Please Respond to Feminist 95% DV Myth in Contra Coasta Times
Marc A. writes "This Contra Costa Times editorial on dating violence spews the feminist myth that, “In male-female relationships, 95 percent of the victims are the girls.” No current credible data supports that. I wrote the opinion editors and the letters editor about this, showing the data and asking them to provide their sources. If you have a moment, please do so also.
The letters editor is at
The opinion editors are at,,,"
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Nearly 8.8 percent of girls and 8.9 percent of boys report that they were hit, slapped or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend. About 11.9 percent of girls and 6.1 percent of teenage boys were physically forced to have sexual intercourse against their will with dating partners. Sources: National Youth Risk Behavior Survey: and Straus, M. (2004). "Prevalence of violence against dating partners by male and female university students worldwide." Violence Against Women, 10 (7), 790-811.
Most recently, in a Florida high school study, more boys than girls reported being physically hurt by dating partners, while about 9% of boys and 12% of girls said they were physically forced to have sex. That study was publicized by the Tampa Tribune at ("Sex Survey 'Eye-Opening' For Local Parents", 12/11/05).
California State University Professor Martin Fiebert’s bibliography has a number of sources on teen dating violence showing girls are as violent as boys.
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