Ad Council

bledso writes "You have to see just how lopsided this "campaign" is. It's about "Dating Abuse Prevention"(the domestic violence campaign isn't any better). Guess who they are interested in protecting from abuse? Be sure to check out the media links on the right hand side of the page here and it will be painfully clear."

Isn't nice that they make these lessons to teach boys not to be abusers, and girls not to be abused? Since boys and girls are equals we know that boys are more mean than girls and not as innocent, because that's what feminists have taught us equality means. Since we know that girls are always right, (or at least, close enough that it's best to pretend they are and not make videos showing the girls as guilty or anything), then we know that the behavior must have been unwarranted. In the first conversation perhaps she had his study materials for his upcoming SATs and he needed them in order to try and get into the college he wants to go to. But even still, because of our "girls are innocent" principal of "logic", we know that if that is the case, he must have done something really mean to her to deserve that. Or maybe she just forgot to return them and it's his fault for not reminding her properly or for loaning them to someone who was obviously so absent-minded. No matter what, he has no right to be mad because she avoided him that day, because we've taken as an assumption that she's right and he's wrong. It's just too bad being a jerk isn't a crime yet, because this guy is obviously really upset with some girl somewhere and yelling at her so he deserves to be in jail. Ack!

PS - You can contact the organization responsible for this ad at

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