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by brotherskeeper on 09:09 PM February 2nd, 2006 EST (#1)
Irreversibly Bigoted Reporter: Jill Atwood
Obligatory Anonymous/Covert 'Expert': Lisa Bromley
Leftist Administrator: Fred Esplin, V.P. University of Utah Relations
Stupefyingly Bigoted Statement:
"By the way, checking other Universities throughout the rest of the state, most are much more balanced and mirror the national trend of more women then men.
Right now the U of U is using research and creative recruiting methods to draw more women, even more scholarships especially for women."
Have you ever seen such blatant bigoted, hypocritical hatred? What else can you call it?
by RandomMan on 01:42 AM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#3)
Hence my comment about Orwell in the item I submitted. It's worth the effort to recall what "doublethink" is. It was defined as:
"the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. ... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth."
(quotation borrowed from Wikipedia because I'm too lazy to dig up my copy of 1984)
For instance:
"They're increasing the chocolate ration from 30 grams per week to 25 grams! Doubleplusgood!"
"Women outnumber men in almost all senior levels of education. We're creating programs to correct the imbalance and attract more women! Doubleplusgood!"
Why feminists don't just start using newspeak, which was intended to restrict language to the point where thoughtcrime was impossible, is beyond me. At least they'd be doing something practical, even if it is the usual self-serving, man-hating evil.
Naturally, indoctrination into the practice of doublethink began early in the education of future Party members. I guess that's why boys do so poorly in grade school these days. Unlike girls who happily gobble this shit up and get straight A's, on a subconscious level, young men don't accept the doublethink because it's designed to destroy them and they know it.
I don't find it to be any coincidence that the resistant, willful protaganist in Orwell's novel was a man, led to his destruction by a woman. Sounds believable enough to me.
You get the picture. Remember that he wrote 1984 and Animal Farm largely as criticisms of Stalinism and police states (as a perversion of Marxism, to which feminism owes its roots). Without doublethink, the feminist "Party's" creation myth (women are always victims of all men), would collapse, and the continued development of the perfectly constructed misandric utopia could not proceed.
Unfortunately, I have yet to determine how we're going to stop the education system from teaching doublethink as a means of pacification of young men, or how we deprogram the masses of people already fluent in its use.
by Hunchback on 10:27 PM February 2nd, 2006 EST (#2)
By the way, checking other Universities throughout the rest of the state, most are much more balanced and mirror the national trend of more women then men.
This statement showcases the usual radfem tactic of taking the pathological and making it appear the norm. It's the same as finding men live on average 7 years less, then concentrating on women's health when the gap starts narrowing. They are attempting to define female superiority as the norm, so that anything that moves toward equality is by definition a problem. Once institutions start seeing a male underclass as the natural order of things, they will actually act to preserve it. Like the 7-year longevity gap.
Un-f**king-believably, the U. of U. is doing just that.
by Uberganger on 08:48 AM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#4)
It's the same as finding men live on average 7 years less, then concentrating on women's health when the gap starts narrowing. Isn't it now United Nations policy to see any area of the world where women don't outlive men as a problem? What did you expect? Feminists have been allowed to get away with every single lie and insult, while men just sit there like a bunch of chumps. There was a story on MANN last week about Doug Anglin, a 17-year old who's sueing Milton High School, MA, for discrimination against boys. I posted a message asking what kind of support the men's movement was going to give him. I got 1 (that's 'one') reply, suggesting we write letters! D'uh! Until the men's movement learns how to get up off its arse, nothing will ever change. Where are the public protests? Where are the MRA writers and journalists? In the UK, Fathers 4 Justice got more media attention and sparked more debate about fathers' rights than all the other fathers groups put together, and it did it by getting out and making a noise! Unfortunately its members then hit the idiot switch, failed to capitalise on their initial success, failed to develop new strategies, failed to develop alliances with other groups, failed to woo elements of the media (such as the men's magazines, for instance), and then disbanded the moment a cheap, groundless allegation was made about something some of its members had said (there's been no follow-up on the alleged Leo Blair abduction 'plot'; I guess it served its purpose). Men just act like idiots all the time; it's no wonder women are running rings around them. I'm sorry I have to say that, but d'uh!; how many times does the same shit have to happen? Everyone's known for years that men and boys are being royally shafted in the education system, but still there is no organised, co-ordinated, intelligent opposition. Every year this same shit comes along, and every time the reaction is the same, and nothing really gets done. D'uh! D'uh! D'uh! I hope you've enjoyed reading this posting. The way things are going, very few men will be able to read before long. And if you must reply to this, then tell me what strategy the men's movement is going to pursue in order to organise and co-ordinate its efforts and get some real influence over things. If all you're going to do is have a pop at me, you can save the wear-and-tear on your keyboards, because I'm not interested.
by Hunchback on 03:19 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#5)
Uberganger, I know just what you mean. What really irks me is the self-satisfaction of "MRA"s who blithely declare that feminism is dead or dying—that we "have 'em on the run." This in a country that year before last saw 500 thousand hardcore feminazis march on Wash. DC. When, in this country, have we had even 500 MRAs march on anything? Ever?
We seem to get all giddy whenever we thwart just a few of their evil plans. No plan, no strategy, no unity, just reflexive reactions to an a** whuppin'. MAKES ME WANNA HOLLAR!
by Davidadelong on 10:32 PM February 3rd, 2006 EST (#6)
I believe that I was the one that suggested writing letters in masse to the school district to gain some attention. But, I was the only one that had a positive suggestion to "do something". It of course was not answered by "anyone". So, I am not interested in having a pop at you, I have a valid question. What do you suggest? Plant some seeds, lead the way. Are you suggesting that some organization is necessary, if so organize. You are absolutely right, there seems to be a lot of angst being vented, but no direction. What do you suggest? For those of us that can still read I am sure that we would appreciate some valid direction to actually address the root of the problems, the head of the snake so to speak, instead of just attacking the tail so we can still be bitten by the head.
by canaryguy
on 03:20 AM February 4th, 2006 EST (#7)
I hope you've enjoyed reading this posting. The way things are going, very few men will be able to read before long. And if you must reply to this, then tell me what strategy the men's movement is going to pursue in order to organise and co-ordinate its efforts and get some real influence over things. If all you're going to do is have a pop at me, you can save the wear-and-tear on your keyboards, because I'm not interested.
Idea #1: Attack the media. Informational pickets around a major media outlet like: The NY Times, CNN, NPR, Washington Post, etc... Bonus points if we can get a young male activist breaking in on air on an outlet like CNN with a list of grievances. Ignore THAT CNN! (and other media)
Idea #2: Bird dog the feminazis. They have to sell their books somewhere... Picket the stores, use ACT-UP tactics at their signings. Make them uncomfortable.
Idea #3: Picket various anti-male organizations. NOW, Feminist Majority, Congress...
Ever read "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell? Basically it is about social epidemics and how they "tip" -- i.e. rapidly spread. We are nowhere near tipping...
Idea #4: Hunker down, recruit, build strength. Take every chance to get the message out.
by Underage on 09:13 PM February 4th, 2006 EST (#8)
This article irrated me beyond belief. Someone should slap the university administration across the face to knock some sense into them. I really don't mean to get violent, but this is so freakin unbelievable, offensive, and disgusting.
Atleast, the two comments at the end of the article are on the men's rights side of this all.
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