WA Residents Asked to Protest "The Vagina Monologues"

From e-mailed announcement, posted with permission:

GREAT NEWS!! There is a nationally organized protest against both (1) the play "Vagina Monologues" and against (2) the anti-male hate groups that are promoting it nationwide.

Click "Read more..." for more.BAD NEWS!! This play shockingly and wrongly demeans females as victimized
sex-objects. It intently degrades and exploits males as evil, oppressive,
sexist/sexual monsters. The hate groups that produce this play are likely
funded, directly or indirectly, by your male taxes via VAWA. Nearly all
campuses that produce the play are definitely funded by your taxes.

WORSE NEWS!! These hate groups are attempting to steal Valentine’s Day with
a nationwide blitz via this play. (Remember the cruelly bogus protests of
the Super Bowl, years ago?)

BEST NEWS!! There is very cheap, immediate, positive and effective action
you can take, NOW. Many college officials are in an honest quandary,
juggling strongly opposing arguments about producing this controversial
play. They need your help; and you deserve to be heard. You are paying
their salaries.

Contact your local college officials regarding this play, now Give them
honest, positive reasons to disallow this play on their campuses. You are
invited to use any of the several arguments in the following paragraphs.
(If you us other arguments, please let me hear about them.)

Be confident and self-empowered! Our prior protests to our local public
television stations and to our local Claire’s stores were a success! It
proves that when we voice ourselves, we have the rising power to turn back
the intellectual and commercial forces that have intently degraded,
exploited, and lethally disposed us males for generations.

Also below is a list of college campuses in Washington State where
applications to produce “Vagina Monologues” in recent years are reported.
Wherever or not the play actually occurred, the list is a measure of the
historic presence of such virulent, organized anti-male hate and bigotry.
It best indicates where this play may (again?) be produced in the immediate
future, WITH YOUR OWN TAX/BLOOD MONEY! You and your local tax-funded
college officials need and deserve to be mutually aware of your legitimate,
legal opposition. All but three or four listed campuses are tax-funded.

Many college officials have acquiesced to this play when confronted by
promoters’ assertions of “artistic freedom”, “freedom of speech” and the
necessary expose of the “domestic violence and rape suffered by 25% of
college coeds”. If so, consider any of the following.

Painting the swastika or burning a cross on a college campus is not
“artistic freedom” or “freedom of speech”. It is a hate crime. The rape
statistics given are the proven wrongful fabrications and deceit of hate
groups that have some insidious similarities to the Nazi Party and the Klu
Klux Klan. They are not dissimilar from the Salem witch trials or the
intellect of Senator Joseph McCarthy. These tax-funded campus groups must
be held accountable for their hatefully deceitful misinformation and agenda.
They commit a rapacious disservice to the generations of tax-paying men
who more than pay for the existence of these campus groups. The same men
routinely have been—and still are—uniquely and mutely obligated to suffer
immeasurable violence for the very existence and freedom of the individuals
and resources that serve these groups. It is male blood and money that
provides the “artistic freedom”, “freedom of speech”, and secure freedom
from truly maiming abuse and truly horrific violence… which this play’s
coddled promoters can blithely take so wantonly, monstrously for granted.

(Part II to follow)

Peter Maule


League of Voting Men


College Campuses in Washington State alleged to be historic sites of "The
Vagina Monologues":

Clark College [Community College in Vancouver?]

Washington State University

Central Washington University (Sign Interpreted)

Pacific Lutheran University

Seattle Central Community College (Sign Interpreted)

Western Washington University

Eastern Washington University

University of Washington

Peninsula College

Spokane Falls Community College

Bastyr University

Seattle University

Tacoma Community College

University of Puget Sound (Sign Interpreted)

Skagit Valley College, Whidbey Island campus

Pierce College [Community College in Puyallup and S. Tacoma?]

Evergreen State College

Olympic Community College

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