Air Force accused of pushing woman through elite commando training after she quit, spurring investigation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Air Force Special Operations Command boss Lt. Gen. Jim Slife is calling for an inspector general investigation after claims surfaced that his organization is unfairly pushing an unqualified female airman through special tactics officer training.

If she completes the program, she would become the first woman to make it into the elite special tactics field — a major win for the Air Force.

On Wednesday, however, an anonymous member of the AFSOC community raised questions in an letter about whether the airman is receiving preferential treatment to stay in the pipeline, despite allegedly quitting multiple times.'

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Intact 2022 Conference – Call for Papers

Call for Papers Submission Form

Deadline April 15. Presentations are limited to 20 minutes with a 5 minute Q&A.

Who: This symposium is sponsored by the Law Office of David J. Llewellyn and Intact America.

What: INTACT 2022: The 16th International Symposium on Genital Autonomy, Circumcision, and Children’s Rights

Where: The Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center, 800 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.

When: Saturday and Sunday, August 27-28, 2022. Registration is Friday, 7–9 pm and Saturday, 7–9 am, and Sunday 7–9 am.

How Much: The conference fee is $300 and includes a continental breakfast and a bountiful buffet luncheon each day, and day-time parking. Lodging and travel are not included.

How to Register: Registration will open in the Spring.

If your organization would like to have a time slot to talk about what you have done or plan to do, please contact

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Mayor of St. Louis seeks to scrap police chief search because only "white males" were available for choosing

Article here. Excerpt:

'St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones confirmed Tuesday she wants to scrap the current search for the city’s new police chief after facing difficulties created by a former city leader.

Rick Frank, who stepped down as the city’s independent personnel department in December, determined police chief finalists would be chosen solely by his department. This broke from how current Police Chief John Hayden was chosen under Mayor Lyda Krewson and Frank, who hired an outside consultant to find and pick the finalists.

“I only had two white male candidates to choose from and St. Louis is more diverse than white males, our police department is more diverse—there were a lot of diverse candidates within the police department who were kicked out of the first round so I want to start over to find the right candidate,” Jones said.'

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"Real Men Missing"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Conservative leadership today lacks strong men of courage who will, using solid first principles, face down the radical left. In other words, conservatism today has been emasculated. There is no better word for it. 

In a recent interview with Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson described the present Republican leadership:

They’re weak. There’s something in them that’s weak, and they’ve decided… ‘The other side is ascended. The left is winning. I’m not gonna push any buttons that might infuriate them.’ They’re just not lionhearted.

Carlson further lamented that these men will not stand firmly on even the most basic ideas, such as an uncompromising defense of free speech, per the First Amendment. Tellingly, he adds, “The only ones who will do it are women.”

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Katie Glass says women should stop moaning about mansplaining

Article here. Excerpt:

It is a word I can’t stand. Like manspreading (men taking up extra room by sitting with their legs wide) or man-slamming (men’s alleged habit of barging past women on the street), it seems little more than a sexist, mean-spirited way to attack men.

To me, what is often dismissed as mansplaining is simply helpful advice, rejected by women who are oversensitive about potentially being patronised.

Far too many of us these days, I fear, shoot ourselves in the foot by refusing all male help, so keen are we to be seen as empowered equals.

If such a gendered and dismissive word were used to undermine women’s help, we’d be furious. Actually, there is such a word — to nag — and if a man dared use it about me, I’d be apoplectic.

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Adam Zivo: Ruling that Steven Galloway can sue over false rape allegations a win for due process

Article here. Excerpt:

'A B.C. judge’s ruling that novelist Steven Galloway can sue his accuser over repeated and unsubstantiated claims that he is a rapist is a dose of common sense, signalling that due process still matters and that those who make false sexual assault allegations are not above accountability.

Previously a feted author, Galloway became infamous in the Canadian literary world after a former student of his publicly accused him of sexual assault. A subsequent investigation determined in 2016 that this accusation was unfounded and that the student and Galloway had a consensual relationship, though Galloway was fired from his University of British Columbia position for an “irreparable breach of trust.”

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Gurugram woman, who filed 7 rape cases against 7 men, now held for ‘extortion’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 20-year-old student who filed seven rape cases against seven men at seven police stations in Gurugram has been arrested for allegedly filing a fake sexual assault complaint in a suspected extortion bid.

The woman, an English Honours student at Delhi University, has been booked for alleged extortion, insulting the modesty of a woman, threats for false evidence, criminal intimidation, and criminal conspiracy.

She filed the seven complaints over 14 months beginning September 2020. Three of these cases have already been closed. In two of these, she has been issued notices to appear before court under Section 182 (false information, with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful power to the injury of another person) of the IPC.

Her arrest came after the mother of one of the men she got booked filed a police complaint against her.

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Exposing the great feminist reset

Article here. Excerpt:

'Their sticky fingers were all over the final report from the House of Representatives Inquiry into the National Plan for Violence Against Women, which recommended all sorts of gender ‘equality’ initiatives, like:

Courses in schools to improve financial literacy – but only for girls.

Initiatives to upskill and reskill people in STEM – but only for women.

Programs to increase digital literacy – excluding men and boys.

Their view of what’s needed to address gender inequality requires, according to Our Watch, ‘The redistribution of power, resources and responsibilities between men and women.’

Pretty radical stuff, eh? Not according to the leaders of most of our major institutions who seem unable to resist the ongoing feminist push.'

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Spain says it is first in Europe to officially count all femicides

Article here. Excerpt:

'Official statistics on gender-based violence in Spain will be broadened to include killings of women and children by men regardless of whether there was a prior relationship between victim and killer, in what is being described as a first in Europe.

“What is not named does not exist,” said Spain’s equality minister, Irene Montero. “We have to recognise all of the victims and make visible all forms of violence – all machista [sexist] killings – so that we can put in place policies for prevention, early detection and eradication.”

Since 2003 Spain has logged killings as gender violence if there is evidence that the killer and the victim had been or were in a relationship. From Saturday 1 January the definition of gender violence will be broadened to include the murder of any woman or children in which gender is deemed to have played a role.'

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Calls for femicide to become separate crime in Greece mount as two more women killed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Changes to the penal code more recently have ensured that the severest penalties will be meted out to those found guilty of murdering women, with perpetrators no longer able to cite extenuating circumstances in the hope of receiving a lighter sentence if the act is deemed a “crime of passion”. The justice ministry is also poised to overhaul domestic violence legislation drafted more than a decade ago.

The country’s gender equality minister, Maria Syrengela, described the measures as unprecedented. “There’ll be no ability for men to claim they acted in the heat of the moment, that it was a crime of passion,” she told the Guardian.

“And when the domestic violence law is redrafted in line with the Istanbul convention, we will of course advise that femicide is included,” she said. “It’s about time.”'

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Why Feminism Failed

Article here. Excerpt:

'For every conservative woman who rejects feminism, there’s a female pundit who says “but only what it has become.” There are many, it seems, who want to hold on to the idea, or perhaps even just the appearance, of political equity between the sexes, even as they reject what it has brought about.

Far be it from me to expect women in politics, whatever their affiliation, to openly reject the worldview that birthed their careers. But for the sake of intellectual consistency, it should be said that this position is as untenable as its preferred outcome is unlikely. Not only will American feminism never return to its First Wave iteration, but if it were to do so, we would only end up here again. “Here” meaning “birthing persons” protesting abortion laws in uterus hats and men getting snipped as “an act of love.” The logic of feminism has always been totalizing, even if its more radical threads were once hidden to convince the less observant public to back its initial political battles.'

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Australia brings in mandatory gender quota on construction sites

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Victorian Premier has announced mandatory gender quotas on major construction sites for new government projects worth $20 million or more earlier this month, set to come into effect from January 1.
It means that women must represent at least three per cent of jobs in each trade role on a project, four per cent of apprentices and trainees, seven per cent for each non-trade position, and 35 per cent of management, supervisor and specialist labour roles under the Building Equality Policy.'

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The Istanbul Convention, A Feminist Trojan Horse

It is easy even for most politicians just to read what the title says and believe that all must be okay. After all, "Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence" must be good for society, right? Well, it would be if the content of the convention echoed the title and kept to the title.

Article here. Excerpt:

In its signing of the Istanbul Convention, the UK government committed itself to take “necessary measures to promote changes in the social and cultural patterns of behaviour of women and men to eradicate traditions and all other practises which are based on stereotyped roles for women and men.”

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Analysis by William Collins here. Excerpt:

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Parker City woman charged with making false rape accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Parker City woman faces a felony charge after allegedly making a false accusation of rape.

Hanna R. Gilkison, 24, was charged last week in Randolph Superior Court with obstruction of justice, a Level 6 felony carrying up to 30 months in prison.

Randolph County sheriff's deputies reported that Gilkison on Dec. 17 told them a male acquaintance, armed with a knife, had confronted her outside her home, abducted her and drove her to a camper, where he sexually assaulted her.'

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#GGForAll attracts controversy for advancing girls-only CS:GO events

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Global Women’s Circuit for CSGO will have a $500,000 prize pool, consisting of both online and offline events throughout the year. Its first major event will be held online between the months of March and May, followed by two LAN events in Dallas, Texas, and Valencia, Spain. This will be followed by another two-month online league, before concluding with a League Finals in Sweden in November.

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