Scholars ask if manly virtue is all washed up

CJ writes " What is the future of manliness
itself after decades of ignominious retreat? Get a group of academic feminists together, invite a pro-male College professor, and debate the need for masculine studies on campus at Radcliffe. The head feminist asks "whether masculinity studies isn't a form of ''academic Viagra''-an attempt to resolve the culture-wide crisis of ''hetero-masculinity'' by stealing some of feminism's scholarly mojo." The article ends by implying that women have less justice than men do... unbelievable. I’d like to add that it is time to start lawsuits that demand equal budgets for studies in both sexes on college campus, just like in sports. Normative studies on masculinity are all but gone. Thirty years of hard-line feminist studies on perceived masculine socio-pathological constructs have lead to laws which are biased against men, and have resulted in the “culture-wide crisis of ''hetero-masculinity'' – time for a change."

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