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by RandomMan on 02:17 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#1)
Unlike young men, who often use illegal substances for an adrenalin rush, teenage girls use alcohol or drugs as an escape.
Says who? I thought feminists all believed there were no gender differences. Gotta love the use of "often" in place of any kind of study, statistics or valid measurements of the causes of substance abuse. Just insert agenda and type: boys are irresponsible and just want to get high, they don't have any legitimate problems in life, but grrrlz (naturally) have some excuse or another... More of the same old crap.
How about the 4-fold difference in suicide rates? Fatherless homes with no male role model or discipline? The failing academic achievements of young men in the feminist, misandric education system? The misandric culture they're surrounded by and bombarded by at every turn, which has seen young men's attendance at movie theaters drop precipitously while girls keep going? Could these possibly be things that boys want to escape from?
Oh, that's right, girls have much more reason to want to "escape" surrounded as they are by an all-out assault on boys to benefit them. They're having bad hair days, or their eyeliner isn't quite right. Boofuckinghoo. Better access to education, governments and the media pandering to them at every moment of their lives, an infinite range of choices paid for by men, longer life expectancy, assured victory in family law issues, the list of "perks" they're forced to deal with is just endless. Poor dears.
Single parent homes (caused mostly by women, resulting in the absence of paternal figures) are the single largest factor in the increase in substance abuse and criminal behavior among young people. You'd think the Post's writers would bother to check Google, or maybe a library.
Want to see a feminist utopia? Move to a ghetto full of single mothers, regardless of race, and look around. There's the future they're creating for us.
by Clancy
on 03:58 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#2)
None of this makes sense. What the hell does the writer of this piece think the adrenaline rush is? A dose of reality? Excuse me, the rush IS the escape. If MANN had a MRA Swat team, I'd propose that we surround the building that houses the offices of the Post. I get to weild the bullhorn - "YOU...INSIDE...PUT THE BONG DOWN AND STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD!"
by Davidadelong on 08:50 AM February 12th, 2006 EST (#13)
Must be some really good stuff they smoke! Although, I have heard that a real dope smoker will fight if you make them give up their bong!
by al_nbd on 06:27 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#3)
In the past two years, in fact, more young women than men started using marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes, according to government findings being released today.
This data is really surprising. The statistics in the article give an incontrovertible evidence that feminism harms women even more than men.
by Roy on 05:11 PM February 10th, 2006 EST (#7)
What struck me about this article was what was NOT proposed as a cause of young women's increasing use of addictive substances...
Namely, that young women are MAKING CHOICES of their own individual free will.
Oh, sorry. My bad.
Under the logic of feminism, no woman can be held to be fully responsible for her choices. There's always some coercive, patriarchal evil force at work to provide an endless menu of alibis for bad female behavior.
The main accomplishment of forty years of feminism has been the absolute infantilizing of women.
By arguing that women cannot truly escape victimhood, feminism pronounces women incapable of living fully adult lives.
Just read anything by Kim Gandy, NOW's always hysterical Prezident, for a prime example of the permanent arrested development that feminism visits upon its subscribers.
by Davidadelong on 10:50 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#12)
I have to agree with your outlook on the current theme for Women, at least those that follow the drums. But, let us not forget the trend of making People accept the role of victim. For when one accepts the role of victim, it is easier to victimize them further. Interesting psychological implications that our social scientists have cooked up for the betterment of "society" isn't it?
by mcc99 on 11:58 PM February 9th, 2006 EST (#4)
Kudos for their reporting of it without the usual kind of misandry dished up by the Post. Here it is.
by mcc99 on 12:54 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#5)
Something about this one really eats at my craw. Anyway, I just had to give the Post an earful. Here it is.
by Davidadelong on 10:05 AM February 10th, 2006 EST (#6)
Since the advent of "feminism" Women have been pushed to perform as Men used to be during their formative years. The pressures of the system have been focused on the Girls to perform and help the system progress. It seems that the Girls are finding out that the Men did not have such a good deal after all. What this actually translates into Folks is that we all are being pushed beyond the limits of the average Human Beings ability to deal with pressure, and stress. The enemy is the system, government, the elite, not each other. I know there are a lot of Men out there that want to blame everything on the Women, that doesn't make sense. The only way we will ever be able to live with dignity and some actual peace in our lives is to be smart enough to "see" the real enemy. The only way we will be able to actually have EQUAL RIGHTS is to convince Men and Women that we need to work together to initiate change. A hate monger is nothing more than a dupe for the divisionary tactics of the controlling factors of society. I admit, there are womyn out there that really don't like Men, but see comment above, by encouraging hate against the genders we are truly divided. "It is a good day to die!" Just a thought Folks, just a thought........
by Roy on 03:23 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#8)
"The enemy is the system, government, the elite, not each other."
Well, that leaves a lot of territory to be defined, d-d-d-long.
" .... controlling factors of society..."
Are we talking about cell phones now?
" ... by encouraging hate against the genders we are truly divided..."
And I've heard that "love is all you need."
Sadly, the man who wrote that got shot dead.
"the elite?"
Isn't that everyone with a DSL connection?
Conspiracy theories have to be much more complex than what you have presented yet.
Please provide more elaborate description. ;-)
by Davidadelong on 04:23 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#9)
Very funny Roy! I am a Humanist, I believe in People governing themselves, from the bottom up. Obviously according to history the only People that have truly benefited from the controlling factors in charge are the elite. Come on now, you are an intelligent person, I believe you know what I am referring to. As to what I am, I am a Human Being, and a Man. I don't like dogma no matter where it comes from. A free thinker if you will that prefers to think for myself rather than lifting a banner that has been prepared for me by others. People that are to scared to think for themselves are why we are where we are today Roy. Now, I have exposed my self, what about you, who do you follow?
by MAUS on 05:34 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#10)
by Davidadelong on 08:53 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#11)
Naw, there is no boogyman, or boogyperson. I just have paid attention to my history lessons. As far as my problems are concerned I made my own choices, and have dealt, and am dealing with the consequences. I figure being aware and speaking the truth is better than being like an ostrich and sticking my head in either the sand, or in most propaganda cases the shit. In so far as blaming anybody else, there seems to be a lot of blame layed out here. In so far as my sexuality is concerned, I've been married 3 times, have 3 living Children, and 3 Grandchildren. Never have been, nor will I ever be anything other than a Man, that if I do ever again decide to have conjugal relations will be with a Woman. Any more bait to be slung? Don't like what I have to say, are you perhaps threatened by it? Does it make you uncomfortable? Tough..........It seems that you guys have a problem with a different point of view, off the "party" line of your choice? Tough!
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