Thousands Of People Sign Two Petitions To Kick Harrison Butker Off Kansas City Chiefs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of course, the woke mob is coming for Harrison Butker now. Of course, it's trying to have him canceled by getting him fired.

It's part of the playbook. It's not surprising.

The problem here is the mob is about to run headlong into a meritocracy. The NFL struggles to cancel anybody – at least not on the first try – because NFL teams in business to win usually keep the best people around regardless of their failings.

Or perceived failings, in this case.

Butker is now in the crosshairs of multiple petitions at that -- get this -- call "upon the Kansas City Chiefs management to dismiss Harrison Butker immediately for his inappropriate conduct."

There isn't just one petition but two that are calling for Butker, the Chiefs' kicker, to get the, boot. The more prolific of those two petitions set its initial goal of 35,000 signatures. It has more than 94,538 as of Thursday morning.

The petition has, here we go, moved the goal post to now collecting 50,000 signatures.

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City of Kansas City apologizes after doxing Chiefs' Harrison Butker following faith-based commencement speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'The city of Kansas City, Missouri, has apologized after posting a message on social media revealing the residence of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker after the Super Bowl champion came under attack following his faith-based commencement speech at Benedictine College over the weekend.

The official social media account of Kansas City on Wednesday issued a brief apology on X after sparking major backlash on social media for sharing a post referencing the city where Butker resides.

"We apologies [sic] for our previous tweet. It was shared in error," the post read.'

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Sky News host reacts to YouTuber asking students to fight ‘toxic masculinity by donating testicles

Video here. Excerpt:

'Sky News host James Macpherson has reacted to a conservative YouTuber asking college students the
“ridiculous proposition” of donating a testicle to the fight against “toxic masculinity”.

“Can you imagine a more ridiculous proposition,” Mr Macpherson said.

“And yet, how ridiculous have our universities become.”'

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Conservatives Rip Lawmaker for White Men Comment: 'Needs to be Removed'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Democratic Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley has inspired conservative outrage online over a video clip showing her disapproval of "white men failing up."

Pressley, among the progressive House Democrats often collectively referred to as "the Squad," made the remark while addressing allegations of widespread sexual harassment and discrimination at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) during a House Financial Services Committee hearing on Wednesday.

The congresswoman said that she is a survivor of sexual violence while grilling FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg over a report earlier this month alleging that the agency he leads is riddled with sexual misconduct. Pressley mentioned "white men" after questioning why most of the men accused of harassing their female colleagues received no disciplinary measures.

"I am so tired of white men failing up," she added. This lack of accountability is shameful, inadequate and deeply unsatisfactory, and it is re-traumatizing."'

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UK: Math teacher trying to seek 'sympathy' and painting herself as the 'victim' because she is a woman, court hears

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mr Allman said Joynes hoped she would be 'treated very differently' and they would see the evidence 'differently' because she is a woman and not a man in the same situation.

'We have to ask in the cold light of day would Miss Joynes and those acting on her behalf appealed to your sympathy in that way if she'd been a 30-year-old man called Robert Joynes?' he asked.

He also asked whether the two boys would have 'been disparaged in the same way in attempt to discredit them' if they had been two girls of a similar age.

'Would the defence on Miss Joynes' behalf - in our theoretical scenario on Mr Joynes' behalf - have suggested to you that the girls the were the ones that wanted it to happen?' he asked.

'It could just not have taken the same lines in questions because it would have been quite obscene.'

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Erin Ruhl discusses "toxic femininity"

Video here. Erin discusses "toxic femininity" after discussing "toxic masculinity". She debunks the feminist definition of TF and points out the alternatives.

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How Feminists Are Making Women Unemployable

Video here. Remember the Grace Hopper Conference kerfuffle? The narrator uses it to outline the ways feminism's attitude towards women actually works against them in the job market.

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NCFM Files Complaint on the 107th Anniversary of the Selective Service System

Article here. Excerpt:

'NCFM is commemorating the 107th Anniversary of the Selective Service System; the law requiring
male citizens to register for the military draft by the age of eighteen, by filing a Complaint in the
Central District of California. The Complaint requests that the court deem the mandatory
registration of male citizens and immigrants a violation of Equal Protection under the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as it is unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex.

Along with NCFM, five other individual plaintiffs joined the lawsuit. Twenty-year old plaintiff Jordan
Falcon stated that he, “ was opposed to bias conscription and does not like the idea of being sent
to war based upon his gender.” Tyler McNamara, Conor McKiernan, Nicholas Milillo, and Nicolas
Mendiola are fervent supporters of the equal treatment of all sexes.

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Man v. Bear: Analysis of Bigotry

Video here. An analysis of the outright anti-male bigotry exposed by the "man v. bear" question.

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Interview with Kirsha Kaechele about the Ladies Lounge

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let’s move to the man who has placed himself at the centre of all this. I notice people have many opinions on Mr. Jason Lau. What is your take on him?

I like him. I think he’s cute. And sincerely interested in the law. It was a pleasure to be courted by him.

So you welcomed the case.

Being taken to court was a dream come true. I was utterly delighted. And I think Mr. Lau was very brave. He brought an earnest and steady resolve.

I am genuinely grateful to Mr. Lau for taking the Ladies Lounge to court, so that we may exercise the argument. He is essential to the art, and I would like everyone to leave him alone now and focus instead on the horribleness of men in general.

Do you think they are horrible?

Yes. They really are.

You say women deserve three hundred years of reparations in addition to equal rights. Do you think that is fair?

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Australia: Teacher abuse charges tossed as law didn't cover women

Article here. Excerpt:

'An ex-teacher has had her historical sex abuse charges quashed because the relevant 1970s laws did not apply to women abusing boys.

Helga Lam, a former teacher at a Sydney boys' school, had been charged with 15 counts of indecent assault on four school boys for alleged offences dating back to 1978.

But the top criminal appeal court in NSW tossed the charges on Monday, with three judges agreeing to quash the indictment.

Claims against Lam included penile-vaginal intercourse with the complainants, as well as masturbating them, performing fellatio on them and telling them to perform sex acts on her.

Three complainants were willing participants, while the fourth said "he was fearful and upset when the applicant performed sexual acts upon him", Meagher noted.

At the time of the alleged offending, the students were aged between 13 and 16.'

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UK: Female teacher accused of sleeping with boys 'was lonely and craved attention'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A "pretty" teacher accused of having sex with teenage boys has said she felt lonely and "craved" attention after a break-up - but denied sleeping with the youngsters.

Rebecca Joynes said she was impacted negatively after a nine-year relationship breakdown around the time of the Covid-19 lockdown. But she insists she never had sex with the boys.

The 30-year-old was already suspended from her high school job and on bail for alleged sexual activity with a 15-year-old, known as Boy A, when she is said to have taken the virginity of a 16-year-old, who she later fell pregnant with.'

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NYC teacher fired after texting student 28K times, sex allegations, is now teaching at different school: ‘Can’t f–king touch me’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A defiant French teacher is still in the classroom after being fired by the Department of Education — crowing that the city “can’t touch me” despite the sexually-charged accusations that got her sacked, including making nearly 30,000 late-night texts to a schoolgirl.

Dulaina Almonte, 33, lost her job at Harry S. Truman High School in The Bronx in 2020 after the Special Commissioner of Investigation substantiated claims of her creepy behavior with teens.

“I can’t be guilty if I’m still a teacher,” Almonte — who now teaches at a Bronx charter school — boasted to The Post this week.

“It’s not a crime, but still got fired, which is honestly why the DOE can suck a big pr–k,” she continued.

“Still a teacher! Can’t touch me!” she bragged.

“Still a teacher working elsewhere. Like, you really can’t f–king touch me.”

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Boy Scouts' decline = glaring example of masculinity under attack

Article here. Excerpt:

Boy Scouts has become an example of masculinity under attack in culture, Owen Strachan, the Family Research Council's senior fellow at its Center for Biblical Worldview, told Hice.

Today boys are penalized for being boys. All sorts of traits associated with good things in scripture are in today's culture – among woke, leftist, pagan thought – [considered] very bad things" said Strachan.

"If you take risks today, if you're assertive, if you speak up in groups, if you might dare to ever correct a woman in public in something like this, if you like competitive sports, if you like watching World War II movies – you better get out your blanket and hide in the closet, because they're coming for you."'

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‘Be unapologetic in your masculinity,’ Super Bowl winning kicker tells Benedictine College male students

Article here. Excerpt:

'Super Bowl winning kicker Harrison Butker ripped into COVID lockdowns and pro-abortion Catholics, like President Joe Biden, during his graduation speech at Benedictine College.

But he also encouraged students to be open to marriage and having kids, particularly directing his comments towards female students.

To male students, he told them to “be unapologetic in your masculinity,” and not listen to voices telling them they do not matter.

“As men we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in,” he said.'

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