This epidemic is America's modern civil rights challenge

Video here. "Our country must advocate for policies that empower fathers, support families and guide the fatherless"

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‘Andrew Tate is a symptom, not the problem’: why young men are turning against feminism

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'“As soon as I mention feminism, you can feel the shift in the room; they’re shuffling in their seats.” Mike Nicholson holds workshops with teenage boys about the challenges of impending manhood. Standing up for the sisterhood, it seems, is the last thing on their minds.

When Nicholson says he is a feminist himself, “I can see them look at me, like, ‘I used to like you.’”

Once Nicholson, whose programme is called Progressive Masculinity, unpacks the fact that feminism means equal rights and opportunities for women, many of the boys with whom he works are won over.

“A lot of it is bred from misunderstanding and how the word is smeared,” he says.

But he is battling against what he calls a “dominance-based model” of masculinity. “These old-fashioned, regressive ideas are having a renaissance, through your masculinity influencers – your grifters, like Andrew Tate.”'

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Psychiatrist sparks backlash by urging white men to donate part of their salary to black women

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'Dr Kali Nicole Hobson, an Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Atlanta, Georgia, has come under fire after she allegedly urged White men to donate a fraction of their salary to Black women in commemoration of Black History Month.

Black History Month is a month-long celebration of African American history and achievement, observed from February 1 to March 1. On February 2, 2024, Dr Kali Nicole Hobson took on TikTok and urged white men to donate a small portion of their salary to Black women to show they are “dedicated to equity” as Black women have historically been paid less than white men in any profession.'

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The Gen Z gender gap is widening, and the influence of manosphere podcasters can't be ignored

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'Gen Z are increasingly getting further apart in their ideological opinions, polls keep showing.

While women aged 18 and 29 have gotten more liberal in their beliefs every year, young men haven't and are less likely to care about political issues or participate in protests, according to an analysis by Daniel Cox, the director of the Survey Center on American Life.

Half of young men also believe they face some kind of discrimination, and less than half identify as feminists. Only half support the #MeToo movement, compared to nearly three-quarters of women.

Sharing the data, journalist and lawyer Imani Gandy commented on the pattern, saying: "YouTube algorithms are turning young men into sociopaths."

She might have a point.'

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UK: Urgent action required to tackle ‘endemic’ misogyny faced by women in the music industry, WEC warns

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'WEC’s ‘Misogyny in Music’ report laid bare a “boys’ club” where sexual harassment and abuse is common, and the non-reporting of such incidents is high. Victims who do speak out struggle to be believed or may find their career ends as a consequence.

Despite increases in representation, women encounter limitations in opportunity, a lack of support and persistent unequal pay; these issues are intensified for women facing intersectional barriers, particularly racial discrimination, the report found.

Female artists are routinely undervalued and undermined, endure a focus on their physical appearance in a way that men are not subjected to, and have to work far harder to get the recognition their ability merits.

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Masculinity and women’s equality: study finds emerging gender divide in young people’s attitudes

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'Young people’s attitudes to masculinity and women’s equality show signs of an emerging gender divide, with the views of men and women often differing more within younger, rather than older, generations, according to a new study.

The findings, from King’s College London’s Policy Institute and Global Institute for Women’s Leadership in partnership with Ipsos, shows the gender split in views is starkest among the young when it comes to how helpful the term “toxic masculinity” is, whether it’s harder to be a man than a woman today, whether feminism has done more good or harm to society, and approval of the influencer Andrew Tate.

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Female university professors blame sexism for removal of women college presidents

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'Sexism motivated the resignations of University of Pennsylvania president Elizabeth Magill and Harvard president Claudine Gay, several professors argued Sunday.

The New York Times’ report "The Campus Wars Aren’t About Gender … Are They?" interviewed multiple female professors and university employees on the controversies surrounding Magill and Gay as well as Sally Kornbluth following their congressional testimonies in December. At the time, the women came under fire for avoiding the question of whether calling for the genocide of Jews violated their campus codes of conduct.

"It depends on the context," Gay responded.

Though many called for their resignations following their comments, some faculty members suggested their gender was also a factor.'

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Montgomery County library event reverses pricing scheme that discriminated against White men

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'Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich has called the gender- and race-based rates charged to vendors at a county library event “illegal,” forcing the library to change the rates after The Washington Times exposed the discriminatory pricing structure.

The MoComCon event at the Germantown Library and BlackRock Center for the Arts, the county’s take on the popular Comic-Con gatherings, charged the highest vendor rates for businesses owned by White men and reserved lower rates for women and minorities.

Mr. Elrich, a Democrat, said it was the first time he had heard about the different vendor prices when asked about it at a press conference after the report in The Times.

“If they’re doing it, I can’t see how that’s not illegal,” he said. “We’re pretty clear that we don’t have different rates for different races.”'

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Central NY business files lawsuit accusing New York cannabis office of bias against white men

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'A Central New York business owned by a white man has filed a lawsuit against New York’s cannabis management agency accusing it of racial and gender bias.

The business, Valencia AG of Jamesville, claims the “social and economic equity” provisions in the state’s licensing of cannabis businesses violate the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection clause by giving preference to women and people of color. The lawsuit, filed this week in U.S. District Court in Syracuse, names the state’s Office of Cannabis Management, its director and its board members as defendants.

Valencia was recently ranked at number 2,042 in a state cannabis office list of 2,232 potential applicants, behind many businesses who qualified under the social equity provisions. There are roughly 1,800 social equity applicants ranked higher on what was supposed to be a “randomized” list, the lawsuit notes. The agency in fact gave extra weight to social equity applicants in the process, the lawsuit says.

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Army Reveals It Fired Female Commander in Troubled Brigade After Claims of Sexual Assaults on Male Soldiers

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'A female Army officer was fired from command of a unit based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord amid allegations of multiple sexual assaults against several male subordinates and a pattern of sexual harassment, according to a service spokesperson.

Col. Meghann Sullivan served as commander of the 5th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade, at the base in Washington state. She was relieved of command Oct. 13, but this is the first time her firing has been reported.
Sullivan, who did not immediately return a request for comment, is still in the service and was reassigned to I Corps, based out of the same installation. She is seemingly not facing a court-martial, according to a review of the public-facing court docket. It was unclear whether she had hired an attorney.

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5 Questions With DU’s New Associate Director of Prevention and Masculinities Engagement

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'Justin Stoeckle came to the University of Denver last October as the first associate director of prevention and masculinities engagement, which falls under the Health Promotion team within the Health and Counseling Center (HCC). The University of Denver Magazine caught up with him to find out more about his role.

Can you describe your role at DU?

I support our office's efforts in raising awareness and educating students about interpersonal violence and prevention. I also create programs and other opportunities for students to engage in the work of promoting healthy masculinities by providing space for education, reflection, community and, in turn, cultivating the next generation of inclusive leaders.

What are some examples of the programming that you offer for students?

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AOC claims Trump is so popular among Republicans because he reaffirms 'insecure men's idea of masculinity'

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'Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reasoned that Donald Trump is so popular among Republicans because he reaffirms 'insecure' men and white people and their ideas on gender and race.
'Donald Trump is what you actually get when you want a politician to embody all of your hopes and dreams and caricature of yourselves. Donald Trump affirms insecure men’s idea of masculinity. They affirm insecure people’s idea of wealth,' she said on the 'I've Had It' podcast with hosts Jennifer Welch and Angie "Pumps" Sullivan, 'insecure white folks’ idea of race.''

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Woman, 32, who stabbed her boyfriend 100 times to death in weed-induced frenzy is sentenced to just 100 hours community service

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'A California woman who stabbed her boyfriend 100 times and killed him, before turning the knife on herself and her dog, has been handed just 100 hours of community service.

Bryn Spejcher, 32, was given the astonishingly low sentence following psychiatrists' ruling that the tragedy was '100 percent' caused by cannabis-induced psychosis, which she suffered after taking two hits of the victim's bong.

The judge ruled that Spejcher 'experienced a psychotic break from reality' and 'had no control over her actions' when she killed Chad O'Melia, then 26, on Memorial Day weekend 2018.

She will spend the 100 hours educating others on marijuana-induced psychosis - but has promised to spend the rest of her life debunking the myth that cannabis is harmless.

O'Melia's family cried when the sentence was read out at Ventura Superior Court, with the victim's father warning it gave 'everyone who smokes marijuana in this state a license to kill’.

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‘Sorry, chaps, but feminism hasn’t gone nearly far enough’

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'Every couple of years since the dawn of time – or at the very least, feminism – a study will be released which shows that some people think the movement has gone too far. Those people will mostly be male, but the researchers carrying out the poll will be sure to find a healthy dollop of females who have also had enough of feminism, to prove that the men they surveyed weren’t all reactionary old dinosaurs/sex-starved incels, just decent, hard-working blokes who have had enough of all this Votes for Women rubbish.

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Half of Spanish men feel discriminated against amid feminism backlash

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'Almost half of all Spanish men say feminism has gone too far and they are now discriminated against, according to findings which revealed nearly a third of women agree with them.

Spain has pivoted towards feminist-friendly policies in recent years under Pedro Sánchez, its Left-wing prime minister.

Some 44 per cent of men agreed that society had “come so far in promoting women’s equality that men are now being discriminated against”, according to the survey by Spain’s National Centre for Sociological Research.

Almost one-third of women also agreed with the statement.

The male respondents most likely to feel discriminated against were young. In the 16-24 age group, 52 per cent felt that the drive for women’s equality had gone too far.

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