CBS' 48 Hours Misandric Program on Domestic Violence

SJones writes "CBS ran a program recently about men who abuse women on 48 Hours. They titled it "Living With The Enemy" and it made me sick. Two stories were done in which the women who were allegedly abused were clearly lying about many important details and the men they accused were ultimately destroyed. CBS presented the women as 'victims' even before the trials, clearly showing their sexist view that a man and only a man can abuse and is guilty as soon as he is accused. The weblink to the program is here. The program originally aired early last year, but apparently the misandric pigs at CBS felt it was so good that they needed to spew it one more time. On CBS's webpage there is a transcript from a chat session that took place immediately following the original showing of the program. It is incredibly offensive and misandric, but it needs to be seen. This is the level of ignorance and anti-male hatred we are up against."

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