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by Underage on 11:38 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#1)
Last year, in the ninth grade,when I first arrived to the high school I still attend, on December 6, as usual, they held a day for rememberance agaisnt all the women who die of violence everyday because men are so evil and just love to opress women so on and so on, you get the point.
This year, the week before December 6, the teachers and students planning the December 6 day and vigil put flyers all around they school about how so many women die at the hands of men (especially ones they live with) and how so few men (yeah right) die at the hands of women they live with. However, for some reason, this year, they maid it very clear over the intercom that this day was not to say that all men were violent, and how they did not think that most men were violent at all-only the minority of men actually do hurt women, the majority never get violent with them. The white ribbon campaigne, they also mentioned (the white ribbon is the ribbon you wear to signify you want violence against women to end)was actually created by men for women in 1991, two years after the Marc Lepine insident.
by RandomMan on 01:31 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#2)
I'm sorry you have to put up with androphobia at all in a public school. If they'd pulled that sort of man-bashing stunt around Remembrance Day when I was in high school (family of mine has fought in every war Canada has ever been involved in, right back to the beginning), I'd have walked out on my way to court to file suit against the school board for discrimination, along with most of my friends. Then again, I was politically active bright and early, and was known to be a vocal opponent of ideologues as early as my now-long-ago teens, believe it or not. Damn, now I feel really old...
Please remember that men and women are equally violent towards one another in domestic relationships, that lesbian and gay male relationships are as or more violent than heterosexual ones, and that any other story you are told is a self-serving feminist myth. Why not organize a "factual" day on domestic violence (or at least post or distribute some materials) at your school to coincide with the feminist day on domestic violence, where you present scientific data about the reality of violence in the home, that far from being victims, women are actually more likely to commit child abuse than men (even when you correct for their over-exposure to children, thanks to the family court system stripping fathers of their rights), or that women frequently serve only a fraction of the sentences men do for the same violent crimes men commit, and that funding anti-male, feminist programs actually worsens the problem instead of helping fix it. Gender neutral treatment programs for dysfunctional homes are the only way to go, not feminist male-bashing and brainwashing.
I want you to say a few things out loud to yourself. Please do this now:
* I am a man, and I am proud of it.
* Nobody can tell me that being a man is wrong.
* I never have and never will hit or kill anyone, except to save a life.
* I am a man, and I am proud of it.
That's called a mantra, if you're unfamiliar with them. Repeat it about a dozen times a day when these sorts of male-bashing activities are going on around you. Get your fellow men doing the same and believe me, you'll feel a whole lot better about yourselves, despite the best efforts of others.
Also, I recommend renting and watching a few decent adventure movies with male heroes made before the final feminist takeover of Hollywood in the early 90's as a reminder of what we're not allowed to teach you anymore: men were the heroes that built our societies. Better yet, read a real historical account of some of the great men of civilization.
And never, ever buy into feminism's attempts to poison you because you are a man. Feminists can try and guilt you into feeling like you killed those women, bombard you with messages of hate and resentment in the media and generally crap all over you in an attempt to break your spirit and tear your down, but you didn't kill anyone,and group guilt has no place in a supposedly civilized country.
So stay home sick from school that day or skip it next year if you have to in order to protest, or better yet, in addition to this kind of protest (which Gandhi would immediately recognize), start an information campaign of your own to inform people about what's actually going on. Protesting male-bashing doesn't mean you support violence against women. It means you are protesting male-bashing, and nothing more.
Why not ask why the school doesn't hold a "vigil" to honour the hundred thousand or so dead men that fought and were killed to protect their precious rights? Why not ask that the name of the day be changed to "Domestic Violence Remembrance Day" to reflect the fact that women are just as likely to commit an act of domestic violence as men? Sounds like a fair in-class question to me.
by Ragtime on 12:42 PM December 10th, 2005 EST (#3)
Yup, that whackjob Gamil Gharbi (his *real* name, not the adopted "Marc Lepine") went on a spree to "kill feminists, who had ruined his life," according to the carefully-not-mentioned-in-the-media suicide note.
The feminuts, not above making political hay from someone else's tragedy, have jumped all over it and proclaimed that one random act as symbolic of "men's oppression and violence against women."
And, while they wallow if faux self-pity with their staged 'candle-light vigils' and hand-holding marches, all accompanied, of course, by much wailing and moaning, gnashing of teeth, wringing of hands, and pulling of hair, they turn every Dec 7th into an national orgy of promoting hatred of men.
They are beneath contempt. (spit)
The Uppity Wallet
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