The men's movement, why bother?

Thundercloud. writes "Recently I posted some submissions about the way men are being depicted in the media. The formost thing that I found disturbing is the images of "men-in-bondage-by-woman" scenerios as well as simple gratuitous violence against men in general, that are alarmingly freaquent in movies and TV., these days.
The responses I saw disturbed me further. I kept seeing posts that said things like; "Men like being abused by women.", "Men like being dominated by women." and "Men like being treated like dirt."
This gave me pause for thought. If men LIKE being dominated, humiliated and abused by women, then what the heck are we fighting for?
On the one hand I hear men complaining about domestic violence, then turn around and say; "But we like being abused."
I hear men complain about "women haveing privliges and too much power over them", then they turn around and say; "But we WANT to be dominated by women."
I find this not only disturbing but CONFUSEING.
Either men want equality, or they DON'T. You can not have equality if one person or people have "dominion" over another.
If men WANT to be dominated by women, and abused, etc., Then they do NOT want equality, they want to be dominated.
It is at this point I am wondering if I should even be spending my energy fighting for a group of people who say one thing, but WANT just the opposite.
I hope someone can clear this up. Because it HAS to be one or the other. It can't be BOTH!
I am dis-heartened and disapointed by this "revealation" if it is true. But most of all I'm just confused. And I have enough aggravation.......-Thundercloud."

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