Texas Teacher Gets 60 Day Prison Sentence for Sex with 6th Grader

Article here. Excerpt:

'This week, 32-year-old Marka Bodine went before Harris County Judge George Glass who sentenced her to 60 days in prison and 10 years of probation following her guilty plea on the charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child, ABC13 reported. The sentence was postponed due to the recent birth of her child. She has until June 5, 2023, to report to jail. The underage victim was not the child’s father, according to a New York Post report. The defendant was an English teacher for Tomball ISD north of Houston.

The sentence came as a surprise to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, which requested a minimum sentence of 20 years in prison, District Attorney Kim Ogg revealed in a Facebook post.'

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Who are Smarter – Men or Women? Know These Scientific Studies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men and women are seen as equal in all aspects of life. Many feminism and equality movements have strengthened the position of women in society. Gone are the days when men would dominate the opposite gender by showing their so-called masculinity. Things have changed for good. Today, many women are leading companies, living freely without worrying about the opinions of society or societal norms. Women have become more liberal and less vulnerable.
According to many recent studies, women are smarter than men. So, what makes them more intelligent than the opposite gender?

Some factors include having a better memory than men, being able to handle stressful situations better than them, having the quality of multitasking, etc. It is found that women are better leaders, more careful drivers, and better students than men. Some studies also state that women are more focused and frugal than men.'

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UK: Premier League players 'will receive mandatory sexual consent training'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Premier League players and staff will reportedly have to receive mandatory sexual consent training this season.

Discussions were held between the Premier League and campaign groups End Violence for Women, the Three Hijabis and Level Up back in June over the matter of confronting 'gender-based violence', and new rules are now set to be implemented.

Shaista Aziz, co-director of the Three Hijabis, has praised the Premier League for their swift action but has hit out at the FA for their lack of urgency in dealing with the issue.'

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Yvie Jones slams 'powerful white men' in Australia and claims they are 'scared' of women and minorities

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yvie Jones slammed 'powerful white men' in Australia during Tuesday's episode of the Two Girls One Pod podcast.

The former television personality, 49, told co-host Angie Kent they are 'scared' of women and minorities, and don't want them 'to have voices'.

'Unfortunately, a lot of people think that this country has been run quite well because it's been serving them more than well,' she said.

She continued: 'Especially powerful white men who are frightened of people of colour, native people, women. They don't want any of us to have voices.'

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"Sad reason why Australian bong-smoking teacher supplied drugs to students"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A teacher who admitted to selling drugs to high school students avoided prison after she told a court she was suffering from severe mental health issues when she was filmed smoking cannabis with them.

Lauren Russell faced Sutherland Local Court on Monday after pleading guilty to supplying illegal drugs to students from Lucas Heights Community School in Sydney’s south in late 2021.

The physics teacher, who was also working as the school’s Year 12 Adviser at the time, walked free on Monday, ending a five-month ordeal in court.'

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Loss of Male Sex Chromosome Leads to Earlier Death for Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The loss of the male sex chromosome as many men age causes the heart muscle to scar and can lead to deadly heart failure, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine shows. The finding may help explain why men die, on average, several years younger than women.

UVA researcher Kenneth Walsh, Ph.D., says the new discovery suggests that men who suffer Y chromosome loss—estimated to include 40% of 70-year-olds—may particularly benefit from an existing drug that targets dangerous tissue scarring.'

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Canada: Supreme Court rules not wearing condom against partner's wishes could lead to sexual assault conviction

Article here. Excerpt:

'People who don't wear condoms during sex after being told to by their sexual partners can be convicted of sexual assault, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled today.

In its unanimous decision, the top court ruled that "stealthing" — the act of pretending to use a condom, or removing one prior to sex without the partner's consent — can violate the legal grounds for consensual sex.

"Sex with and without a condom are fundamentally and qualitatively distinct forms of physical touching," Justice Sheilah Martin wrote in the majority decision.'

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UK: Who’ll speak up for the working-class white boys who’ve become Britain’s new oppressed minority?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Britain, we are often told, is a deeply racist and intolerant society, in which sinister ‘power structures’ hold back minority ethnic groups, while the white majority push selfishly ahead.

Yet new data flies in the face of this fashionable narrative.

Following a national drive to make undergraduate intakes more ‘diverse’, figures released on Thursday by the Department for Education showed that, for the first time, white young people are now proportionately the least likely of all major ethnic groups to attend our top universities.

Among Britain’s Chinese families, some 40.7 per cent of their youngsters made it to Oxford, Cambridge and others in the elite Russell Group in 2020-21. The figures for Asian young people were 16 per cent. It was 10.7 per cent for black families — and just 10.5 per cent among white ones.

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‘Brazen Discrimination’: Cruz Grills Biden Official Over State Dept Email Allegedly Excluding ‘Straight White Men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz pressed the State Department’s chief Diversity and Inclusion officer Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley over an email allegedly excluding “straight, white men” and people of the wrong religion from being hired.

The senator argued Tuesday that the department’s Equity Action Plan, which changed hiring practices at the agency, is “nothing more than brazen discrimination.” An email from a senior department official described reports from candidates claiming to be denied a position for having a disability or for classifying as “white men, straight white men, [or] not [being] of the right religion.”

“Did you clear this guidance?” Cruz asked during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “diversity, equity and inclusion.”

“I’ve never seen that before,” Abercrombie-Winstanley said.'

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Who needs Title IX now?

Article here. Excerpt:

'By numerous educational yardsticks, it is men, not women, who today lag far behind. In most academic fields — biology, communications, the arts, public administration, education, health care, psychology, English — women now earn a majority of bachelor’s degrees.

“It is young men, more than young women, who are at risk and facing serious educational and work-related challenges,” notes Perry. Those gender disparities carry over far beyond academics. Men are much more likely than women to end up with “a variety of measures of (a) behavioral and mental health outcomes, (b) alcoholism, drug addiction, and drug overdoses, (c) suicide, murder, violent crimes, and incarceration, and (d) homelessness.”

For all that, Perry writes, it is girls and women who are favored with “a disproportionate amount of attention, resources, and financial support” at all levels of education — such as after-school and summer programs for girls, female-only scholarships and fellowships, and hundreds of women’s centers and women’s commissions.

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Colleges, courts on collision course

Article here. Excerpt:

'You're accused of a serious offense. Determined to clear your name, you agree to an interview and give a voluntary statement. The evidence against you is secret, and there’s no right to face your accuser. Weeks later, the same person who informed you of the allegation decides your punishment.

That farcical facsimile of justice is better suited to a corrupt autocracy than a constitutional republic, but if Catherine Lhamon has her way, it will become the norm at American colleges and universities.

Lhamon, the U.S. Department of Education’s assistant secretary for civil rights, is the driving force behind new Title IX regulations currently in the notice-and-comment stage of federal rulemaking. When the proposed rules take effect, colleges will face pressure to adjudicate sexual assault and harassment claims without even a cursory pretense of fairness.'

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Hockey Canada Announces Plan To Address 'Toxic Behaviours' With Focus On Masculinity & Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hockey Canada has released a new plan of action for tackling the "culture of silence," which includes a focus on "masculinity, consent and toxic behaviours."

The Action Plan — as the organization is calling it — has several key aspects aimed at a culture shift within Hockey.

These include adopting a new Universal Code of Conduct To Prevent and Address Maltreatment and creating a system for tracking and reporting complaints of mistreatment, abuse and harassment.
Hockey Canada will also be training its players, coaches, employees and volunteers about things such as consent and masculinity.

It will also be reviewing all existing training with an "independent specialist."'

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UK: Art company behind 'straight white men pass the power' posters given £3million of taxpayers' money

Article here. Excerpt:

'An art company which created posters telling straight white men to pass the power was given £3million in government funding.

The controversial posters went viral when author Douglas Murray posted a picture of one taken in Southwark, London, on Twitter.

Comments on the posters ranged from bemusement to fury at such a negative sentiment being plastered in a busy area of the capital.

One Twitter user commented: "London over years has become so detached from most of the country's sentiments, it is mental to have something like this be considered an acceptable messaging."'

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Dallas airport accused shooter has lengthy criminal record, claimed to be Chris Brown's wife, 'God's prophet'

Article here. If she were male, they wouldn't be reporting it like this. Excerpt:

'The accused female shooter at Dallas Love Field Airport has a lengthy criminal record and had previously told police that she was "God’s prophet" and was married to R&B singer-songwriter Chris Brown.

Over the past several years, 37-year-old Portia Odufuwa has faced charges including arson, robbery, criminal trespass and false reporting in cities across North Texas.

But in many of those incidents, judges deemed her incompetent to stand trial, she was referred to either or both inpatient or outpatient mental health services, and the cases were dismissed, The Dallas Morning News has reported. And as recently as last summer, a Dallas County judge ruled she was not a danger to others.

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A divorce case to watch

Article here. Excerpt:

'The woman who allegedly broke up Elon Musk and Sergey Brin's years-long friendship grew up in poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area before becoming a lawyer and dating some of the world's richest men.

Nicole Shanahan, 37, is said to have had a brief affair with Musk at Art Basel, a multi-day art event in Miami, in December of last year, which prompted her Google co-founder husband to file for divorce in January.

Brin, who is estimated to have a net worth of $95 billion, cited 'irreconcilable differences' as the reason, but The Wall Street Journal on Sunday reported that it was Musk's dalliance with Nicole that signaled the end of their marriage.

They were both in Miami for the art festival, at a time when Shanahan and Brin were reportedly already having marital problems due to the stress of COVID-19 and raising their 4-year-old daughter.

Musk, meanwhile, had just separated from girlfriend Grimes.

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