Too Many Men Is Bad, Too Many Women is Good
RandomMan writes "This is unbelievable. At the University of Utah, they're going to start programs to attract more women, including day care and women-only scholarships because according to the article, the university "bucks the trend" and actually has the audacity to have more males than females attending undergraduate programs, whereas the national trend is the reverse, with men outnumbered by women almost everywhere.
Their hypocrisy is unbelieveable. In effect, the article is saying: "women don't outnumber men, so something must be done to correct this situation". There is absolutely no interest in "equality", Title IX or correcting the overwhelming discrimination against men in the educational system. Where are the programs to correct the national over-representation of women on college and university campuses?
Let's hope they teach both irony and Orwell in freshman English Lit: 'All people are created equal, but some are more equal than others.'"
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