Women cops ‘insulted,’ ‘offended’ by NYPD lowering academy standards

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female cops are “insulted” by the NYPD’s efforts to boost gender equity — by lowering standards during rookie tryouts, including scrapping the timed 1.5-mile run.

The controversial shift — which former training Chief Juanita Holmes said would help more women applicants make the grade — sparked fireworks between Holmes and Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell, who sources said wanted to keep the run.

Holmes was abruptly shifted to lead the city Probation Department on March 9.

The run “will no longer be part of the final evaluation of officers” an NYPD spokesperson confirmed on Friday.

“I’m offended,” huffed one female cop on patrol Friday. “We were in the academy when it was on the fence whether or not [the run] was going to be canceled and we had to pass it to get through the academy. … If those females don’t want to put in that effort to pass the mile and a half run, I don’t think they should be cops.”'

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Canadian General Sues Trudeau Govt for Millions After Sex Assault Acquittal

Article here. Excerpt:

'Major General Fortin filed his lawsuit on Wednesday at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, alleging that the Trudeau government acted in a “reprehensible, extreme, flagrant and high-handed” manner in 2021.

Fortin was charged with sexual assault in August of 2021 as a result of allegations from 1988 when he was enrolled in the Canadian military college, but he was acquitted of the charges in December of last year, the National Post newspaper reports.

The lawsuit claims that Fortin was defamed and accuses government officials of disclosing private information inappropriately as well as negligence in their investigation, breaching confidence and conspiracy to cause damage to him.'

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When your male colleague is 'mansplaining,' here's what to do

Article here. Excerpt:

'Meanwhile, according to the study, women are actively avoiding certain male co-workers in order to avoid mansplaining, which in itself may “impact productively, limit professional networks and inhibit career progression.”

According to a recent article in The HR Digest, a trade publication for human resource professionals, the best way to deal with a mansplainer in the office is to speak up. Most of the time, the article states, these male co-workers have no idea what they’re doing wrong.

“You can start by telling them what they are doing,” the article suggests. “You can say, ‘Mr. A., you are mansplaining to me.’ Then, from this point, we are pretty sure he might not have an idea of the meaning of what you just said. Go ahead and educate him.”'

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April 4 is Foreskin Appreciation Day

Often Maligned and Mocked by Americans, Foreskin Will Have Its Day, April 4!

Not surprisingly, Americans know little about the male foreskin, the highly sensitive sheath of muscle, nerves, and blood that provides sexual stimulation and protects the head of the penis. As a result, many people mistakenly believe the foreskin is merely excess, unnecessary skin.

But intact (not circumcised) men and intactivists who are fighting to end routine male child circumcision vehemently disagree. Now, uncut men, cut men who wish they weren't, and everyone who appreciates foreskin can rejoice! Intact America is raising public awareness and appreciation of the foreskin with a day-long celebration: Foreskin Day on 4/4, April 4th—the FOREth Day of April.

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Father, 22, who attempted suicide after Eleanor Williams falsely accused him of rape tells of his fury that people still take her side

Article here. Excerpt:

'A young father who was driven to attempt suicide after fantasist Eleanor Williams falsely accused him of rape says he is 'destroyed' by the fact that there are 'still believers on her side' despite her being thrown in jail.

Jordan Trengove spent 73 days in prison in a sex offenders wing after Williams, then 19, claimed he drugged and raped her after they met in a nightclub in March 2019. She further alleged he came to her flat, threatened her with a knife and attacked her.

Angry locals who believed her lies targeted Mr Trengove, 22, by smashing his window and spray painting the word 'rapist' across his home.'

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Woman Arrested for False Rape Claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thanks to a collaboration with a law enforcement agency in South Dakota, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office has arrested a woman for falsifying a sexual assault claim. Renee Dawn Skoglund, 30, was taken into custody in Sioux Falls, SD, on Friday, March 10, after wrongfully reporting sexual battery in Hillsborough County.

"This case is truly disheartening," said Sheriff Chad Chronister." There are far too many victims faced with this type of trauma. This woman took advantage of our 911 emergency line and diverted attention from actual victims who need the viable resources available in these investigative scenarios."'

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Eleanor Williams: False rape claims have 'caused harm' to survivors

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sammy Woodhouse, who was abused in Rotherham from the age of 14, said it had set progress back "a long way".

Williams, of Barrow, Cumbria, was given an eight-and-a-half year sentence on Tuesday after lying about being raped and trafficked for sex.

The 22-year-old was convicted of perverting the course of justice.

Her Facebook post in May 2020 showing injuries she said had been inflicted by groomers was shared more than 100,000 times and sparked protests in her home town.

A trial at Preston Crown Court heard she inflicted the wounds herself using a hammer she had bought from Tesco.

Three men Williams falsely accused of rape over a three-year period tried to take their own lives.'

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UK: The bar is truly in hell if you think an all-female The Apprentice final is ‘woke sexism’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fans of The Apprentice are outraged because this is now the sixth time in a row where it is an all-female final. Yes, men are kicking off about it and I’ve got some serious second-hand embarrassment seeing their angry tweets.
I can guarantee you there wouldn’t be “uproar” from women if it was a final full of men because, and I cannot stress this enough, we wouldn’t care. At what point do we accept women winning The Apprentice isn’t tick box and they’re actually the better and more suited candidate?
If you can’t see the female contestants were better then you’re an idiot and your thoughts only prove exactly why we need female winners on our TV screens.'

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What Daughters Should Know About Dad Psychology

Article here. Excerpt:

'He wants to love you unconditionally, but your father can’t toss aside the shock-collar of patriarchal operant conditioning. The rules of manhood have become second nature for him. Now, when he looks at you, he sees an insufferable little girl version of himself. He feels an unconscious jolt of social rejection. That’s why he’s overprotective of you, but not your brothers. He has spent decades policing and imprisoning the supposedly feminine parts of himself, the things he considers weak and fragile. But he lets the supposedly masculine parts roam free. Leftover boyhood trauma distorts his parenting decisions. Please remember, it’s not you he hates, it’s all the things about himself that he’s been trained to hide away.

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Sexual politics is damaging young men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The polling company YouGov found that just 8 per cent of people have positive views of white men in their twenties, by far the lowest of any ethnicity or age group. Males are routinely presented as inherently dangerous, aggressive and animalistic, incapable of controlling their own instincts. You can see it on public transport, where government adverts announce that staring is sexual harassment. Us blokes can’t even be trusted to use our eyes properly.

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Australia: Positive masculinity program at Brighton Grammar School aims to create respectful men

Article here. Excerpt:

'For more than a decade, an all-boys school in Melbourne's leafy south-east has worked to create a program to develop its students into "respectful men".

Brighton Grammar School's positive masculinity program, +M, has been developed with mental health experts and was designed to shape perceptions of manhood.
Dr Englar-Carlson said there were a lot of buzzwords around masculinity, but the movement was focused around "healthy and adaptive" elements that needed to be cultivated in boys.

"I want to understand how we can help men be healthier and happier, and essentially improve the lives of everyone around them, including himself," Dr Englar-Carlson said.

He said it was a challenging space to work in as society tended to gravitate to what men were doing wrong.'

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Stanford employee Jennifer Gries lied about rapes to get revenge on coworker: DA

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Stanford employee who claimed she was brutally raped on campus twice by a coworker was charged with lying as part of a revenge scheme that also put some cash in her pockets.

Jennifer Gries, 25, faces felony perjury and other charges for the sham accusations, the Santa Clara District Attorney announced Wednesday.

The Housing Services employee allegedly smeared her coworker because she felt he gave her “false intention” and “turned her friends against her,” according to court documents obtained by The Post.

“Evidence shows that the Gries made up the stories due to being angry at a co-worker,” the DA’s office said in a release.'

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Married California 'Teacher of the Year' had student's pic in wallet as charges mount: DA

Article here. Excerpt:

'A married California "teacher of the year," who has been accused of sexually abusing a former student, "was obsessive, possessive, controlling and dangerous," prosecutors said in court.

Jacqueline Ma, a 34-year-old sixth-grade teacher at Lincoln Acres Elementary School in National City, was arrested twice in a week after police found more evidence against her, which was presented Monday in the Superior Court South County Division in Chula Vista.

Investigators found a picture of the 13-year-old victim's picture in her wallet, jewelry with his initials, love letters in her classroom and text exchanges that showed Ma became frustrated that the victim didn't message her back quick enough, prosecutors alleged.

She also allegedly sent explicit images to the student and coerced him to send videos back to her, according to prosecutors, who said the inappropriate behavior began when the victim was 12.'

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‘Nothing anywhere that’s ever positive about masculinity’: Kids look to Andrew Tate

Video here.

'Sky News host Paul Murray says it doesn’t surprise him that young kids look to Andrew Tate to “build themselves up” because there is “virtually nothing anywhere that’s ever positive about masculinity”.

“So you end up going off the beaten track into places like YouTube and somebody who gives you the confidence that the rest of the culture isn’t giving you becomes more attractive,” Mr Murray said.

“It doesn’t surprise me that people want to find somebody who tells how to build themselves up as opposed to what to be sorry for.”'

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Netherlands: Atheneum Halle allows girls to take lessons sitting and boys standing

Translated article here. Excerpt:

'During the first lesson, the students of the Atheneum in Halle were told that the boys had to stand and that the girls could sit. That immediately caused a buzz during math class. Because Lisa was allowed to sit down while her neighbor Thomas had to solve his exercises standing up. It was striking that the boys in particular asked questions about why they were not allowed to sit down, while the girls had less difficulty with this.

When the working group that had devised the action entered the classroom with chocolates exclusively for the girls, a discussion started. "Why does one get privileges and the other doesn't? What did we do wrong to be treated differently?" the boys wondered. "And what if we are not a boy or a girl, but transgender?".'

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