Massachusetts Under Pressure To Revamp Support Law

Luek writes "[This] article... is about the push in Massachusetts to revise the child support and custody statutes to make them more equitable. There are some interesting statements in the piece made to the Chief Justice (a female) sic by a Father's Rights advocate, Mark Charalambous about non-custodial parents (males mostly) being at the breaking point and threatening social upheaval and unrest. Let's watch this one." Interestingly, the Boston lawyers in this piece are arguing for more child support, even in light of the recent suicide of Derrick Miller, who was ordered to pay out 82 percent of his monthly income to his wife (who made twice as much as he in one month).

Source: Massachusetts News [newspaper]

Title: Fathers See Rift Among Lawyers

Author: Unknown

Date: January 15, 2002

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