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Unequal Justice: Male sex offenders chemically castrated
posted by Hombre on Tuesday January 20, @03:24PM
from the Justice-may-be-blind,-but-she-knows-her-own dept.
News Anonymous User writes " Have any of you ever heard of a female sex offender being chemically castrated? I didn't think so. It is a special punishment reserved only for men. Because a male sex offender is much worse than the equivalent female. Right??? Isn't this an unequal application of the law? Isn't it sick and cruel to castrate, chemically or surgically?? I can imagine the uproar if it was applied to a female. But in our society today we can do whatever we want to men. They are just men, they deserve it.

I think it is great that because of the pressure applied you were able to make some store chains remove their anti-boy t-shirts. I think it is time that we change this obvious injustice. - Angry man"

Interesting topic. By the way we're still fighting the battle with the t-shirts, and if you haven't written a letter yet, please go to His Side's campaign site and do so.

Adoptive parents choose girls | British political party comes onboard  >

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rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday January 20, @11:04PM EST (#1)
Are'nt You talking about rapist's ?????!!!!
Re:rapists (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday January 21, @11:39AM EST (#2)
(User #160 Info)
" Are'nt You talking about rapist's ?????!!!! "

Since DNA testing has come about hundreds of men previously convicted of rape have proven themselves innocent, and thousands have been on the waiting list to take the test. What would you say to them, oops sorry you were castrated but it was done for women?

Regardless of what the crime is, causing major chemical impairments in the criminal is not justice. There's an awful lot of hysteria about rape, (specifically the rape of women or children by men but no other combination), and hysteria rarely leads to justice, usually the opposite. Just ask all the blacks who were lynched because their white girlfriend wanted to protect her reputation.

Nowadays, there are women who think they've experienced a kind of rape if they walk by in a miniskirt, sashaying their legs as they pass, and you look at them. You think maybe some of these girls might misinterpret consensual sex as rape? Really, with abortion available nowadays the main reason rape was so horrible in the first place, (because a man could force a woman into motherhood against her will, not because she suffered emotionally), has vanished. In fact most young women today seem to feel it's their birthright to force a man into fatherhood against his will, (I decided to have the baby now he must support me... er, it!), and tell jokes belittling the emotional suffering of men who are raped.

With so many false accusations, double-standards in how we percieve rape, and drastically different emotional responses to the subject depending on the sex of the victim, introducing talk of chemical castration only causes more injustices and harms much like lynching did 100 years ago.
Re:rapists (Score:0, Troll)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 21, @05:08PM EST (#3)
I was Talking about rapist's red handed repeated rapist's just a guess at percentages but probabley more male rapist's than female

    Criminal's need to be taught that it does'nt pay
    if you can't control yourself I'll do it for you!! Repeat multiple same crime offenders!!

Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 21, @05:48PM EST (#4)
> Since DNA testing has come about hundreds of men
> previously convicted of rape have proven
> themselves innocent, and thousands have been on
> the waiting list to take the test. What would you
> say to them, oops sorry you were castrated but it
> was done for women?

Nothing. In most cases the issue of debate is consent, so in most convictions there is no evidence which can prove a man's guilt beyound a reasonable doubt. Also 95% of convicted rapists eventually confess to pass Sex Offender Treatment. Who wants to be civilly committed for life?

> You think maybe some of these girls might
> misinterpret consensual sex as rape?

What is consensual sex?
Re:rapists (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday January 21, @08:01PM EST (#5)
(User #160 Info)
"> What would you
> say to them, oops sorry you were castrated but it
> was done for women?

Nothing. In most cases the issue of debate is consent,"

But in the cases where DNA evidence proves the semen was not the convicted parties and therefore is enough to get a man released from prison, obviously the issue was not one of consent. Sheesh.

"Also 95% of convicted rapists eventually confess to pass Sex Offender Treatment. Who wants to be civilly committed for life?"

95% of statistics are made up on the spot, but nevertheless if inmates are confessing in order to be released from prison early that's hardly indicative of the accuracy of convictions.

"What is consensual sex?"

What are you from the Andrea Dworkin all sex that isn't initiated by a lesbian is rape school of thought?

From dictionary.com

"consensual - Of or expressing a consensus: a consensual decision.

      1. Law. Existing or entered into by mutual consent without formalization by document or ceremony: a consensual marriage; a consensual contract.
      2. Involving the willing participation of both or all parties, especially in an illegal transaction or practice: the consensual crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and illegal gambling."

I'll let you look up sex on your own.

Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 21, @09:43PM EST (#6)
>> Nothing. In most cases the issue of debate is
> consent

> But in the cases where DNA evidence proves the
> semen was not the convicted parties

Yes, but in 95% of cases of alleged rape there was an inercourse and DNA is irrelevant.

>> What is consensual sex?

> What are you from the Andrea Dworkin all sex
> that isn't initiated by a lesbian is rape
> school of thought?

Female definition of consent is 100% diferent from male one. Not only in humans.

Tarantulas are less intelligent then most pets and do not have any sophisticated theories, but they have deep instincts on the issue. Regardless of how nice the male is during the courtship+sex, 90% of time the female feels violated. But as the female is about trice the size of the male, she easily kills him.

Among hamsters where males are stronger, they determine that all sex is consensual.

Among humans we try to make compromises, but how can two irreconcilable viewpoints be reconciled?
Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 21, @10:09PM EST (#7)

Tarantulas are less intelligent then most pets ... Regardless of how nice the male is during the courtship+sex, 90% of time the female feels violated.

Quite the talent you've got there. Okay, now tell me what a female hippopotamus feels during sex. Giraffe? Or are your powers of observation limited to the insect world and small rodents?

Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 21, @10:32PM EST (#8)
>> Tarantulas are less intelligent then most pets
>> ... Regardless of how nice the male is during
>> the courtship+sex, 90% of time the female feels
>> violated.

And usually in such cases, the male can sense that she feels violated by her demeanor and having no chance to escape a mate 20 times heavier then he is, he jumps into her mouth in order to be killed faster and with less suffering. If he is insensitive enough to do so, he is enveloped in a web and slowly devoured.

Likewise if a human male does not plea guilty to a date rape charges, his sentence will on average be twice longer and probation is out of question.

> Quite the talent you've got there. Okay, now
> tell me what a female hippopotamus feels
> during sex. Giraffe?

We can not know. No animal can communicate to us. Tarantulas communicate by their actions. But the fact is that tarantula and human females have the same feelings.

All species have their nature, only humans are undecided.
Re:rapists (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday January 21, @11:14PM EST (#9)
(User #160 Info)
Yes, but in 95% of cases of alleged rape there was an inercourse and DNA is irrelevant.

I don't see why you want to pursue this tangent. My point was that hundreds of men have been wrongfully convicted of rape, and DNA evidence later proved their innocence. The percentage, whether real or made up, of cases in which DNA testing wouldn't solve anything seems irrelevent.

Female definition of consent is 100% diferent from male one.


Tarantulas are less intelligent then most pets and do not have any sophisticated theories, but they have deep instincts on the issue. Regardless of how nice the male is during the courtship+sex, 90% of time the female feels violated. But as the female is about trice the size of the male, she easily kills him.

How could you possibly know she feels violated? Being 3 times the size of the male, wouldn't she just prevent him from having sex in the first place if she was opposed to it?

Among humans we try to make compromises, but how can two irreconcilable viewpoints be reconciled?

Have you tried alcohol?

Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday January 21, @11:55PM EST (#10)
>> Regardless of how nice the male is during
>> the courtship+sex, 90% of time the female
>> feels violated. But as the female is
>> about trice the size of the male, she easily
>> kills him.

> How could you possibly know she feels violated?

Because she kills him.

> Being 3 times the size of the male, wouldn't
> she just prevent him from having sex in the
> first place if she was opposed to it?

As in humans, if she does not resist that is not consent by female definition. He starts the courtship with a desire to have sex. Maybe she gives in because at that point she likes him and wants to keep his company? But after the act she feel cheated and violated. By her very instinct she feels he is a rapist and kills him.
Re:rapists (Score:1)
by Rand T. on Thursday January 22, @12:31AM EST (#11)
(User #333 Info)
Fem-Troll Alert!

Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday January 22, @12:40AM EST (#12)
> Fem-Troll Alert!

No. I could as well talk about the male perspective of species where intercourse happens everytime a male sees a female he likes. I just wanted to point out irreconcilable differences between genders.

Wolves can work them out but we can not.
Re:rapists (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Thursday January 22, @01:15AM EST (#14)
(User #160 Info)
">> Regardless of how nice the male is during
>> the courtship+sex, 90% of time the female
>> feels violated. But as the female is
>> about trice the size of the male, she easily
>> kills him.

> How could you possibly know she feels violated?

Because she kills him. "

It could be an uncontrollable reflex. From what I've read the male is actually positioned partially in the females jaws and has to use hooked feet to keep from being chomped while mating. It's not like she hunts him down afterwards. And this cannibalism is very common among spiders.

"As in humans, if she does not resist that is not consent by female definition. He starts the courtship with a desire to have sex. Maybe she gives in because at that point she likes him and wants to keep his company? But after the act she feel cheated and violated. By her very instinct she feels he is a rapist and kills him."

If she's Valerie Solanis maybe, but I don't think most women feel like they've been raped after ordinary sex, (or even extraordinary sex!).
Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday January 22, @01:35AM EST (#15)
This whole theory is based on women being victims of men after intercourse.

If anon is a guy he must be doing something terribly wrong and should probably figure out what this is as soon as possible.

And if anon is a woman, well, I think she needs to break outta the man hating lesbian assylum she's cushioned herself in and talk to straight women who actually enjoy sex. And sometimes want more than one session in one night. And masturbates while thinking of men.

Most women don't feel violated after sex that's why they keep going back for more.

You don't keep on doing something you don't like, there's something you're getting out of it if you do it over and over again.

P. George
Re:The real reason (Score:2)
by jenk on Thursday January 22, @08:33AM EST (#17)
(User #1176 Info)
The female terrantula eats the male because she is HUNGRY. I keep trying to get Dave to turn into a pizza, but it just never works!

Good grief, violated? HA! HA! HA! We just get REALLY HUNGRY!!
Maybe the male should approach with a snack. Then while she is eating they can do their thing and afterwards she will be full. ;-)

It is just so funny. Violated....what women's studies courses have now become masters at reading arachnids? It is called anthropomorphism (I am not sure if it is spelled right) putting human connotations to animal actions.

The Biscuit Queen

Re:The real reason (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Thursday January 22, @10:07AM EST (#18)
(User #160 Info)
"The female terrantula eats the male because she is HUNGRY. I keep trying to get Dave to turn into a pizza, but it just never works!"

Hmmm, I wasn't exactly thinking "perfect Valentine's day gift" when I came across this, but... http://tinyurl.com/2t2da =D

Re:The real reason (Score:1)
by Dave K on Thursday January 22, @10:37AM EST (#19)
(User #1101 Info)
I think such arachnid conclusions are totally consistant with the intellectual level of the average womyns studies course.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:The real reason (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Thursday January 22, @11:32AM EST (#21)
(User #160 Info)
Um, after having read a brief treatise about the careless use of emoticons, I feel inspired to repost the link...
Re:The real reason (Score:2)
by jenk on Thursday January 22, @12:55PM EST (#22)
(User #1176 Info)
Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday January 22, @04:05PM EST (#23)
Most male Black Widow spiders mature in 70 days (12 y in human turms) and rarely survive beyound the age of 130 days (23 y in human terms). A man would do anything to get a girlfriend. Being one I know that.

Females mature in 90 days and live 6 months to a year (60 to 105 years in our terms)

> It could be an uncontrollable reflex. From what
> I've read the male is actually positioned partially
> in the females jaws

OK, I will look into it, but about 20% of time the male is not eaten after sex.
Re:rapists (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday January 22, @01:14AM EST (#13)
I don't know what the hell's going on here. How do you know the female feels violated? You don't know that just by her actions. That's complete bullshit that you just made up. Anyways, humans are primates not arachnids or rodents.

"They mate at about ten years of age, after which the female raises her eggs, and the male usually dies. Sometimes, the male is killed during the mating process itself, because the female takes his sperm inside her, then releases it herself into her burrow. She may, at times, eat the male for extra energy during the birthing process."

P. George

You guys missed the point BIG TIME! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday January 22, @01:58AM EST (#16)
What are you guys talking about here. I intially raised an important point. MEN are/will be legally forced to be castrated. Either chemically or physically. Why are you ranting about stupid spiders. Get it togther! Good lord.

Yes we are talking about rapists, and other sex offenders. It does not always have to be repeat offenders. But it always has to be a MAN. NEVER heard of them castrating a woman. That is called selective punishment. Imagine if we had a special punishment that was only applied to a single race, other races were excluded???!

I hope to god, none of you, or your son ever pats the wrong bum. You could very well become a sex-offender. Pat someone under 18 on the bum in the middle of a divorce, and the woman will cry sex-abuse! You will be railroaded thru the justice system-which will assume you are guilty. Never said you had to be a psychotic rapist for this to apply.

This should be a NUMBER ONE PRIORITY ISSUE for men.

And what about the human rights aspect of it?? Whay are people still so stupid today that they dont care if injustice is applied to a select group of people . It is only rapists they say.. Who cares about them? Can't you see if you allow this sort of thing to creep in.. In my mind the only ones i hope get castrated are the ones who dont give a damn about their fellow men being castrated.

We have an opportunity with this forum to do more on this important topic. THe law requiring, or allowing castration of men should be repealed!

ANGRYMAN... now i'm not only angry at the feminists who made these laws, but the stupid men who think they are a good idea too!

Re:You guys missed the point BIG TIME! (Score:1)
by MacKenna on Thursday January 22, @11:04AM EST (#20)
(User #1534 Info)
...That article sounds like it uses the same sort of "rationals" and "justifications" used for giving all those young boys and teens all those medications to "restrain" and "repress" their ("un-")natural male behavior - "It's just a man!"

The Gelding of the Brain.

(I'll bet that the next desired step of many of these Phemz is to be able legally treat/threaten the average male with "Chemocastration".)
Re:You guys missed the point BIG TIME! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday January 24, @12:55AM EST (#24)
You're quite right.
It is a serious issue.

I for one apologize for having been drawn in by that troll.

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