"Rising economic stress cited in domestic violence increase" leaves out male DV victims

Article here. The actions of a few criminals will shed a dark shadow across all men. Excerpt:

'The Westford man who shot his wife Monday, critically wounding her, before fatally shooting his daughter and himself is the second to allegedly kill a family member in this suburb in less than a month, and the fatal shootings are the latest in a rash of domestic killings in Massachusetts this year.

Since Jan. 9, at least five women have been killed in domestic violence. Two others were severely wounded in the total of six different incidents.

The violence has alarmed authorities and advocates for women, who point out that women’s groups are reporting dramatic increases in domestic abuse in Massachusetts and across the country.

“I haven’t seen this level of violence - and it’s not just the homicides, it’s the assaults and attempted murders - and I’ve been doing this for over 30 years.’’ said Joanne Tulonen, director of the YWCA/Battered Women’s Resources organization in Leominster, where a domestic dispute led to a knife attack on two women Sunday morning.'

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So is it possible economic or other stresses contributed to what this woman did? Sure, it's possible. But like her, any man committing murder as those described herein have no excuse. But some cannot be held to account as many hold themselves to it by committing suicide. That is not an act of power or control as feminists would have us believe, but of desperation and a total loss of hope. That isn't powerful, it's weak. Yet feminists go on their merry way accusing the male sex of all manner of inherent wickedness.

That is the kind of pressure men feel they are under to be good "providers" for women and children. Again, there is no excuse. But until or unless this part of the "revolution" takes place and men are categorically released from this kind of stress by the institutions around them, in marginal cases where you have a man who is mentally unstable to start with, this sort of thing will happen - and indeed it will happen more often as times get harder, less as times are more flush.

Now to my point: No mention at all of female DV perps or male victims. Tell me, if a man is expected to be a good "provider", would you expect him to be the object of assault by a woman who expects him to show up with some money every day despite an unbearably large unemployment rate? And when the cops show up to answer a call for service, are they likely to excuse the woman's behavior because despite its distastefulness, well, he is not showing up with the cash "like he is supposed to"?

Boston.com is owned by NYTimes.com so it should come as no surprise, really, that when it comes to dishing up half-truths with half-lies, they keep pace with one another nicely.

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and that means time to scream about each and every
act of violence anywhere against women.
just look at the increase in their take this year of
taxpayer's money.

it's really all about the $$$$.

always has been.

feminists eat and live well because of these handouts.

wonder how many new feminist lawyers will be hired to
follow law makers/judges around making sure of more man-hating laws?

downward spiral.

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