N.O.W. "Discovers" that Females Can and Do Sexually Harass Males
Roy writes "Citing a new research study by the American Association of University Women, N.O.W. admits that female students sexually harass males:
"Male and female students are nearly equally likely to be sexually harassed on campus... Female students are more likely to be the target of sexual jokes, comments, gestures, or looks. Male students are more likely to be called gay or a homophobic name."
The definition of sexual harassment is so broad and subjective as to make most inter-gender communication suspect -- "Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome behavior which interferes with your life...
Such as, a person made sexual comments, jokes, gestures, or looks..."
Full AAUW report here (.pdf file)."
Ed. note: This is somewhat 'old news' in that the AAUW report has been out since 2005. However that N.O.W. is "announcing" it at this time is a recent event. Read the N.O.W. release carefully; it downplays heavily the harassment men suffer and up-plays heavily the harrassment of women. Of course the very definition of harrassment, as pointed out by Roy, is not too close to the average legal or dictionary defintions. By their defintion, sexual harassment is pretty much anything you don't like that someone says or does in your presence. I suppose I could say then that just about everyone I ever met has sexually harassed me in some form or another-- that's it, gonna call a lawyer right now and sue everyone!
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