Unequal Justice: Male sex offenders chemically castrated

Anonymous User writes "

Have any of you ever heard of a female sex offender being chemically castrated? I didn't think so. It is a special punishment reserved only for men. Because a male sex offender is much worse than the equivalent female. Right???

Isn't this an unequal application of the law? Isn't it sick and cruel to castrate, chemically or surgically?? I can imagine the uproar if it was applied to a female. But in our society today we can do whatever we want to men. They are just men, they deserve it.

I think it is great that because of the pressure applied you were able to make some store chains remove their anti-boy t-shirts. I think it is time that we change this obvious injustice.

- Angry man"

Interesting topic. By the way we're still fighting the battle with the t-shirts, and if you haven't written a letter yet, please go to His Side's campaign site and do so.

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