MANN Chat: Do We Need an Office of Men's Health?

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (10/30),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic
for this chat will be 'Do we need an Office of Men's Health?'  The Men's Health Act
of 2001
would create an Office of Men's Health within the Department
of Health and Human Services.  However, that bill is languishing in
Congress, while men continue to suffer from the concerns the bill seeks to address.
 Some men say we need an Office of Men's Health to promote men's health
and well-being.  Other men say such an office would merely create bigger
government and more bureaucracy, and would not produce any tangible benefits
for men.  What do you say?  Join us at this week's MANN chat to
share your views on the proposed Office of Men's Health or men's health issues
generally.  Invite a friend to accompany you to the chat; he'll thank
you for it!"

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