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Please Respond to Feminist 95% DV Myth in Contra Coasta Times
posted by Matt on 10:51 AM May 19th, 2006
Domestic Violence Marc A. writes "This Contra Costa Times editorial on dating violence spews the feminist myth that, “In male-female relationships, 95 percent of the victims are the girls.” No current credible data supports that. I wrote the opinion editors and the letters editor about this, showing the data and asking them to provide their sources. If you have a moment, please do so also.

The letters editor is at letters-at-cctimes.com. The opinion editors are at tdrummond-at-cctimes.com, mfry-at-cctimes.com, jglennon-at-cctimes.com, dhatfield-at-cctimes.com"

Click "Read more..." for more.


Nearly 8.8 percent of girls and 8.9 percent of boys report that they were hit, slapped or physically hurt on purpose by a boyfriend or girlfriend. About 11.9 percent of girls and 6.1 percent of teenage boys were physically forced to have sexual intercourse against their will with dating partners. Sources: National Youth Risk Behavior Survey: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/SS/SS5302.pdf and Straus, M. (2004). "Prevalence of violence against dating partners by male and female university students worldwide." Violence Against Women, 10 (7), 790-811.

Most recently, in a Florida high school study, more boys than girls reported being physically hurt by dating partners, while about 9% of boys and 12% of girls said they were physically forced to have sex. That study was publicized by the Tampa Tribune at ("Sex Survey 'Eye-Opening' For Local Parents", 12/11/05).

California State University Professor Martin Fiebert’s bibliography has a number of sources on teen dating violence showing girls are as violent as boys.

Parker on Duke Case, Rush to Judgment of White Males | "Jack The Ripper" was more likely "Jill the Ripper"  >

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by Marc A. on 12:05 PM May 19th, 2006 EST (#1)
"Girls are more likely than boys to initiate physical aggression toward their dating partner (Capaildi and Owen 2001; Straus 2004)."

Center for Disease Control www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/DatingViolence.htm

They never quit, do they? (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 01:08 PM May 19th, 2006 EST (#2)
Dating violence? What's next, "Passing In The Hallway Violence"? "Thought Violence"?

Intimate partner violence is a problem that will only be addressed when people stop looking to blame men, and start looking to treat the underlying dysfunction in violent people and when we stop giving young people, women in particular, gold stars for antisocial behavior. Until then, it will continue quite unabated. I'm dismayed that feminists are still attacking any type of male-female interaction in this way in their continuing and futile attempts to forbid and criminalize the heterosexual interaction of human beings. The fact that lies and misleading propaganda are being tossed carelessly about is most revealing: this is obviously about a condemndation of heterosexual behavior and the continuing feminist assault on masculinity, not about preventing violence.

How about we try addressing the problem of violence as a human phenomenon, and leave the paranoid misandry out of it? You know, actually addressing the root of the problem instead of propagating it as a tool to use against masculinity, femininity and heterosexuality?

Just a thought.
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