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Fox News Laughs at Male Victims of Domestic Violence
posted by Matt on 11:22 AM November 5th, 2005
Domestic Violence Ray writes "

I just sent the email (below) to Fox News (Fox & Friends) regarding coverage of the news story about a man who had his "private parts super glued by an intimate female partner." Civil Suit Goes To Court: A Scorned Lover, Glue And A Naked Man "

Click "Read more..." for more.

"My email:

"It is not enough that the vast majority of time Fox spends on homicide victims revolves around privileged, pampered white women (although 76% of homicides) are male, you have to make fun and laugh at a male who is tortured and seriously injured in a super glue attack by a vicious female.

What if a male had super glued a female's body parts together? Would you be laughing at that, or pillorying the male as some sort of violent, sexual deviant batterer? You have provided me this morning with just one more example of the glaringly sexist, man-hating, gender double standards Fox news routinely broadcasts."

They actually read someone else's email that (paraphrasing) started, Quote: "Since when is domestic violence such a laughing matter? Would you still be laughing if the gender roles were reversed?" I suspect they would, because even though they were somewhat more serious while reading that email, they were still somewhat yuking it up. Allison Camerata still thought it was funny, because the woman was able to do all this "while the man was sleeping." Julian Phillips said he "almost fell out of his chair laughing," when he first read about the Super Glue attack.

Here is the email address for Fox and Friends,


The "three newscasters" who were on the show this morning when this happened were Allison Camerata, Page Hopkins, and Julian Phillips. Please email Fox and Friends and tell them there's nothing funny about domestic violence just because it is committed against man by a woman (as they seem to think)."

Women "excluded" from Senegal circumcision rites | NYTimes Re-Runs Dowd's Latest  >

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Good (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:05 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#1)
It is good that you emailed them, and it is a double standard.

Men have to realize that just like how women used to be riticuled when fighting for their rights, men must percivere when doing the same in the face of society's hostility and or indifference to violence against men and boys.
Re:Good (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:39 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#2)
If I were to see this on ABC, NBC, CBS or PBS I would not be surprised.
But I don't get cable or satellite and have never seen "FOX and friends", so should I be surprised that FOX news did this?
(I have often heard that FOX is more to the right, as the mainstream media is to the left).

It would just seem to me that FOX, who claims to be "fair and balanced" would be..., well, more fair and balanced about such things.
So what I guess I'm asking is; is this an unusual occurrence on FOX or do they, like the mainstream media, mock violence against men regularly?

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Good (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:57 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#3)
Fox and all the others do whatever is necessary to keep or increase viewship. Its that simple. Their political position or views are irrelevant. Its all based on a business model and if they can inflame their viewership, then they think that is good. That is why news has become so sensationalist. Boring news, is not news....and doesnt make the network or their affiliates, any money.
Re:Good (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:54 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#10)
Fox and all the others do whatever is necessary to keep or increase viewship. Its that simple.

And we're telling FOX they will LOSE their conservative viewership [not "viewship] if they persist in their LIBERAL position on male-bashing in the media.
Re:Good (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:24 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#8)
"(I have often heard that FOX is more to the right, as the mainstream media is to the left)."

Never underestimate the power of macho, chivalrous "right wingers" to support "women's issues" as we just saw with liberal, gender feminist VAWA reauthorization.

Yes on VAWA, and liberal, gender feminist issues, the right wing has its head in the proverbial lion's mouth, and has stopped to eat a sandwich.

Okay, let's try this... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:29 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#4)
A husband glues his sleeping wife's mouth, buttocks, and vagina closed.

Anyone laughing?

Didn't think so.

Exactly, But... (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 01:41 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#5)
...don't just tell us. E-mail your point to the FOX program.

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Re:Exactly, But... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:48 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#6)
As a matter of fact, I will do just that!

I sent them this 2nd email (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:15 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#7)
"Fox & Friends:
I did not see the humor in this morning's Fox & Friends coverage of the man whose "private parts" were Super Glued by a vicious woman. I did not find the subsequent Fox & Friends reading of a viewer email (critical of Fox & Friends sadistic humor) either sincere or apologetic by Fox & Friends.
According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, in the year 2000 there were 440 male and 1247 female victims of intimate partner homicide. The "pat answer" that the gender feminist run, multi-billion dollar, domestic violence industry gives for those 440 male victims is that, "they were all batterers." That's the reply I got from a female participant at the recent International Family Violence Conference in San Diego about a month and a half ago, and I've heard women in that industry give that answer before - often.
To treat the subject of male victims of domestic violence in such a disparaging and flippant manner as was done on Fox & Friend's "Super Glue Yuk Fest" this morning, does nothing to help male victims of domestic violence and may even escalate the problem for some. When male victims are battered, laughed at and dismissed as non-existent it harms us all. I certainly don't see anyone laughing in coverage of this lawsuit.
Men Rights Group: Domestic Violence Support Only For Women

Men Rights Group: Domestic Violence Support Only For Women
- video

How about a sincere "on air" apology from Fox and Friends for their inhumane insult(s) to this battered, laughed at and dismissed segment of humanity (men)?
Sincerely, Ray"

Re:I sent them this 2nd email (Score:1)
by Rerun on 06:41 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#9)
I am sending them a second e-mail as well. I am so fed up with the hipocracy surrounding domestic violence.

We are reaching (or have reached a point) where we have demeaned men so long that we are now treated as subhuman!

Everyone please keep up the e-mails!
Fox News Laughs at Male Victims of DV !! (Score:1)
by dad4justice on 03:31 AM November 6th, 2005 EST (#11)
This makes my blood boil as yet again - the sick media make fun of male victim . If it had been the other way around the feminazi influenced judiciary would have sent the perpetrator of the violence to a cell for several years !!!! Just imagine how the misanthropic fox news would run the story for the women victim !!!We must fight for Fathers Rights and parents must rise up against the feminazi regime that has gripped the world and destroyed so many innocent children .
Re:Fox News Laughs at Male Victims of DV !! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:38 PM November 8th, 2005 EST (#12)
Just last night I was watching CBS's "Two and a half men", for some reason.
They did one joke after another about some girl super gluing Charlie Sheen's character's genitals to his leg.

Ha Ha Ha...(sarcastic laughter)

  "Hoka hey!"
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