan, 'insecure white folks’ idea of race.''

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Woman, 32, who stabbed her boyfriend 100 times to death in weed-induced frenzy is sentenced to just 100 hours community service

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'A California woman who stabbed her boyfriend 100 times and killed him, before turning the knife on herself and her dog, has been handed just 100 hours of community service.

Bryn Spejcher, 32, was given the astonishingly low sentence following psychiatrists' ruling that the tragedy was '100 percent' caused by cannabis-induced psychosis, which she suffered after taking two hits of the victim's bong.

The judge ruled that Spejcher 'experienced a psychotic break from reality' and 'had no control over her actions' when she killed Chad O'Melia, then 26, on Memorial Day weekend 2018.

She will spend the 100 hours educating others on marijuana-induced psychosis - but has promised to spend the rest of her life debunking the myth that cannabis is harmless.

O'Melia's family cried when the sentence was read out at Ventura Superior Court, with the victim's father warning it gave 'everyone who smokes marijuana in this state a license to kill’.

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‘Sorry, chaps, but feminism hasn’t gone nearly far enough’

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'Every couple of years since the dawn of time – or at the very least, feminism – a study will be released which shows that some people think the movement has gone too far. Those people will mostly be male, but the researchers carrying out the poll will be sure to find a healthy dollop of females who have also had enough of feminism, to prove that the men they surveyed weren’t all reactionary old dinosaurs/sex-starved incels, just decent, hard-working blokes who have had enough of all this Votes for Women rubbish.

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Half of Spanish men feel discriminated against amid feminism backlash

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'Almost half of all Spanish men say feminism has gone too far and they are now discriminated against, according to findings which revealed nearly a third of women agree with them.

Spain has pivoted towards feminist-friendly policies in recent years under Pedro Sánchez, its Left-wing prime minister.

Some 44 per cent of men agreed that society had “come so far in promoting women’s equality that men are now being discriminated against”, according to the survey by Spain’s National Centre for Sociological Research.

Almost one-third of women also agreed with the statement.

The male respondents most likely to feel discriminated against were young. In the 16-24 age group, 52 per cent felt that the drive for women’s equality had gone too far.

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What you need to know about the rise of antifeminists in the U.S.

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'According to the report, one-fifth of Americans believe that feminism is negative for society.

“The concept of feminism has a branding problem in the US in particular, and the term feminism just doesn’t speak to people in the way that it should and it’s become loaded and polarizing, said Margot Peppers, Foresight Factory’s consumer trends editor.
A study published in July focused on the incel community, the group of sexually or romantically frustrated men who blame women and society for their inability to form these relationships. As Reckon reported in November, one of the key elements of incel identity is antifeminism. Though this overlap exists, Peppers says it’s important to note that the two are not synonymous.

“That’s a much more extreme group. But, you know, it is a subculture that seems to give young men a sense of identity and belonging in a world where they’re not really finding that elsewhere,” Peppers told Reckon.'

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University of Texas PhD student accused of brick assault hoax after racking up $40K from GoFundMe

Article here. "BelieveAllWomen" indeed! Excerpt:

'A Ph.D. student in Texas was criminally charged after authorities accused her of lying about being assaulted and then raking in as much as $40,000 from a GoFundMe intended to help her recover.

Roda Osman, a student in the African and African Diaspora Studies Department at the University of Texas at Austin, was recently charged with felony-level theft by deception. In September, a friend of Osman's started a GoFundMe called "Help Roda Recover" after Osman was allegedly hit in the face with a brick.

On Saturday, Osman told Fox News Digital she's innocent and that she is "heartbroken" over the allegations.

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White men no longer want to fight for a nation that scorns them

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'Let me begin by making this point as clearly as possible. There is absolutely nothing worse for the combat effectiveness of a military, than attempting to use recruiting as a social engineering program.

It was reported in this newspaper recently how the US Army has seen a dramatic fall in the number of white recruits, as the website found that the army fell 10,000 short of its 65,000 enlistment target.

Underpinning this drop was a dramatic decrease in white recruits from 44,042 in 2018, to just 25,070 in 2023, leading to the proportion of white recruits falling from 56.4 per cent of all recruits in 2018, to just 44 per cent. According to the US Census from 2022, around 59 per cent of all US citizens were from white backgrounds. The US military is 17 per cent women, so the recruiting crisis is primarily one among white men.

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Facebook lawsuit alleging women defamed Chicago man on private page brings flood of complaints from other men

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'What began as one Chicago man's attempt to get justice after multiple women allegedly defamed him on a private Facebook group called "Are We Dating The Same Guy? — Chicago" has garnered national attention.

Nikko D'Ambrosio is suing Facebook and 27 women for $75 million after they allegedly posted his photos, name and other identifying information on the Chicago version of a nationwide collection of private Facebook groups called "Are we dating the same guy?" along with complaints about his behavior.

"It didn't start off as a national issue, but it morphed into one because of how many people are out there who are victims," D'Ambrosio's attorney, Daniel Nikolic, told Fox News Digital.

"And these guys aren't running out there telling family and friends, ‘Look, I’m being defamed on this website.' Who would want to do that? So, they stay in silence and go about their day. … So, we filed this lawsuit, and now people are coming out of the woodwork."'

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Women and children, feminists and misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Have you ever gotten in trouble or received a nasty look when holding an elevator door for an ultra-feminist woman, or pausing when the elevator door opens for all the women inside to get off or for those waiting outside first to get on? If you live outside America’s two Crazy Coasts, know with a certainty that this is not the era of “Ozzie and Harriet” and “Father Knows Best.” Donna Reed? Howzabout crazy left Joyce Reid of MSNBC? Father Knows Best? More like: “Father Is an Idiot and Is Barred by a Restraining Order from Seeing the Kids.”

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The fraud and death of feminism will be complete in 2024

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'Seeing this grotesque blight on humanity return less than 80 years since the exposure of the Holocaust, can be overwhelming enough. But in addition to such inhumanity parading itself on campuses like Harvard, Columbia, NYU, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania, another significant event in American social and political history took place in front of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce — the fraud and death of feminism and the indictment of its foundational ideology – Identity Politics.
What played out in front of the nation was the reality that the feminist argument that women would be better at everything simply because of their sex and life experience, was a fraud. Women, due to experiencing bias and discrimination, had a natural compassion and commitment to "making things better," we were told by our mentors. We, as women, would naturally be better leaders, better managers, better organizers, and reverse the damage men had done in every institution.

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Group preps to sue MIT, alleges it rejects male applicants for less-qualified female ones

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'A group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology alumni are working to prepare a lawsuit against the prestigious school that accuses its leaders of unlawfully rejecting male applicants for less-qualified female ones to advance gender parity.

The alumni have formed a nonprofit called FairAdmissions@MIT and currently seek male plaintiffs rejected by MIT despite “top SAT/ACT scores, great grades, strong recommendations, and substantial extra-curricular activities,” the group’s website states.

“This is about a return to meritocracy,” said a member of the group who asked to remain anonymous for fear of possible retaliation against him for organizing the litigation.'

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Feminist prof admits 'the goal' is to 'dismantle' the U.S.

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'An instructor whose specialties include “Indigenous feminist and queer studies” and “Diné/Navajo studies” has sparked controversy by calling to “decolonize this place,” in reference to the United States.

During a panel on Dec. 3, Melanie Yazzie, who teaches a course on “Indigenous Tribal Government and Politics at the University of Minnesota, said the “goal” is “to dismantle the settler project that is the United States.”

The discussion was hosted by Red Nation, a group Yazzie co-founded that is “dedicated to the liberation of Native peoples from capitalism and colonialism.” The event was held in Minneapolis and titled “From Minnesota to Palestine,” featuring a combination of Palestinian and Native American speakers.

According to the event page, in-person attendees were encouraged to wear masks.

Yazzie also said that she believed the U.S. is the “greatest predator empire that has ever existed.”'

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Young men are accomplishing less than ever before. Experts point to 'male malaise.'

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'From work to education to relationships, young males across the U.S. are growing increasingly disconnected from society, leading some experts to express concern for the state of American manhood.

Fewer men under 21 were meeting five key achievement milestones in 2021 than they were in 1980, according to data from Pew Research. These include being employed full-time, being financially independent, living on their own, getting married and having a child.

Only 39% of 21-year-old men were working full-time in 2021 compared to 64% in 1980. Only 25% were financially independent from their parents compared to the earlier 42%.

The gap narrows by age 25, but is still “statistically significant,” Pew writes. By 25, 66% found full-time employment compared to 73% in 1980. Those who were financially independent at 25 made up 60% of the group, compared to 63% in the past.

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'Fatherlessness' is one of the 'true root causes' of crime in America: Jason Riley

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'A new academic study is suggesting the presence of two parents in a household may play a crucial role in ensuring safer communities.

Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley, who recently wrote about this topic, argued on "Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy" that the biggest root of crime is fatherlessness.

Riley referenced the book "The Two-Parent Privilege" by economist Melissa Kearney in emphasizing the significant impact of family structure on social inequality and the lack of discussion on this issue within academia and in this country.'

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MN Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan says St. Paul's new all-female City Council should be "the norm."

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'During Tuesday’s inauguration ceremony held at the Ordway Theater, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan told the freshmen members and incumbents, “while this is historic, it should also simply be the way it is. The norm.”

Flanagan also said this group of young, diverse, women leaders is part of the reality her daughter and other young women are growing up in.

“It is my daughter’s reality that a group of really smart and talented, dedicated women can get elected to lead their community,” Flanagan said. “I am honored and grateful that I get to go home tonight and I get to tell Siobhan that in St. Paul, the city council is led by all women and I hope she thinks ‘well why wouldn’t it be?’”'

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