Smear Campaign agianst Fathers??

Hoax Bombs have been sent to various places in the UK , such as court houses, family offices etc.. The target for blame is at the Fathers' Rights Movement. Well, it is quite well known among the followers of Erin Pizzey of how she was constantly threatened with bomb threats while on her book tour. In fact Erin needed armed guards to escort across the UK. We know that Radical Feminists can be very militant, this web site has links to many of their violent protests especially with Senator Anne Cools. Make no mistake these bomb hoaxes real or not will only increase a police state in an already increasingly totalitarian society. This is huge in my opinion and will create laws to further oppress the movement. Wether it's a smear campaign against men, or; a men's group or individual becoming desperate enough to do the hoax, this will change things. Warble has described false accusations by feminist organizations as a standard procedure. I think we should consider the various alternatives and deal with them.

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