Jared's anti-male commercial reappears

mens_issues writes "One of the anti-male Jared commercials reappeared on TV earlier this week. Please click on "Read More/Post Comments" to see my message to them at:

this link

"Jared has in the past run several commercials where the men who buy their wives Jared jewelry receive the incredulous response "He went to Jared!" In contrast, the men that don't are treated with disdain by their wives. Several months ago there was a letter writing campaign which targeted these commercials, resulting in an apologetic response from Jared.

For some time it appeared that these commercials had been taken off the air. Unfortunately, at least one of these commercials seems to have reappeared."

More Below.The one I am referring to starts with a social gathering in which one woman proudly proclaims to another that that her husband “Went to Jared.” The other woman replies indignantly “Oh, really.” Apparently her husband had the poor judgment to have purchased jewelry elsewhere. This woman then exacts revenge on her husband by dropping the offending piece of “non-Jared” jewelry in her husband’s drink, to which he replies “What?”

Why do companies feel it is necessary to sell merchandise by putting men down in their advertisements? These commercials aren’t flattering to women either, as the women in these commercials come across as spiteful and materialistic.

Please find an alternative way to advertise jewelry that treats both men and women with respect. After viewing these commercials, I’m more inclined to shop at a competitor. I know many other men feel the same, as we share our views on such anti-male advertising in numerous online forums which are viewed by thousands of people each day."


NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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