Jewish Father and Victim of Domestic Violence Seeks Legal Help against Bias and Unfair Legal Treatment For Child Custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maxim Konstantinovski, a Jewish programmer and father, is fighting for the parental rights of Jewish fathers after experiencing domestic violence, discrimination, anti-Semitism, and unfair legal treatment during his three-year child custody battle in New Jersey. A court-appointed tool, OurFamilyWizard, also seems to have been weaponized to direct continuous harassment against him throughout the process.

In his statement, “It is unbelievable that in the U.S. in 2022, Jewish fathers are still being treated by the legal system as second-class citizens. I have repeatedly suffered anti-Semitic attacks and non-stop harassment from my ex-wife, which the court has allowed to take place on a court-ordered communication tool. As a Jewish father in a custody battle, my parental and religious rights and the best interests of my son are considered less important than my ex-wife's interests throughout the process.”'

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It's not just Jewish dads getting treated like $hit. It's pretty much any dad with the temerity to want custody of his kids.

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