Petition to Repeal IMBRA

Anonymous User writes "The petition to end IMBRA can be found on this website. So far they have over three thousand signatures. If you click on the "View Signatures" button at the bottom of the webpage you may view the comments of the signers. There are quite a few people who are angry at this new law, and they're not all men. The good news is that according to Wikipedia, 'On Feb 4, 2006, The District Court of Northern Georgia placed a restraining order preventing the enforcement of IMBRA. A trial will be held to determine its Constitutionality'. In the meantime, please sign the petition to repeal IMBRA. No man should have to go through the lengths that IMBRA specifies in order to communicate with a foreign female. By allowing this law to go unchallenged we are agreeing that every American man who intiates a romantic interest in a foreign woman is a criminal. Is this how you want men to be known?"

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