"As a teacher in the public schools, I am concerned about the messages
boys and girls are getting from current television programs and
movies. It has become a national pastime to bash men and perpetuate negative stereotypes of males. How can young men grow into productive adults when we are being bombarded with this kind of thing? A notable case in point is the film "Off The Chain." I was appalled by the totally offensive content. It holds men up to constant ridicule (disguised as comedy), and offers joke after joke about male amputation. Pardon me, but I fail to see the humor in any of it.
It is based on a story that would make any self-respecting male
cringe (a man is so lazy and no-account that his wife decides to liberate herself by killing him). What ever happened to divorce? Instead of this or anything that remotely resembles a sane solution to her problems, she tries repeatedly to murder him.
If that isn't reason enough to complain, the largely female audience
delighted in the numerous references to male amputation and male
bashing. It was so offensive, I nearly walked out. Against my better,
judgment though, I white-knuckled it to the bitter end; thinking
somehow the film would redeem itself. Believe me when I say it didn't. Virtually every man in the movie was either stupid, lazy or both. In the final scene, Joe Everege (I guess the name is supposed to mean Average Joe, as though men are typically dumb and lazy), begs the judge to go easy on his wife so they can get back together.
If I was married to someone that tried to kill me a half dozen times,
I would want her locked up for good. Not this guy, he tells the judge
that the whole thing is his fault and pleads to get his wife back!
Personally, "Off The Chain" is just another film in a long line of
movies that makes male bashing an acceptable form of entertainment. This is exactly the kind of thing that is eroding our society.
You can go to http://www.beckjacobs.com and petition the releasing of this movie. Please, let's stand together and get this off the shelf before it even hits the shelf. Lets not corrode the minds of our youth to portrayals of men like this.
[There is a message board at the site with some defensive responses at:
http://beckjacobs.com/sitebuilder/viewtopic.php?t= 2]"
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by mens_issues on 08:39 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#1)
Unfortunately, some of the posters opposing this misandric movie aren't helping at all. I think that they're either trolls or part of the fringe of the men's movement that we're trying to avoid for the most part.
For example, "Womanhater" wrote: Women are so pathetic they're too worried about how people are spelling to actually care about the real arguement here. Shut up and get back in the kitchen.
I wish this person hadn't written that.
by Roy on 08:51 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#2)
The producers have posted this statement above the film's promo blurb ---
"Beck/Jacobs prides itself on diversity. Therefore, we respect the artistic individuality of all of our writers, directors and producers.
As such, we uphold the absolute artistic right to free speech and expression by all of our filmmakers, including those associated with Off
the Chain.
Despite recent email inquiries suggesting that the film perpetuates negative stereotypes of men, we will be releasing the film as planned, and will not be bullied into removing it from our catalog.
Although we encourage opposing points of view, we support the film and its creators unequivocally. On content, Off the Chain is a dark and offbeat comedy told from a woman's perspective. Based upon the scarcity of content by and for women, we are pleased to carry this award-winning feature in our library."
(Scarcity of content by and for women?!! Do these B-movie producers ever watch TV? Or glance at the trash-mags at the check-out aisle?
And, how can a movie that's not yet been released be an award-winning feature? )
Visit their web site.... it has SMARMY written all over it. Looks like two idiot cousins with the same mother went into business together.
by mens_issues on 09:02 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#3)
A couple of the posters here aren't representative of the men's movement (and I wonder if some of them are trolls). MRA's (Men's Rights Activists) in general want fair and equal treatment for both sexes, quite unlike what feminism has devolved into. And I do agree with sykuvit and slanted justice.
Men in general have nothing against a film just because it was "written by a woman, directed by a woman, for a woman." What men are getting mighty sick of is the constant male-bashing in the media. Have you ever seen "Everybody Loves Raymond?" "The King of Queens?" Just a couple of example of TV shows that have boorish inadequate husbands married to wives that are portrayed as superior to them. And that's just scratching the surface.
How about the demeaning anti-male commercials that appear in between these sitcoms. It's particularly egregious when the object of ridicule is a boy. Just last year Toys R Us had a commercial in which two brothers rushed out of their bedroom to get the Toys R Us catalog, and got stuck in the door because they were to stupid to figure out how to solve the problem. Meanwhile, their sister gets the catalog, says "Maybe next year boys," and walks into her room which has a sign on the door saying "Girls rule, boys drool." Yeah, very funny (not).
Please, would Hollywood and the movie industry come out with something male-positive for a change?
Respond to the anti-male goons at the forum:
http://beckjacobs.com/sitebuilder/viewtopic.php?p= 15#15
by Davidadelong on 11:09 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#4)
I for one won't spend my money to see this movie, nor would I take a Woman friend if I were dating now. I wouldn't even let her pay for the movie if she offered. I guess the only way to hurt greedy people is to not give them your money. tell everyone you know not to spend a dime on the movie. If we are successful they won't spend any more money on flops. Because corporations love money, that is the beast they serve. Take away the profit, and they change their tactics.
Guys, I don't know why somebody will have the nerve to create a violent film and still hail it because of some stupid excuse of the husband/boyfriend not pleasing his Desperate Housewife...this is not The Color Purple, people!
Here's my take on this:
First of all, 9 times out of 10, i would never, ever, date a woman with such a personality for man-hating.
Secondly, I could careless if she, regardless of color [red, black, and blue especially] agrees to direct or star in the film.
Finally, I'm back from my vacation and badder than ever...ready to post on men's issues! Did you miss me? I hope so!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr.
by Thundercloud on 04:29 PM December 10th, 2005 EST (#6)
Yes. I did miss you. I was wondering what happened to you. Good to have you back.
"Hoka hey!"
by Boy Genteel on 12:36 AM December 11th, 2005 EST (#7)
Is this film coming out from the U.S.?
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
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