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Scotland Creates Special DV Courts
posted by Matt on 07:33 PM April 20th, 2006
Inequality Roy writes "Apparently the nation where men proudly wear kilts is fast becoming the most feminazi-fied place on earth. In this article linked from AngryHarry's site, the Scots have decided it's better to coerce a man accused of domestic violence into a confession of guilt as quickly as possible. Excerpts:
'As a result, many vulnerable women are spared the trauma of giving evidence against their husbands or boyfriends.'

'Domestic abuse is unlike any other crime, it’s not like house-breaking or robbery or drug dealing,'... 'You are dealing with a specific complex set of circumstances in which the offender and victim are intimately connected. It is appropriate that the court system recognises that difference with specialist courts... a specialist court on domestic violence allows for the creation of a constructive atmosphere.'

In the U.S. thousands of counties are using VAWA money to establish similar "DV fast-track" gulags."

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Kangaroo Courts! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:41 AM April 22nd, 2006 EST (#1)
Something else to embarrass Australia! How blatant the Scotts are! How desperate they are to try and keep their populace down! It does seem that the thread of control is breaking down at the bottom level, and desperate measures are necessary. I just wish that the violence that "is" being displayed was directed at the appropriate causes. Then the powers that be couldn't use Men and Women against each other, they would have to "step up" and drop their cloaks. I guess I can dream! "It is a good day to die!"
Sign Of The Times (Score:2)
by Luek on 12:11 PM April 23rd, 2006 EST (#2)
This is just another example of the decay of Western culture. When a government is perfectly comfortable with virtually enslaving 50% of its citzens so the other 50% can glean some benefit from the tyranny then that government is corrupt and diseased and should be destroyed like a rabid animal.
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