Child Support - But NO Child

warble writes "In another indication of how corrupt and biased against males the child support system is we find that a male is forced to pay $20,000 in child support before the court listened and determined there was no child. Heeeellllllooooo! Mandatory DNA testing anyone?
Funny how the news media thinks this stuff is rare. What exactly do they think is happening with the current widespread paternity fraud against males and children? Where there is paternity fraud THERE IS NO CHILD! Yet if the woman can produce ANY child, even another mans child, then it is assumed that there is a child and that the man should be screwed to the wall.

Finally, what really burns me is that if a male were to kidnap the pseudo child in question, the authorities would issue an Amber alert, arrest the male on kidnapping charges, and throw away the key. But nooooo! This kidnapper is a woman; special priviledge and laws apply because she is assumed superior to a male.
Therefore, the DA feels that kidnapping charges do not apply. Note how the actual child’s mother exclaims she, '... couldn’t keep up and lost them both. I thought I was never going to see my baby girl again ... It’s the scariest thing. Anything could happen.'
Well DUUUUUGH! Yea. I'd say so! 'Anything' did happen. The child was in fact kidnapped for at least an hour if not more."

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