RADAR ALERT: Tell Sen. Biden, "Fix VAWA, Not I-VAWA"

It wasn't enough for Senator Joe Biden to destabilize American families with the passage of the Violence Against Women Act, an onerous law that has proven to be a disaster for fragile families, and, by its very title, is a venomous indictment of men.

Now Senator Biden wants to export VAWA to the rest of the world. This male-bashing law would be called the International Violence Against Women Act, or "I-VAWA." To learn more why I-VAWA would be a disaster, see this article.

But if we act now, we can convince him to drop this risky idea.

TODAY, please call/fax/write Senator Biden and politely ask him to:


Senator Biden needs to understand that VAWA is hurting families, men, and children. Before we even think about I-VAWA, we first need to fix VAWA – it shouldn't just be about violence against women. The problems with VAWA are extensively documented in RADAR's Special Reports, which can be viewed at: http://www.mediaradar.org/.


E-mail: http://biden.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
Phone: 202-224-5042
Fax: 202-224-0139
Snail mail: 201 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

Act now – we want Senator Biden to hear from thousands of concerned citizens this week!

Date of RADAR Release: January 23, 2007
Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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I sent my e-mail to Crazy Joe Biden this morning.

I still think it is a shame that of all the people who are diagnosed with terminal cancer each month Crazy Joe Biden isn't one of them!

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Do you guys really think ANY politician is going to go against any type of "anti-violence" legislation, especially if it is violence against women?* No way, not in this universe. In fact, Biden has found himself a proverbial gold-mine on this issue; he himself may not give too much of a shit about VAW, but by extending VAWA he can get the women's votes, and possibly even beat Hillary in that camp.

*This is why the RADAR attempt at stopping the continuation of VAWA was doomed to fail. Not one single legislator voted against it. For a Congressman to do so would be hanging himself. It is not the point that RADAR and other groups, were advocating not passing VAWA in it's current form, i.e. to include gender-neutral wording. That is zero percent of the point. The other 100% is that politicians know, that the general public sees it for what it is called: "The VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT". How can any politician vote against it? It is ludicrous to even think that someone would.


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It appears that Biden has a history of lying, cheating, and stealing (other people's works) to advance his career. Undoubtedly, the dim-wit is incapable of original thought. After all, isn't he just a mouth-piece for the Fem-Nazis? They call VAWA his bill; yea right, he might have held the pen, but, the Fem-Nazis did the dictating!

"It turned out Biden had also borrowed passages from old campaign speeches by Robert Kennedy and had inflated his academic record. But oratory has a long tradition of borrowing and even "heavy lifting," as speechwriters call it, so Biden stayed alive in the presidential race. The last straw, however, came when it turned out that twenty years earlier Biden had received a failing grade in a law school course for plagiarizing a legal article (he'd given a single footnote while lifting five full pages from the article). Biden said he'd been unaware of the appropriate standards for legal briefs, but the public was unimpressed. His campaign collapsed and he withdrew from the race."

Plagiarizing Puke

Duke Fiasco linked to VAWA:

R.A.D.A.R Article

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I just FAXed Joe Biden my FAX and will try to get more mail to him this week. As obstuse as Joe is he needs lots of input telling him how screwed up his domestic violence law is.

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It would be perceived as "anti-woman" to vote against VAWA, and, after all, women are 51% of the voting public.

None-the-less, VAWA is highly biased and with its funding, does much damage to society, to the detriment and at the expense of both men and women.

I faxed Mr. Biden the full Fiebert report showing >120 academic studies proving that women are as violent or more violent than last year.

Does it help? NO.
I don't know what more proof is needed. They refused to let Fiebert or any other spokesman testify before his VAWA committee, as I understand it.

If they prefer to ignore and slam the door on data, then there really is nothing we can do that appeals to logic.

This is when violent revolution becomes an increasingly viable option.

oregon dad

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As I've pointed out to you before Matt, Biden did not pass the VAWA act. The entire Congress passed it. A Republican Congress, a fact you always neglect to mention. Or other facts like how Arlen Specter and Orrin Hatch, both Republicans, both sponsored VAWA legislation when they were chairmen of the Judiciary Committee.

If you want to have a mad hate-on for Biden, fine, the man is a poser. But either you have to have a mad hate-on for Republicans like Hatch and Spector, or else *you* are a poser of a MRA.

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As I've pointed out to you before Matt, Biden did not pass the VAWA act. The entire Congress passed it. A Republican Congress, a fact you always neglect to mention. Or other facts like how Arlen Specter and Orrin Hatch, both Republicans, both sponsored VAWA legislation when they were chairmen of the Judiciary Committee.

If you want to have a mad hate-on for Biden, fine, the man is a poser. But either you have to have a mad hate-on for Republicans like Hatch and Spector, or else *you* are a poser of a MRA.

Once again you blither on about politics. No matter what the issue, it's the fault of Republicans and/or Bush. Every one of your posts for the last three years has been a political rant (fortunately, you do not post very often). This doesn't mean that politics can be ignored or that polititians shouldn't be criticized. However, your outward opinions are not based on objectivity. Instead, they are based on hatred for those you do not like. This does not promote credibility.

The VAWA is Biden's baby. If not for Biden, it is most likely that there would not be a VAWA and the world would be a better place. You are certainly correct that the entire Congress passed the act, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, but as others have pointed out, it would be political suicide for almost any politician, especially a man, not to vote for it once it did come up for a vote.

You mention Hatch and Spector (Spector is not a Republican, but a member of the Opportunist Party), but excluded other Democrats who were behind VAWA and related legislation. By your own definition, doesn't this make you a poser?

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Explain to me how men are any less screwed by Republicans pandering to feminists then by Democrats pandering to feminists, when the legislation is exactly the same? Explain to me what sense it makes to attack only Democrats when Republicans dominated the government, and happily would have kept passing VAWA and other feminist legislation if all the Democrats stayed home?

No matter what the issue, it's the fault of Republicans and/or Bush.

Show me where I've said anything remotely like that, or you are a complete fucking moron.

Every one of your posts for the last three years has been a political rant

You lie. Would have a lot more, but that's all Google came up iwth.

The VAWA is Biden's baby. If not for Biden, it is most likely that there would not be a VAWA and the world would be a better place.

. Eat it, bitch.

You mention Hatch and Spector (Spector is not a Republican, but a member of the Opportunist Party), but excluded other Democrats who were behind VAWA and related legislation. By your own definition, doesn't this make you a poser?

No, it means you are an idiot, because I didn't rattle off every Republican who supported it either. I mentioned Hatch and Specter because they were CHAIRMEN of the Judiciary Committee, and members of the MAJORITY PARTY, which means THEY HAD A LOT MORE POWER THAN BIDEN.

Look Shawn, it is quite simple. If you want to hate Biden because of the VAWA legislation, then you also have to hate several Republicans who had MORE to do with its passage than Biden. If you don't, you are a dittohead, not a MRA.

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