Wash Post Points to Boys/Men for Girls' Rise in Substance Abuse
Seems the girls themselves can't be blamed for it. Read it here. Excerpt:
"It's really sad the girls are winning," said Warren Seigel, chairman of pediatrics at Brooklyn's Coney Island Hospital. "This isn't the game they should be winning at."
There is no single reason why girls are smoking, drinking and taking pills more than ever. Academics, therapists, teachers and teenagers themselves report that today's young women live in an increasingly stressful environment; many are worried about their appearance, eager to date older boys or recovering from physical or sexual abuse. Unlike young men, who often use illegal substances for an adrenalin rush, teenage girls use alcohol or drugs as an escape."
Only toward the end is parental behavior mentioned as a contributing factor. No one would want to imply "maternal permissiveness" though in any way, given that such isn't P.C., despite the facts that single-parent households are now 28% of all households with children, that 84% of these households are headed by women (ie, are single-mother households), and that the number of single-parent households continues to grow. [You may want to browse more stats and facts on this topic here].
There's so many ways this article ignores relevant facts and tries to shift/conjure blame, it's hard to just get through a single sentence of it without wanting to eat glass!
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