Canadian Men - 0.014% as Valuable as Canadian Women
Random Man writes "On the recent anniversary of the killing of 14 fellow students (the dead were female) by a deranged person named Marc Lepine in Montreal, (he also wounded men, who are not honoured at all), all government flags in Canada flew at half mast to honour victims of violence against women. Of course, that same courtesy has only recently been extended to the 100,000 men who died in the world wars, Korea and peacekeeping missions on our "Rememberance Day" on November 11th, when only the flag over the parliament buildings was lowered in honour of the men who died defending our freedom, and then only in response to harsh public criticism of the incredible disrespect Canada's so-called Heritage Department was showing veterans and those killed in action.
It's nice to know where one stands on a quantitative basis. Some details here and here and the FINALLY revised flag-lowering policy that covers Rememberance Day here.
Still, we're now 0.014% as valuable as women. At least it's an improvement from a millionth of that a few years back"
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