Scotland Creates Special DV Courts

Roy writes "Apparently the nation where men proudly wear kilts is fast becoming the most feminazi-fied place on earth. In this article linked from AngryHarry's site, the Scots have decided it's better to coerce a man accused of domestic violence into a confession of guilt as quickly as possible. Excerpts:

'As a result, many vulnerable women are spared the trauma of giving evidence against their husbands or boyfriends.'

'Domestic abuse is unlike any other crime, it’s not like house-breaking or robbery or drug dealing,'... 'You are dealing with a specific complex set of circumstances in which the offender and victim are intimately connected. It is appropriate that the court system recognises that difference with specialist courts... a specialist court on domestic violence allows for the creation of a constructive atmosphere.'

In the U.S. thousands of counties are using VAWA money to establish similar "DV fast-track" gulags."

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