This law has more to it than what's been mentioned.
It requires all your personal information (including past marriages and divorces, all the states you've lived in in the past, criminal record, sex crime record, etc) to be provided to women who you've only seen a picture and description of before you can be given her contact information to write to and get to know her. This means any scammer can put a phony name and picture on one of these international relationship services and obtain all the personal information you'd never give to anyone before thoroughly trusting them. Tell me this doesn't set us up as targets for blackmail.
It also requires the women to pay the same amount of money to join the club and receive names and addresses that the men pay. How many women in poor countries does this disqualify from entering themselves on the list of available women?
More and more men are choosing foreign women over our abusive American variety and American women are now trying to make themselves the only game in town.