A Man Is Battered Every 14 Seconds

This commentary in the Washington Times seems to be the author's mea culpa for ignoring male victims of domestic violence in a previous column. He had reported that a woman is battered every 15 seconds, but completely failed to mention the male statistic, which was in the very same study. This rousing omission was not lost on my readers. Shortly after the commentary ran, letters streamed — poured — into our office documenting acts of domestic violence committed against men. The accounts were tied together by a common theme: the reluctance of men to come forward, for fear of being emasculated. The author also admits he purposefully neglected to mention male victims as a result of his adherence to "longstanding cultural myths." It's good to see this kind of admission of neglect in print. Williams is a nationally syndicated columnist.

Source: Washington Times [newspaper]

Title: Notes on husband abuse

Author: Armstrong Williams

Date: March 22, 2002

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