Fox News Laughs at Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Ray writes "
I just sent the email (below) to Fox News (Fox & Friends) regarding coverage of the news story about a man who had his "private parts super glued by an intimate female partner." Civil Suit Goes To Court: A Scorned Lover, Glue And A Naked Man "
Click "Read more..." for more.
"My email:
"It is not enough that the vast majority of time Fox spends on homicide victims revolves around privileged, pampered white women (although 76% of homicides) are male, you have to make fun and laugh at a male who is tortured and seriously injured in a super glue attack by a vicious female.
What if a male had super glued a female's body parts together? Would you be laughing at that, or pillorying the male as some sort of violent, sexual deviant batterer? You have provided me this morning with just one more example of the glaringly sexist, man-hating, gender double standards Fox news routinely broadcasts."
They actually read someone else's email that (paraphrasing) started, Quote:
"Since when is domestic violence such a laughing matter? Would you still be laughing if the gender roles were reversed?"
I suspect they would, because even though they were somewhat more serious while reading that email, they were still somewhat yuking it up. Allison Camerata still thought it was funny, because the woman was able to do all this "while the man was sleeping." Julian Phillips said he "almost fell out of his chair laughing," when he first read about the Super Glue attack.
Here is the email address for Fox and Friends,
The "three newscasters" who were on the show this morning when this happened were Allison Camerata, Page Hopkins, and Julian Phillips. Please email Fox and Friends and tell them there's nothing funny about domestic violence just because it is committed against man by a woman (as they seem to think)."
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