State Rating for Men Considering or in Families

TMN writes "Not sure where to air this idea so I am trying a few places. What would really be great is a webpage and or Articles/Ads which list all of the states and rate them in terms of Men "friendliness" during custody and child support cases. Sort of a “Places Rated Almanac” for men considering parenthood or are parents (actually would apply to all men considering the risk men are at for out-of wed-lock births as well). Considering that about 1 in 2 marriages fail – most men really need this information and it is critical to their well being and their children’s well being."

Click "Read more..." for more."The ratings: for example a state which has a shared parenting presumption in custody issues would rank high for men considering parenthood or currently a parent (or single men at risk of out-of-wedlock birth). States, like New York, which apply the child support guidelines in a draconian fashion (all the New York Courts totally ignore the $80,000 combined income limit) would rank low, i.e. very undesirable. New York would also get another bad mark as it only awards sole-custody (usually to the mother). A state that awards sole-custody but applies the $80,000 combined income limit and/or requires custodial parent accounting for child support payments, would rank somewhere in-between.

Not sure how to do this - we probably need some serious activists to do this. But if it was wide spread enough then states would have to compete for men's money and residency in order to make the situation more favorable for them to live there.

Just a thought - perhaps you can post this as a worthy item on your main page.


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